Introduction: many people often insist on running for their health, especially in the morning or evening


Some people often run on an empty stomach in the morning, and running will consume calories to ensure the operation of the body




Moderate exercise if there is no basis for exercise, don’t exercise too much at ordinary times






Warm up before running and stretch after running


Because now people’s fitness awareness has been greatly improved


Long term excessive exercise will cause excessive pressure on facial cells, so it is easy to get old


Weight loss and slimming running can also lose weight, but it will be effective only after more than three months, so we must persevere in the process of running


Protect the lungs


During exercise, the time should be about 45 minutes as far as possible, so as to help the body burn fat and calories


In fact, this is normal


In peacetime, exercise appropriately in combination with the actual situation


how to run correctly? 1


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You should supplement nutrients on time and in quantity three meals a day to delay the rate of aging


Running can also accelerate the basic metabolism of the body, promote the release of dopamine from the brain, keep people happy and improve their mental state


Running can decompose fat and delay the rate of aging


You should warm up before running to avoid muscle strain, and stretch after running to avoid lactic acid accumulation and muscle pain


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Conclusion: while exercising, we should also pay attention to supplement nutrition for the body to avoid accelerating the speed of aging


The lungs belong to respiratory organs

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Supplement nutrition to lose weight, in addition to running, you should also control your diet properly






In order to achieve the goal of weight loss as soon as possible, some people exercise too much, causing their body to be too tired, which will accelerate the speed of aging


If you often exercise too much, it will hurt your body, so you should make a running plan according to the actual situation


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benefits of running 1


Don’t blindly increase the amount of exercise in order to achieve the purpose of weight loss, which will restrict yourself and increase your burden


Strong bones during running, the bones and joints of the body will participate, which can enhance the flexibility of the joints, make the joints more flexible and avoid osteoporosis


With the improvement of living standards, many people now have the problem of obesity, which makes the body prone to chronic diseases


Speeding up blood circulation, persisting in running can also speed up blood circulation, deliver oxygen and blood to body organs and tissues, enhance vascular elasticity, and be conducive to vascular health


When running, you can insist on 3 ~ 5 times a week


Although it has an effect, it is easy to get old


Why does long-term running get old? In order to lose weight, many people often insist on running


Now most young people are under great pressure, resulting in too much mental tension


Moreover, when exercising, we should also exercise appropriately in combination with the actual situation to avoid excessive exercise..


So before running, we can eat something properly, which can provide energy for the body and delay the speed of aging


They can also release the pressure by running at ordinary times




Relieve the pressure


You should adopt the principle of step by step and increase the amount of exercise in turn


Running can enhance lung capacity and avoid lung diseases




At ordinary times, we should also pay attention to supplement protein, which can improve the skin condition, make the skin compact, elastic and younger


Avoid fasting


They can breathe in oxygen and ensure the normal oxygen supply to the brain


If the body lacks energy, it will consume protein and fat in the body, resulting in people becoming thinner and aging faster


Some people don’t want to go to the gym for exercise, so they will keep running


By KingWay