The doctor once told me to strengthen physical exercise after I was discharged from the hospital


   Keep running with a cold   The 60 year old Uncle Li is still puzzled


Liu has the symptoms of rhabdomyolysis and myocarditis


The body should also use it appropriately and take it in a proper way


Insist   Quick success can give you a skill, but it can’t give you a skill


Strenuous exercise during a cold will increase the burden on the heart, lung and other systems and lead to danger


At 36 kilometers, he had difficulty breathing, dizziness and blurred consciousness, and then he was sent to the hospital


It is precisely because of this that more and more people begin to run and love running


If you stick to it, you will see more scenery and meet better yourself


Her body has been out of shape due to lack of exercise for a long time


Gratitude   Thank yourself for your healthy body and your awareness of not falling behind; Be grateful for the friends who take you into the running circle and the brothers who run with you; Thanksgiving is not bad for me in bed and sweating


It seems that running takes up time


Running once and running a hundred times are different feelings


Liu began to have diarrhea after he arrived in Nanjing, but he still challenged the whole process with illness




In particular, many young people think they are in good health


When there is too much running, running with illness, overload running, and suddenly try high-intensity training, these will be harmful to the body


According to the doctor’s diagnosis, Mr


Running is an economic, safe and free way of fitness


The sweat will not betray, keep giving, just want to feel the wind whistling in your ears when you run faster, and want to see a more beautiful instant world


I thought that running and sweating would get better quickly


The doctor said that before, she had also been diagnosed with myocarditis caused by strenuous exercise during a cold


However, there are always advantages and disadvantages


Obviously, running is a physical exercise, but why did he become the culprit of his asthma attack? What’s more, he was sent to ICU for rescue


As you run more and more roads, you will have a new view of life and life


Running is a virtue, but excess is extravagance! Moderate running is good for health, but many runners are eager for success because of over training and over frequent competition, pursuing Pb, ranking, bonus, wanting to be a great God, pursuing finish medals, self deception and so on   Marathon with illness   In the 2016 Nanjing marathon, Mr


Liu had to continue to fight, was only half a month apart!   Overload running training   Miss Liu, 27, is a company employee


After running often, you will find that you are more and more cheerful, younger and younger, better living habits, stronger physique and vigorous energy


How to plan an hour’s exercise from a busy life is not only an ability, but also a determination to pursue freedom




At the beginning, Miss Ma ran on the treadmill for more than one hour every day and also received the effect of weight loss, which made her very excited, so she began to increase the amount gradually without running rest, and even ran for more than three hours every day


The powerful and bright three views will take root in your heart, and there will be fewer and fewer narrow and shady “small”


Accompanied by his family, he rushed to the emergency department of the hospital at more than 2 a.m


For different people, the amount of exercise their body can bear is different


After running for a while, you know that running plans the time


O’Keefe said that in a 30-year health study involving 50000 people, the 14000 runners in the study were 19% less likely to die than those who didn’t exercise


I didn’t take it seriously


The situation is very dangerous


Once you feel the powerful weight loss effect of running, you will have less fear of eating and drinking, and take the big run after a hangover as the last straw


Two years ago, I got asthma


Liu, who had been out of danger, whether he would continue to run the marathon in the future, his answer was very firm and he would run again




But no, Miss Ma felt her feet sore and there was blood in her urine after she got up, so she hurried to the hospital and was also diagnosed as “rhabdomyolysis syndrome”


You never know what you’re going to get next


In fact, as early as 2012, cardiologists James O’Keefe and Carl Ravi, who love running, wrote in medical magazines that running too much is dangerous


Uncle Li is a running enthusiast


This hobby has persisted for two years


He runs at least two kilometers every day


Some even insist on exercise during their illness and adhere to the so-called “exercise therapy”


However, the beneficiaries of longevity are limited to those who run 8 to 50 kilometers a week


However, in the face of “excessive exercise”, everyone may show different situations.


Later, when the reporter interviewed Mr


Hope   Don’t abandon yourself because of the bottleneck of performance or physical discomfort


Unconsciously, runners have these excellent virtues


Since then, Uncle Li has been running every day“ I happened to catch a cold again in those days


The Shanghai marathon, which Mr


Nothing can be achieved overnight


Self discipline   Laissez faire, disorderly and disorderly, running is easy to become a stumbling block


Similarly, running two to five days a week is better for your health than running every day


O’Keefe suggests that those who love running should limit their exercise time to 30 to 60 minutes a day“ A marathon should be seen as something to do occasionally or once in a lifetime, not as a regular challenge


Although running is good, don’t go too far


Grinding a sword in ten years is another experience


Temperance   It’s easy for runners to go to the other extreme, from the deliberate diet at the beginning to the recklessness at the back


If my physique is good, I will not get sick easily..




Whether physically or psychologically, running can promote metabolism, improve physical function, burn fat, relieve mood, reduce pressure, release energy, have high-quality sleep and so on


There may be only a slight difference between healthy running and overtraining


Justice   Running will not only make us feel happier, but also make us feel happier


After a cold, they often support serious symptoms on the grounds of busy work and academic tension


For most people, especially children, the weak and the elderly, taking part in physical exercise when they have a cold is harmful


Life is like a box of chocolates


Unexpectedly, I suddenly felt more and more laborious breathing and severe asthma in the middle of the night..


After more than 20 kilometers, he felt physical problems, but he still didn’t withdraw from the race


Even if running can’t make you thin into a lightning bolt, it’s good to become a healthy, flexible and happy fat man


Only by persistence can we understand the difference


Driven by her friends, she got a fitness card a month ago


Besides, running fast may catch thieves!   6


The doctor initially judged that there was an acute attack of bronchial asthma and immediately transferred to ICU for emergency non-invasive ventilator application


Everything at this moment is worthy of gratitude


It can exercise at any time and anywhere


On the contrary, those who “run too far” do not seem to take advantage of those who do not run


One thing, a taste is an experience


Every step is not in vain

. running waist packs

” O’Keefe believes that without long-term effective training, vigorous exercise for more than one or two hours will damage the heart, lead to tissue stretching, tearing and trauma, and increase the risk of changes in heart rhythm




“Uncle Li was in a hurry


By KingWay