Lack of exercise diversity, especially not enough strength training, is one of the biggest misunderstandings of dieters


Compared with those losers who gave up halfway, she finally persevered


Through running, let them be in better shape, more confident and sunny


Most people take aerobic exercise such as running as a sharp tool to lose weight


Strength training has been paid more and more attention in weight loss exercise prescription


They were extremely thin, but they had serious skin fat, which was not only unsightly, but also caused skin problems such as eczema due to skin accumulation


Due to the lack of subcutaneous fat support, the inelastic skin will droop and pile up, becoming the skin we see


In fact, strength training is a very important link for weight loss




She really has perseverance, rain or shine, and keeps running, so that she can achieve transformation


Strength training can try to avoid excessive loss of these muscle tissues


I gasped for breath in two steps and stopped in three steps, but I still kept running every day


At the beginning, I couldn’t run


Just focus on continuous high-intensity aerobic running, while losing fat, not many muscles are also losing, and the skin will naturally relax


  Why do you have redundant skin after losing weight? The redundant skin is actually the loose skin


In such a vicious circle, nutrition has been seriously poor


She is not the only one who has succeeded in losing weight quickly by running alone, but she dare not take off her clothes after losing weight, because it’s really scary




As a result, she is very thin! Insist on strength training to make the body have lines, soft and firm, and the skin firm


She used to be a fat man of 204 kg


Please pay attention to her stomach


It is more beautiful to lose weight, just as many people lament: losing weight is comparable to cosmetic surgery


She was hit and began to lose weight


The decline of metabolism can only make them eat less to lose weight


This is the last week, and she didn’t relax at all


Strength training is mainly the movement of trunk and limb muscles, which can bring more benefits to our body: 1


Her skin is seriously loose


Strength exercise has a coordinating effect on aerobic exercise




She had only a small waist and no skin


People with this mentality tend to eat less, but weight loss leads to a decline in metabolism


However, running to lose weight should not be eager for success


On their stomachs, they left a lot of loose fat, which looked like the skin of the elderly


An American woman was called a hippo by a childish child in the swimming pool


Coincidentally, sunny Vee, a German girl, has also transformed her body through a 20 week weight loss plan, but there are still no sequelae of weight loss at the beginning


The speed of fat reduction is too fast, which makes it too late for the skin to shrink


The increase of muscle content can improve the metabolic rate in quiet state


In the case of dietary calorie restriction, muscle tissue accounts for 25% of the weight lost


In addition, she also liked running, became a hobby and began to participate in various running competitions


Haruki Murakami once said, “the reason why I started running is to lose weight, and running is undoubtedly the best way.” I believe that around us, many runners fall in love with running through weight loss



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Although they looked thin when wearing clothes, they still ran and lost weight when taking off their clothes


The healthy skin has retraction elasticity, but the obese people have too much subcutaneous fat, which leads to the excessive stretching of the skin muscle fibers and the decrease of elasticity


Her weight loss method is not just running


People with more muscle consume more energy than people with less muscle, which will also be conducive to fat combustion


  The reason of excessive thin skin   1


It should be adjusted appropriately according to the physical condition of different physique, and we should also grasp our running speed and quantity


Through the interview and investigation of the above personnel, it is found that they have something in common: heavy weight, fast weight loss, only running or single aerobic exercise, so they lead to abdominal skin, and even look a few years old when they lose weight


Even, she was successful in slimming, a successful Internet sports star, and participated in fitness competitions


The following girl is often ridiculed because of her obesity, so she summoned up her courage, set up a flag and vowed to lose weight to the end, so she began her running plan


I didn’t give up or abandon


However, due to proper weight loss control and strength training, she lost weight in more than 10 months


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Losing weight should have been a beautiful thing


This is the power of persistence


After the age of 40, with the increase of age and the decrease of muscle, the metabolic rate in quiet state will decrease at the rate of 1 ~ 3% per year, which is one of the reasons for obesity after middle age


In addition to arranging a certain amount of aerobic training, she also has a variety of strength training


Generally speaking, if the speed of fat reduction exceeds 2 kg / week, it can be regarded as rapid weight loss! 4


As a result, she is very thin! The comparison is like this: not only lost 28 kg, the clothes were 3 yards smaller, and the running pace was faster for 2 minutes! In fact, the knowledge about aerobic exercise to lose weight has been relatively popular


The early strength exercise will accelerate the fat utilization in the later aerobic exercise, which is the best effect of exercise to lose weight


Before turning out the wedding dress, it is completely two painting styles


In addition to arranging a certain amount of aerobic training, she also has a variety of strength training


Her weight loss method is not just running


Lose weight through exercise + diet control, or even through weight loss surgery


Big belly, thick fat accumulation in the abdomen


Even in ice and snow, she still ran on the road


At this time, only epiphyte excision


The same is running to lose weight, the same is sudden thin, but the results are completely different


However, after running to lose weight, her body became extremely thin, but there was a surprising side effect, that is, her abdominal skin was seriously loose


Therefore, in addition to losing weight step by step, runners also need to add strength training to their daily running, so that their bodies can maintain a healthy, strong and fast running state, and their skin is firm and not old


Maintain and increase the muscle content in the body


By KingWay