Via: joinfit no one wants to put the label of “fat” on themselves, but it is often very helpless


Once the rapid fat reduction measures are stopped, it is easy to get fat back, even heavier than the original weight




The resistance is weakened


Don’t feed yourself so fat and reduce yourself so hard –


She was hit and began to lose fat


The normal operation of human endocrine system depends on the stability of hormone level, and the balance of hormone level needs the support of nutritional raw materials – sugar, fat, protein, vitamins, etc


Two steps, one breath, three steps and one stop






Lack of diversity of exercise, especially not enough strength training, is one of the biggest misunderstandings of fat reducers


Just focus on continuous high-intensity aerobic running


When the metabolic rate decreases, it is generally provided with a low calorie diet for one day, or by dieting and food, so as to achieve the purpose of losing weight in a short time


If you want to lose to the ideal weight, it will only be more and more difficult again


However, due to proper rhythm control and strength training, she has only a small waist and no skin after losing weight in more than 10 months


Even if they don’t offend people, they are often ridiculed


When taking a car, many people don’t welcome fat people to sit next to them, because they occupy too much land and are too crowded


The wedding dress before turning out is completely two painting styles


The decline of metabolism can only be reduced by eating less


When the intake of heat is lower than the basic needs of the human body, the human body will adjust the metabolic rate in order to maintain normal physiological operation, and reduce the metabolic rate to reduce the basic heat consumption of the human body


Compared with those losers, her advantage was to stick to it and fell in love with running rain or shine, All kinds of running do lose weight quickly


Most of the easy hair loss is due to insufficient nutrient intake, resulting in abnormal metabolism in the body, which will seriously cause hair loss, withered and yellow hair color, dry hair, etc


Why do some people lose their skin and look old after crazy reduction? The answer is: anxious


Her skin is seriously loose


There was such a girl who decided to run to lose fat because she was too fat and got sick


Losing weight should be a good thing


Organ dysfunction in the case of long-term hunger, due to insufficient intake of calories and nutrients, coupled with a large loss of body water and decomposition of muscle protein, it is easy to cause temporary liver and kidney dysfunction, affect gastrointestinal function due to repeated weight loss and decline of metabolic rate, and prone to adverse consequences such as dyspepsia or gastrointestinal diseases




This mentality has led to many problems


Rapid fat reduction is an easy misunderstanding for many people


The result is that she is very thin! The figure is wired, soft and medium, and just participated in the fitness competition




Once a 204 kg fat man, her fat reduction method is not just running


It is also stimulated and reduced fat, but some people are completely different




In such a vicious circle, nutrition has been seriously poor


Great aunt’s weight drops rapidly in a short time


So when you return to a normal diet, you will not be able to consume calories in the body, resulting in fat accumulation and obesity


Due to rapid fat reduction, most of them are low calorie intake, unbalanced nutrition or insufficient nutrient intake, coupled with the decomposition of muscle protein caused by rapid fat reduction, resulting in poor physical strength


At the beginning, she couldn’t run


People with this mentality tend to eat less, but weight loss leads to a decline in metabolism






People who lose fat excessively may eat very little meat, rice, or only vegetables and fruits for a long time, and some may even go on an extreme diet, resulting in insufficient nutritional intake and low energy, resulting in serious confusion of the endocrine system, resulting in menstrual confusion or even menopause


In addition to arranging a certain amount of aerobic training, she also has a variety of strength training


Not only will it not make you look younger, but it will make you older




Because it is too scary




Although wearing clothes looks thin, taking off clothes is still very hot! How harmful will it be for women to only do aerobic + diet + rapid fat reduction? 1


These people have something in common: heavy weight, fast fat loss After running, it looks a few years older

. running waist packs

The speed of fat reduction is too fast, which makes it too late for the skin to shrink


She is not the only one who loses weight quickly by running


Generally speaking, the speed of fat reduction of more than 2 kg / week is fast


It is easy to rebound and it is more and more difficult to lose weight again




At the same time of fat loss, not many muscles are also losing, and the skin will naturally relax


She dare not take off her clothes after losing fat..


So he silently set up a flag and vowed to carry out fat reduction to the end


An American woman was called a hippo by a childish child in a swimming pool


For women, the most obvious physical warning indicator is the menstrual cycle


The first idea is to run, which naturally becomes the standard for fat reducers


By KingWay