Your feet are close to the toe cap but don’t feel tight (your toes should have some room to move)


In addition, you tend to bend towards your knees; Your legs are more flexible in mechanics and your body can better withstand the effects of force




So although you were born with bare feet, once you put on shoes, your brain works with your muscles to learn how to walk in shoes, and then learn how to run in shoes




I know that there are really many cool looking running shoes on the market, but you should choose those useful shoes and don’t care about the appearance of the shoes


Disadvantages of barefoot running before you throw your running shoes into the dustbin, let me ask you this question: do you wear shoes most of your life? Do you wear running shoes most of the time? If your answer is yes, don’t throw your sneakers yet


Benefits of barefoot running 1


This book turns our attention to the soles of our feet and makes us wonder whether we will become healthier and faster runners if we don’t wear running shoes


They have to work in a way they are not used to, which is a way they haven’t learned yet




Think back to this question: your brain is eager to learn


So far, many years have passed, and all your sports chains have been very skilled in wearing shoes


Only a few people can run long distances without injury in minimalist shoes, but all of us can benefit from the style advantages of these shoes


Why? When your hind feet touch the ground, your feet stretch farther and your legs are straighter


There is no sudden stop


Let’s take you to study this case




Is it better to run without shoes? This issue has been debated since the publication of Christopher McDougall’s book “born to run” in 2009




If the shoe store has a treadmill, it will let you use their treadmill, or let you go out and run a little distance in the street




close to the heel


Leave a thumb space between your longest toe (possibly the second toe) and the top of your shoe


Running more efficiently may mean running faster


In addition to the details, do the shoes feel comfortable on your feet? Ask yourself, is this the right pair of running shoes for me? 6




Such a store will have the best styles to choose from and the most professional service to ensure that the shoes fit


How to buy a suitable pair of running shoes by the way, in addition to maintaining the rhythm, another important reason to wear proven sports shoes is that the right shoes can help correct foot movement problems that may lead to injury


If you decide to start running barefoot today, you may not only be scratched by stones or glass on the road, but also face muscle damage, especially the Achilles tendon and calf muscles




Buy in a professional running shoe store


The stronger the feet and ankles, the less likely they are to be injured


Your toes should not collide with the front of your shoes unless you happen to prefer black toes


Running shoes encourage rear feet to land, which may be more vulnerable to injury






Barefoot running can enhance the strength of feet and ankles, because these two parts need more force without shoe support


So I’ll give some suggestions if you want to try minimalist shoes: wear them for short runs, and then apply this running style and posture to your daily shoes






He wants to help you live the healthiest life


The value of barefoot running is that you can move in shorter and faster strides – 170-180 strides per minute are ideal


The key is suitability


Your heels should not slide up and down, or your feet will wear blisters

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Put on your shoes and try a run


Barefoot running can move the landing part to the middle of the foot


Don’t be afraid


Check the following appropriate factors: A


Your feet touch your body and the ground below your center of gravity


Therefore, you will “brake” when you land, and such a sudden stop will increase the pressure on your legs


Compared with the trend, it pays more attention to the function


When you land in the middle of your foot, you spend less time standing during your run


The above content comes from the prevention and recovery of running injury published by the people’s post and Telecommunications Publishing House   Melos integrated waterproof waist bag   More fit, no shaking, multi pocket design, more capacity


So you see, this problem varies from person to person, and there is no one size fits all conclusion


Shoes should feel comfortable: your feet should not slide inside the shoes, like the goods in a ship sailing on the stormy sea


If Goldilocks is a runner, she will do just the right foot movements – not too much, not too little, but just right


Try different shoes to find the most comfortable pair




Buy it in the evening or at nightfall, when your feet are slightly swollen during the day, just like what you experience when you run, so you should try on your shoes when your feet are at their maximum


Even turning all your training into minimalist shoes is slightly risky




Running shoes are designed to protect your feet from sticks and stones, and to prevent damage when you adjust your ideal foot movements


In other words, train your mind and body to shorten the stride, keep the weight balance on your feet when wearing minimalist shoes, and then adopt this style when wearing normal shoes


By KingWay