When running, most people like to concentrate their thoughts on their thighs, pay less attention to the rotation of their hips, and like to pay attention to the movements of their thighs


It plays a pivotal role in the middle of the body


At the beginning, I will not get used to it and feel that it takes more energy, but after a long time of repeated work, I will gradually get used to and realize the benefits of this technology


However, when the knee is straightened, the hip flexion angle can only reach 80 ~ 90 °


The red circle in the above figure is the place where the thigh bone is connected with the pelvis, that is, the hip joint


It can also rotate internally and externally at an angle of 45 °


It’s not as simple as you think.


The increase of step length and step frequency depends on the rotation of hip joint


  Use your waist strength to improve your grades


The “angular displacement” rather than “linear displacement” of the hip during running should be “rotation” rather than “translation”


  The muscles that make the thigh rotate outward at the hip joint: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, iliopsoas, piriformis, internal obturator muscle and external obturator muscle


In short, they should learn to “send the hip”


The whole person sits on his waist and pushes forward completely by his thighs


   03 hip joint and its muscle group   From the perspective of motor anatomy, the hip joint can complete many movements, flexion and extension on the frontal plane


They drive their hips with their thighs, rather than with their hips as the axis


  Sending the hip is not a violent swing, not a sharp twist


  In fact, it’s easy to understand


   Look at the Anatomical Chart


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06 how to “send hips”?   The so-called “hip delivery” refers to the joint movement of the pelvis around the hip joint of the supporting leg during running


The area with the green line in the picture is the place where the root of the thigh is connected with the lower abdomen, which is called the groin


This also shows the importance of hip delivery technology


Both legs run like rolling wheels


It’s all from the same line


  In the sagittal plane, the angle of adduction and abduction is 45 °


Because the obturator nerve governs the knee joint at the same time, the first manifestation of hip joint problems is knee joint pain


Anatomically speaking, the hip joint is mainly composed of the femoral head of the femur and the acetabulum of the hip bone


  This requires a process


With the palm covering the groin, you can obviously feel the thigh bone moving up and down, while the pelvis is motionless


  05 what is the difference between giving hips and not giving hips during running?   In short, running for people who can’t send their hips is like sitting running


  Didn’t I mention the movement angle of the hip in all directions? When the movement angle in one direction is insufficient, you can improve it by relaxing the muscles in this functional position


  Good hip delivery can not only give you a large stride, run faster, but also save more effort


The typical hip sending movement is shown in the race walkers


The angle of flexion is about 125 ° and the angle of extension is about 15 °


  This is actually a typical run that uses the thigh to drive the lower leg without using the hip rotation


  However, there are many runners who don’t know which part of their body is the hip joint

. compression sleeve shin splints

  The muscles that extend the thigh at the hip joint: gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, semitendinosus, Semimembranous, biceps femoris, long head and adductor major


  For advanced runners who want to pursue results, they should do the running method of “taking the hip as the axis, the core, driving the thigh, and the thigh with the calf”


In this way, the center of gravity of the human body can be moved forward, and the swing amplitude of the swinging leg can be increased, so as to increase the stride, and then improve the pace


01 what is hip joint?   Anatomically speaking, the hip joint is different from what we usually call the crotch


Finally, it can make a circle, that is, a circle


There is an active and passive problem in this, and the resultant force formed is very different


  The muscles that retract the thigh at the hip joint: gracilis, pubis, adductor brevis, adductor longus and adductor magnus


  Hip retraction mainly depends on the strength of thigh posterior group and hip muscle group, which is the weakness of ordinary athletes


  That connection point is the position of the hip joint


  In the middle and long distance running, the quality of hip delivery technology directly affects the improvement of stride length and the speed of stride frequency


  The stride frequency and stride length are the two decisive factors of running speed, which will directly affect the running performance


  People who can send their hips run like flying


  The muscles that make the thigh rotate inward at the hip joint: gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, pubis, adductor major, tensor fascia lata, semitendinosus and sartorius


  Functionally, the muscles that bend the thigh at the hip joint: iliopsoas, sartorius, pubis, rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata


The center of gravity is pressed back and the stride can’t be opened


  02 how to find your hip joint?   In the standing position, cover the palm on one side of the groin, and then bend the knee and lift the ipsilateral leg, that is, lift the thigh bone upward


This is not good


It looks very heavy


The center of gravity is always in front of the outside of the body, and the center of gravity is pushed


If something goes wrong above, it must be unavoidable below


After forming a joint force, the technical action will be significantly improved, the speed will be faster and the running will be easier


When you can clearly feel the difference between the proprioceptive control of hip and thigh muscles, you can control the force order and coordination relationship between them


  Usually, we often say that when running, we should actively send the hip when the legs swing forward and fold, and pay attention to the rotation and relaxation of the hip


  When running, the waist does not move


  Today, let’s talk about the “golden technology” in running – hip delivery


In the eyes of many people, running is to step out your legs and make your legs upside down


Let’s do a popular science first


  Feel the rotation of the hip during running, regard the hip as the center of force, drive the legs with the hip, and improve the control ability of the hip muscles


  The muscles that abduct the thigh at the hip joint: the upper part of gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, piriformis and tensor fascia lata


  The nerve that mainly governs the hip joint is the obturator nerve


  This slight concealed lateral waist force and small details of natural hip delivery need to be experienced slowly through training


Slow hip retraction is also one of the main reasons for slow gait frequency


  Active hip delivery in running technology will twist the waist


The nerves that dominate the hip joint are two in front and two in front, including the femoral nerve and obturator nerve in front; The back includes sciatic nerve and superior gluteal nerve


We should consciously use the strength of the waist to run faster


  04 relationship between hip joint and knee pain   It’s about the nerves in the hip


  There are many sports that use hip delivery technology, most of which are running and jumping, such as sprint, middle and long distance running, race walking and jumping


Therefore, the training of hip sending technology is very important for runners who want to pursue performance


Generally speaking, it is the joint that connects the thigh bone with the pelvis


In fact, when the thigh drives the calf and extends the hip joint, it is the time to use the waist force


  The hip joint supports the upper body of the human body and leads the activities of the lower limbs


By KingWay