Don’t be ashamed of being satisfied with your appearance


Raise your legs high and lie prone on the flat plate to support your body, so as to make a basic posture of lying prone on the flat plate


While lifting the body, twist slightly to the right, and put both hands near the right hip joint


Push the ball away from your body while your feet are fixed on the ball, and straighten your legs


As a runner, regular strength training is one of the important things you can do


Given that you only need to train for just one hour a week, this is a great reward






You can also change your posture to make the movement more difficult – your hands and fingers form a triangle and always stay under your head


Don’t equate “core muscle strength” with abdominal muscle



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Don’t try to do strength training only when you recover from a physical injury


Precautions for strength training 1


Be sure to focus on muscle strength rather than “beach muscle”


The training is mainly composed of simple exercises that can be carried out everywhere, focusing on the muscle groups most used in running


The hamstring stretches face up and lies on your back on the ground, with your head and shoulders on the ground, your knees bent, and the soles of your feet flat on the ball


Repeat 10 times on both sides of the body


Straighten your arms and fold your hands up and down


Proper exercise can help you improve running efficiency, reduce running risk, improve running posture, delay aging speed, make your body thinner and look better


Each leg lasts 30 seconds




Source: Mabu’s introduction to marathon: running, thinking and eating like a champion of POMA, published by the people’s Posts and Telecommunications Press   Melos integrated waterproof waist bag   More fit, no shaking, multi pocket design, more capacity




Repeat 10 times


In order to increase the difficulty of movement, one foot is extended forward and the other foot is suspended above the sphere




Repeat 10 times for each leg


Be sure to pay attention to signs of imbalance or weakness


Return to the initial position after counting to 3




Slowly press the body down until the nose is close to the ground, and then raise the body again to return to the original position


When you become familiar with this sport, you can fix a lighter ankle weighting bag at the lower leg


Today, Xiaobian will share with you five strength training for runners


Don’t care about things like how much supine push I can do


Be sure to make strength training an integral part of the whole training plan


Adductor intensive training, lie on the right side of the body, put the left foot on the edge of the high stool or chair, keep the body balanced, straighten the right leg, lift the right foot to the left foot, close together, and then put it down


Roll your belly, cross lift and lie on your back on the ground, bend your legs and knees, and put your feet flat on the ground


Repeat 10 times for each leg


We must pay more and more attention to strength training as we grow older


Contract your abdominal muscles and lift your body slowly


If you want to further improve the difficulty, use your hands to form a triangle and place it in front of your head at the same time


Lift the right leg from the ground and bend it at an angle of 90 degrees, then raise it as high as possible




Try to keep your elbows always under your body and not open to your sides


Don’t let strength training distract you from your most important running training




Complete 10 ~ 20 push ups


Practice! Let yourself run better and faster! Push ups, practice the core pose – hands, palms and toes on the ground, arms straight, in a straight line from head to ankle


Restore the initial posture


Be sure to add upper limb movement to the training


By KingWay