Rather than feel lonely in the carnival of a group of people, it is better to harvest surprises in one’s solitude


They have added thousands of wechat friends, but they can’t find anyone to talk to when they lose sleep late at night; They seem to have a wide range of contacts and know all kinds of great people, but no one is willing to lend a helping hand when they need help


Three thousand casual friends are not as good as one or two confidants; Not everyone is worth being friends


The more friends are not the better


Don’t always waste your energy on others




It’s better to let each other go than to be friends by force


It can’t be reduced; If you want to resign and take the postgraduate entrance examination, she said that you have worked so long and can’t pass the examination if you want to; When you have a new boyfriend, she will comment on it and find faults..


If you can’t provide practical benefits to others, no amount of tactful communication will help.


She took it for granted that you were good to her; If you are slighted, she will blame you for being too cold and stingy


There are not a few people like old Joe


A set of friends in front of and behind


They firmly believe that “contacts are money contacts”


The stronger the person, the more eager he is to be alone, and the more he likes to be alone, the more powerful he tends to become


The ability to be alone is one of the important signs of a person’s maturity


His wife was the only one taking care of him


As Schopenhauer wrote in the wisdom of life: social gatherings require people to make sacrifices, and the more a person has a unique personality, the harder it is to make such sacrifices


In his opinion, the value of being alone is much greater than having dinner with many officials and celebrities


They only consume their friends around them


Among friends with different views, the most basic thing is congenial and not tired


You like people to be lively, but he just wants to be quiet and alone; You like to eat snail powder


In order not to spoil the fun of others, they still refuse to come


True friendship is not noisy


Contacts are not timely help, but icing on the cake


They seem to have friends all over the world


As the saying goes, you know who you are, but you don’t know what you want


When you are not strong enough, all contacts are ineffective


Such a friend may not have a bad heart, but when you are together, apart from silence, it is an awkward conversation without speculation


As a result, they vomit in the middle of the night..


03 low quality social intercourse is not as good as high-quality solitude


Not all people are worthy of deep friendship


Some people are used to being “giant babies” since childhood


Before making friends, you must understand each other’s character


The really powerful people never need to cater to other people’s preferences and wronged themselves to have a good relationship with others


In order to please others, they waste a lot of time and energy in vain, but they can’t get half a word of concern from others


Only those who are disturbed by the outside world can create their own value


When alone, a poor man will feel all his pities, while a man with rich thoughts will only feel his rich thoughts


Although I know a lot of fair weather friends, I found that few people take him seriously at the critical moment


Always consume your friends






Obviously, I don’t like the excitement, and I’m afraid that others say I’m not sociable, so I have to bite the bullet and chat with a group of unfamiliar people; Mingming didn’t finish his homework


If the three views are too different, even getting along will become a kind of torture


There are too many important things in life


They enjoy high-quality solitude more than low-quality social networking


When you get a fitness card, she laughs at your heat for three minutes


They are close to you face to face, turn around and speak ill of you; The surface cheers you up, and the back makes you stumble and do hands and feet; You treat him as your confidant and he treats you as a fool

. running waist packs

When you really need help, they often run faster than anyone else


They just want to get a moment of superiority by suppressing you


When he saw me coming, he said with emotion, “I’ve been in hospital for a few days


It’s better to get rid of it as soon as possible


She wants to go shopping and watch movies


Talk and do things also need more brains


Some people meet is luck, some people know is bad luck


In fact, they know that the dominant factor in the social field is definitely not friendship, but fashion, interest or boredom


Some people not only can’t bring you happiness and growth, but also often add obstacles to you


Li Ka Shing once warned young people: when you are not strong enough and excellent enough, don’t spend too much valuable time socializing and attending all kinds of parties


I went to see him with fruit


Those who always spend their energy on “junk social intercourse” are either to fill their inner loneliness or to cover up their incompetence


Finally, the exam was a mess; Obviously, they can’t drink


As soon as his roommate called, he teamed up with him to play games


She doesn’t care whether you have finished your work or not; She wanted to buy this and that, but refused to work hard to make money, so she regarded you as an ATM..


Zhou Guoping’s remark hit the nail on the head: people who are keen on social networking often boast that they have many friends


Just keep a polite distance from those who don’t get along


She has to take you with her


If you also have the following four kinds of “friends”, you’d better stay away as soon as possible


People who can’t see your good friends often worship strangers from afar, but envy their friends around us, so we always have people who pour cold water on you


None of the friends who drank together didn’t come, but you took the time.” I asked him, “do you still like to join the fun so much in the future?” He shook his head: “such an impersonal Wine Bureau will never go again.” Old Joe has known me for many years


If some parties disrupt your normal life, just refuse directly; If a friend brings you more pain than happiness, invite him out of his life


Even Bill Gates, who has a wide range of busy people, should adhere to the “thinking week” twice a year


Two days ago, my friend old Joe drank stomach bleeding in a liquor store and was rushed to the hospital


With such a person, you are like falling into the mud, exhausted and splashed with mud


In fact, they are just bragging and playing tricks; Some people are close to you at the party, but they can’t remember your name when they meet next time


You can only say three words when you meet people, but you can’t give up all your heart


You should spend more time reading, improving professional skills and meeting your customers


Text: SONGFENG   Source: reading at ten o’clock (ID: duhaoshu) 01 not all parties are worth attending


They will not bring any benefits except adding several names to your address book


She make complaints about your mood for several days, and make you feel bad


That’s the case with some hypocritical friends


The three views are different, and there is no need for strong integration


He is also quite proud of himself, often boasting that he knows so and so boss and so and so tycoon


There is a saying: a false friend is more terrible than an honest enemy


He is a regular at all kinds of parties


During this time, he would hide in a lake cabin, cut off all social networks, thank customers behind closed doors, and only use it to read and think and study the next decision


Those who often hit you are not really good for you


He says it smells disgusting; You talk a lot about your favorite movies, but he feels insipid..


They don’t have the ability to be independent and don’t know how to be grateful


Meaningless parties and wine Inns will only consume your energy and lower your quality of life


Finally, she will add: I said this because I have a good relationship with you


When they see a party, the Wine Bureau flocks to them for fear that they will be forgotten by others


He is forthright and good at drinking


You don’t have to be friends with everyone


Do you mind? Remember, a good relationship is by no means a shield for “mouth poison”


Some people call you brothers at the wine table


It is most appropriate to call this low-quality social networking “junk social networking”


The best contact is yourself


Give up those useless social contacts and improve yourself, so that your world can be bigger




By KingWay