Without exercise, no matter how good nutrition and enough sleep, we can’t talk about a healthy lifestyle


Running is also one of the best weight loss exercises


What is mitochondria? Mitochondria are energy engineering in muscle fiber cells


The sports system becomes strong and strong


The energy metabolism system becomes suitable for long-term exercise and running, which increases the number and volume of mitochondria




The enhancement of enzyme activity can significantly accelerate the decomposition of sugar and fat, so as to provide more energy for exercise per unit time; In other words, the increased activity of aerobic metabolic enzymes can increase your power output and make you run faster


Running not only cultivates our spirit of concentration and hard work, but also makes us more perseverance, courage and confidence to insist on doing something and make it happen


This is why runners look thin


Form a firm belief and strong will


Running is also conducive to joint health, making joints more flexible and stable, and increasing the strength of joint ligaments and cartilage thickness


Mao Daqing later started running under the promotion of Yu Liang (president of Vanke Group) and others


What is enzyme? Enzyme is the catalyst to promote chemical reaction


  In addition, running increased the activity of aerobic metabolic enzymes


Healthy mood and less psychological problems


Exercise is conducive to work


Enjoy a real quality of life


This is the positive impact of endurance sports on people’s work and life


After successfully losing weight, they gradually grow into mature runners




Running can not only significantly improve the level of health, but also prevent a variety of chronic diseases, because the American sports medicine association puts forward that “exercise is a good doctor”


Running can not only effectively promote physical health, but also one of the best ways to improve mental health


click ☝   Blue word, focus on smart running


Exercise is so important that we compare exercise with health


In other words, improving cardiopulmonary function through running will have a positive and far-reaching impact on health


  Among the celebrities who beat depression with running, the most representative is Mao Daqing, the former senior vice president of Vanke


After a few months, he found that his mental state had improved and successfully got rid of depression


Running makes bones strong and hard, which can effectively fight osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures


People with lower body fat rate, good figure and good endurance are not fat, because for running, which needs to overcome weight, too much fat will only increase the burden on the body; Therefore, a low body fat rate (9-12% for men and 14-17% for women) is one of the necessary conditions to become an elite runner


Many runners just start running to lose weight


From body to behavior, these 10 changes can be seen


It is obvious that running often has fewer colds and recovers faster even if they catch a cold


Jogging has a good preventive effect on hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other serious diseases that seriously endanger people’s health


In addition to preventing a large number of chronic diseases, running can also improve the weak people prone to cold and people with chronic fatigue syndrome


However, under the limit intensity, the heart can still work efficiently


Of course, this does not mean that runners lack muscle, but that runners pass long-term training, Formed a specific type of muscle fiber, their muscle shape is different from bodybuilders


Running is a typical cardiopulmonary endurance exercise




This feeling is really real for people with running habits


In today’s society where mental work has become the main way of work, exercise significantly improves brain cognitive ability, including memory ability, thinking speed, concentration and academic achievement


The incidence of osteoarthritis in fitness runners was only 3.5%, while that in sedentary people was 10.2%


Strengthening cardiopulmonary endurance through running can not only make you work more lasting and effective without excessive fatigue, but also revive faster after fatigue




If you want to lose weight by running, you may need to run for some time to see the effect, but running improves your mood is different


The heart of people who often run has these typical characteristics: the quiet heart rate is low, the heart rate at the same pace during running is low, the maximum heart rate at the ultimate intensity is higher, the cardiac systolic and diastolic capacity is significantly enhanced, each systolic ejection can provide more blood to the whole body, and each diastolic relaxation can collect more return blood from the vein, So as to be fully prepared for the next ejection


The sports system is composed of bones, muscles and joints


The cardiopulmonary function is significantly enhanced


Being thin and strong makes runners one of the best groups


The whole person’s living condition is very bad, and the doctor diagnosed depression


Oxygen from breathing, glycogen and fat from muscle and blood are finally transported to mitochondria, where oxidative decomposition is completed to provide energy required for exercise


Sports may not make us immortal, nor can running make us live a long life, but it can make us enjoy a healthy life with high quality every day.

. running beanie

Therefore, in a quiet state, runners only need less heartbeat times to meet the blood supply needs of the whole body, showing a saving performance




The so-called “running Baili only hurts the knee” is one of the biggest misunderstandings about running


5, less diseases, and a significant increase in physical health


No matter how long the running distance is, no matter how difficult the route is, no matter how tired you feel, you should stick to it as far as possible until the moment you finish running, which requires firm faith and strong will quality


After running, your bad mood will be swept away


Exercise is the most important part of a positive and healthy lifestyle


By the end of 2016, the American Heart Association had identified cardiopulmonary endurance as the “fifth largest” vital sign


Exercise transforms the brain


If you are in a bad mood, you just go running


Reducing the occurrence of chronic diseases is to prolong human health and life


Specifically, it can help people organize their daily work and make work plans more orderly, better manage themselves, and perform their work and complete tasks in the best way


Endurance exercise increases the number and volume of mitochondria, which is certainly conducive to endurance performance






Running is a boring sport in the eyes of many people, but runners enjoy it


Anxiety and depression are the two most common adverse mental states; As the most effective weapon against mental health problems, running is a good way to alleviate and eliminate anxiety and depression


As we all know, chronic diseases are the main cause of death


To put it bluntly, runners can carry it better! 9


Running is the most popular sport


In 2012, his pace of life was disordered due to poor market, pressure, alcoholism and many other reasons


If you insist on running, what important changes will happen to you? The following is the most incisive summary


The characteristic of slow muscle fibers is that the muscle fibers are relatively slender, rather than as bulky as fast muscle fibers


Work more continuously and effectively and recover from fatigue faster


Running can transform fast muscle fibers into slow muscle fibers, so that more muscle fibers can be recruited in endurance sports


Running will have a positive impact on bones, muscles and joints


In today’s fast-paced and high-pressure social environment, people’s emergence of various mental health problems has obviously become a high probability event


Many scientific studies strongly support that cardiopulmonary endurance has been proved to be a more powerful predictor of death risk than traditional risk factors such as smoking, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia


By KingWay