compression socks running

So when you start running, you feel full of energy


In the first 90 seconds or so, in order to release more ATP, cells begin to decompose glycogen, a form of glucose fuel stored in muscle


Your body will start burning stored calories (in general, runners can burn about 100 calories per 1.6 kilometers), including some body fat


Nothing can stop you from running


At the end of 30 minutes, when you slow down and walk to relax, your body’s energy demand decreases and your breathing rate gradually returns to normal


In addition to getting from muscle cells, cells also take glucose directly from the blood to provide fuel for exercise, which is one of the reasons why exercise helps to prevent hyperglycemia


Today Xiaobian tells you how the body reacts during 30 minutes of running? For the first few seconds – walking fast, the energy comes from the energy molecule produced by food decomposition – adenosine triphosphate (ATP)


At this time, the body absorbs a lot of glucose, and the muscles begin to release lactic acid


From brisk walking to slow breathing, muscles produce lactic acid, muscles ache, sweat like rain, burn fat, heart beat faster, deer bump, little face crimson


At the same time, you will start to sweat like rain


Keep running and “fall in love” with running-


When you start to take a step, the largest muscle groups of your body – gluteus maximus, thigh and core muscles will help you keep your body straight, control your gait and extend your hips so that your feet can leave the ground


Once you burn glycogen and oxygen, it will raise your body temperature


You will feel energetic, because your brain is releasing the emotional and pleasant hormone dopamine, which makes you realize how good exercise is, and will reduce your desire for sweets such as chocolate


Is this the feeling of love in the legend? These are your feelings


When the body is in good shape within 10 minutes, the supply of muscle and ATP should be sufficient, and the body can efficiently transport oxygen, burn fat and glucose


You will feel full of strength and can run fast and far


However, if you don’t have regular exercise habits at ordinary times, ATP will be in short supply and can’t quickly absorb or process oxygen, resulting in lactic acid accumulation and suffering every minute


At this point, you will experience the legendary ‘runner climax’


Congratulations, you have entered the stage of running for 30 minutes


At this time, you will show a healthy and ruddy appearance


Lactic acid makes you feel burning during exercise and sends a signal to the brain that the body is under pressure


At this time, ATP is being transformed into another high-power molecule: adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and muscle cells will convert ADP into ATP again


In order to use glucose effectively, muscle cells need a large amount of oxygen, and breathing becomes heavy


If you still want to eat snacks to reward yourself after hard practice, don’t worry, because you have made room to store glycogen, and these calories are less likely to be converted into fat


In the next few minutes, your heart will beat faster and your blood will concentrate from less needed places, such as digestive organs, to the muscle cells in vigorous operation


By KingWay