It’s too busy to make one-to-one fingers for students recently

. running shin sleeves

       Do you have dystonia and sing out of tune; Never sing, dare not sing, can’t keep up with the accompaniment; Often have k-song entertainment, singing in general, not very confident; People who want to further improve their singing level; I hope my singing can reach professional level; The network celebrity anchor wants to further study professionally; Want to participate in competitions, activities and grade examination through learning; Want to become a little singer through learning; Get rid of the embarrassment of not being able to sing            We are a multi platform exclusive strategic cooperation, focusing on Teaching for 13 years and formulating targeted teaching plans according to our own voice conditions,        What if there is no foundation???        Intonation: solve singing out of tune;        Rhythm: solve the problem of not keeping up with the accompaniment;        Breath: solve singing with your voice;       Phonation: scientific phonation and voice use      Song practice: solve problems through actual singing;      Through learning to achieve results: singing is no longer out of tune, you can keep up with the accompaniment of the song; No longer sing in a white voice, but sing with breath; No longer afraid of singing, enhance self-confidence; Find your own voice domain; Understand the important skills in singing; Both high and low voices can be sung well; Can sing with all kinds of resonance; Find your own singing style             There are a lot of people adding to the group once it is launched


It will take two months for the group to fill up




If you don’t add it, you can’t pull you into the group


Please understand that the group is almost full at present


By KingWay