It is not only the weather itself that makes running dangerous, but also some runners’ contempt for danger


Unfortunately, although heatstroke is well known and dangerous, many runners still choose to ignore it and continue running until they are completely unable to support it


Coffee, tea, soda and alcohol all have diuretic effects


In case of heat stroke patients, they should be quickly transferred to a cool and ventilated place, and drink cold saline and other drinks to supplement the lost salt and water


Previously, a runner in Zhejiang had to run for 20 kilometers during a morning run, and finally fainted to the ground


If water and salt are not supplemented in time, the condition may deteriorate, collapse may occur, and even fainting may occur in severe cases


After running, you should replenish water immediately


If the weather is cooler, you should replenish water at least every 35-40 minutes


they may have rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, liver failure and so on


Heatstroke refers to an acute disease with central nervous and / or cardiovascular dysfunction as the main manifestation due to dysfunction of thermoregulation center or failure of sweat gland function and excessive loss of water and electrolyte in an environment with high temperature or humidity


Severe heatstroke is likely to be fatal


If these people exercise regularly, they are more likely to be dehydrated

. compression socks running

Stop when you should stop and slow down when you should


Author / corduroy editor / corduroy production / after the fall of Macondo running research laboratory, the weather is getting hotter and hotter day by day


In severe cases, multiple organ system failure may occur, and the mortality is high


Weight can also be used to calculate


The symptoms of hyponatremia are similar to severe dehydration and heatstroke


Patients usually get sick after strenuous exercise in hot weather, sweat a lot, and their heart rate can reach 160-180 beats / min


Sweating helps to cool the body, but if you excrete too much sweat and don’t replenish enough water, dehydration will occur


Many medical experts believe that in modern society, many people are in a state of continuous dehydration


01 dehydration in fact, although dehydration is more likely to occur in summer, it does not occur only in summer


Hyponatremia is also called water poisoning


Therefore, it is important to always maintain an adequate amount of drinking water


Although hyponatremia rarely occurs, special attention should be paid to long-distance training in summer


The earliest symptom of hyponatremia is a craving for salty food


Pay attention to replenishing a small amount of water many times


The symptoms of heatstroke are very similar to heat exhaustion, but the progress of heatstroke is more rapid: dizziness; Weak legs, may fall at any time; Fuzzy thinking; Heartbeat and pulse speed up; Stop sweating and skin fever; Body temperature up to 40 ℃ or higher; Loss of consciousness; Convulsions or epilepsy; Coma; What should I do in case of heatstroke? Get medical treatment immediately if possible


Symptoms of dehydration include dizziness, fatigue and numbness of hands and feet


Adequate drinking water can protect the body’s metabolism, maintain the balance of the internal environment, prevent stones and excrete too much uric acid


Sweating heavily in hot weather can help cool the human body, but a large loss of water and salt will make the legs and body muscles twitch and the whole body weak


To prevent hyponatremia, if you run for more than an hour and don’t need to lose weight, you’d better take some sports drinks, which can supplement the sodium, potassium and other trace elements we lose


Although sometimes the weather will be slightly cooler because of rainfall, because of the high humidity, you will still sweat a lot and get wet after running for a few kilometers


If you run for more than an hour, sports drinks are a good choice


Weigh your weight before and after running, sweat 1kg, and replenish 1.5kg of water, that is, the amount of replenishment is 1.5 times the amount of body fluid loss


His kidney and lungs were damaged due to heat radiation disease, but fortunately, he improved after 4 days in ICU


Have you ever seen some runners massage their calves on the roadside? It’s probably because they have heat cramps


Heat cramps cause cramps because you excrete too much sweat, resulting in an imbalance of body fluids and the loss of too much salt


When running in summer, you must run with your brain


Running in hot weather increases perspiration, which can lead to dehydration


Severe dehydration will also be accompanied by vomiting, blurred vision, severe dehydration, unconsciousness, spasmodic convulsions, etc


Two hours before running, you should consume about 500 ml of water


If possible, replenish salt water; Massage muscles after pain relief; Cool your body with a wet towel; Look for shade and stay away from the sun; 03 heat failure heat failure refers to the failure of blood circulation due to labor or exercise in a high temperature environment


Heat radiation disease is a clinical syndrome characterized by skin burning, disturbance of consciousness and multiple organ system injury


To relieve heat cramps, you should do this: stop running; Replenish water immediately, which can be white water or sports drink


06 heat stroke heat stroke is the most serious type of heat stroke


They should then be rushed to the hospital


05 hyponatremia in the past few years, hyponatremia has attracted more and more attention


Hyponatremia occurs when the sodium content in the body drops to a dangerous level


First, move them to a cool place and quickly cool their bodies


Otherwise, these six diseases are likely to find you


If your urine is dark yellow instead of light yellow or even transparent, it means you need to continue to replenish water


How to avoid? In case of early symptoms, stop running immediately and rest in the shade or indoors in time


Once you’ve reached the level of heat cramps, it’s too late to try rehydration during your run


If you feel thirsty, you can drink more


Typical symptoms: dizziness, dizziness; Cold skin, goose bumps, especially the trunk and arms; Nausea and vomiting; Moderate or even severe headache; Weak legs and pale complexion; Decreased physical coordination; My heart beats faster; Sweating heavily; Muscle spasm; How to alleviate? Stop running immediately; Seek medical help; Drink plenty of water, including sports drinks; Look for shade; Lie down and raise your feet above your heart; 04 heatstroke is familiar to everyone


If you’ve been running for less than 30 minutes and you’ve hydrated before you start your run, you may no longer need to hydrate during your run


In recent years, with the global warming, the incidence and mortality of heatstroke have increased year by year


What should I do? According to the advice given by doctor clove, people should consume 1.5-2 liters of water every day, drink a cup every 2-3 hours, and don’t wait for thirst


Running in summer depends not on self-discipline, but on the brain


Drink salty drinks to supplement water and electrolytes.


Some people take these liquids every day, but don’t drink at least the same amount of water, which makes them dehydrated


Drinking early, a small amount and many times is very important


Although experts have long studied the disease, it has not attracted people’s attention until the marathon boom in recent years


Running in summer is full of dangers for runners


If the weather is too hot, you need to drink more


02 heat cramp heat cramp refers to the muscle spasm of the arm, leg or abdomen caused by overwork in a hot environment


Through the color of urine, you can also know whether you have added enough water


During running, take about 200 ml of water every 20 minutes


How much water is suitable for drinking? Every 30 minutes = 500 ml of water


This is because you intake too much water, and the intake is much higher than the amount of excretion, so that the retention of water in the body causes * the decrease of plasma osmotic pressure and the increase of circulating blood volume


This can replenish the lost body fluid and help the body cool down


Therefore, people will be confused with it and drink a lot of water, resulting in more serious hyponatremia


By KingWay