LV Youyong, Professor of Peking University Cancer Hospital and Secretary General of China cancer genome collaboration alliance, told Science and Technology Daily: “cancer itself has examples of self-healing


The mass disappeared and all the indicators of cancer cells returned to normal


After finding out her breast cancer in 2009, she had undergone 3 operations and radiotherapy and chemotherapy


Her body temperature is high in these two hours; Then I went to the swimming pool and my temperature dropped again


A year later, she went to the hospital for examination


Even if they run sweating, their body temperature is still about 37 ℃


” LV Youyong told reporters, “therefore, green treatment is more advocated for tumors, that is, the development of accurate diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation based on molecular typing and classification; Special attention should be paid to the physical and mental pain caused by disease treatment, which should not be greater than the pain caused by the disease itself


The main point in this article is that cancer cells like constant temperature and are afraid of both heat and cold




” LV Youyong said, “but people themselves are thermostatic animals


Such cold and hot temperature therapy is one of the reasons why Chen Jiumei cured cancer


57 year old Chen Jiu Mei lived in New York


Cancer patients only have low fever and insufficient immune function


Chemotherapy is to raise the body temperature and keep it for a period of time by injecting liquid medicine, and then inject a drug to lower the body temperature and keep it for a period of time


It may be that when Chen Jiumei gave up hospital treatment, the tumor cells and normal cells in her body were in balance, and the patient could survive with tumor


Can soaking in bleach kill cancer cells? In addition to the view that cancer cells are afraid of heat and cold, the article also mentioned that Chen Jiumei swims every day and soaks in bleach for an hour, which not only reduces her body temperature, but also in alkaline water


As for the so-called soda water drip, LV Youyong told reporters that soda is sodium bicarbonate


If the body has been maintaining a weak alkaline environment, it is better


Finally, the doctor suggested giving up treatment




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So, is it true that people who often have a fever are not easy to get cancer“ Fever is a process of mobilizing the body’s immune function


The key of bleach is not alkaline, but strong oxidation


People often feel that their physical state after a cold is better than that before a cold


” Cancer cells are really afraid of heat and cold


Vinegar is the most commonly eaten, and vinegar itself is weakly alkaline substances


Through running, swimming, relaxing and changing the original living habits or ways, the body state can be conditioned and restored, especially the patient’s spirit and mood can be improved


The body temperature is high to fever, and the body temperature is low to tremble


It is impossible for their body temperature to rise enough to kill cancer cells


Although the doctor said there was no way, the patient was treated by a good comprehensive scheme


Because the local blood circulation of the tumor is not very good, and the local water content is relatively large, if microwave heating is used, the local temperature of the tumor will be higher than that of normal tissue, so microwave heating can kill tumor cells without damaging normal cells


If the immune state of the body recovers healthily, especially due to the improvement of lifestyle, it is also possible for the body to remove tumor cells in the body.” LV Youyong said that in a positive sense, this case can also be regarded as a typical case of “individualized” rehabilitation


Therefore, it is recommended to avoid excessive use of antibiotics when you have a cold and fever, but the elderly and children are prone to complications and high risk, so you should pay special attention and take medicine under the guidance of a doctor


Now some people think that the acidic constitution is not good, so they advocate eating some alkaline substances


People have skin cuticle protection, and immersion will not work


There was an article circulated in WeChat’s circle of friends


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This treatment method has been applied in clinic


Green tumor treatment is worth advocating “the body itself can have a strong self-regulation force


Is chemotherapy really an injection of drugs to raise and lower the body temperature? Can running and swimming raise and lower the temperature of the human body, and then kill cancer cells? Dr


Liu, MD of the University of Michigan and internal medicine of Johns Hopkins Hospital, told the science and Technology Daily: “chemotherapeutic drugs have many different mechanisms, some for DNA induced apoptosis, some for specific mutated gene products, but there are absolutely no chemotherapeutic drugs for temperature changes.”“ In theory, tumor cells are more sensitive to a certain temperature than normal cells, such as 43 ℃


Then, doesn’t bleaching water immersion also play such a role? In this regard, LV Youyong said: “the blood itself is weakly alkaline

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Liu pointed out that the pH value of human blood is between 7.35 and 7.45, and any change will be fatal


are weakly alkaline natural products


In this way, we can kill cancer cells


In the past, someone with acidosis could drip sodium bicarbonate, but the relationship with cancer treatment needs to be further studied


It can not be said that it is completely impossible


After she came home from the hospital, she ran for two hours and swam for one hour every day


” LV Youyong said


After returning, her spirit and mood relaxed, her lifestyle changed, and she lived in a place with good beach, sunshine and air


And when people catch a cold, they usually rest more, drink more water, eat more light and nutritious food, and get the care of their families


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Studies have shown that matrine, as an inhibitor of protease, can change the pH in cells, but these are still in the research stage and there is no final conclusion


““ Weakly alkaline substances may have antitumor effects, such as artemisinin, quinine, matrine, etc


Often have a fever is not easy to get cancer? Another view of the article is that people who often have high fever will not get cancer


For example, the tumor subsides after the tumor patient is seriously infected and has a fever


This article advocates that exercise and lifestyle change are beneficial, but some of the biological characteristics and views of cancer are not accurate


The main function of running and swimming is to promote the metabolism of the body, accelerate the excretion of waste, and increase the repair and immune ability of the body


” LV Youyong told reporters, “some people think that the incidence of cancer caused by frequent colds and fever may be smaller, but this view is only based on the description of general phenomena and needs large-scale population research data


But it is certain that cold and fever can mobilize the body’s natural immune ability


It is precisely because fever is to mobilize the body’s natural immune function and maintain the balance of the body’s metabolism


When people are old, all aspects of the body’s response are low, and there will be less colds and fever; In fact, the elderly can’t afford to have a high fever


Chen Jiumei runs for two hours every day, sweating all over her head


Some Italians use soda drops into their veins to kill cancer


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In particular, regular exercise is very beneficial to improve the body’s metabolism, natural immunity and self-healing ability“ Tumor is actually a chronic disease, but due to the high mortality rate, the existing classical treatment methods are mainly aimed at the tumor itself, and lack of conditioning the whole body state of patients


By KingWay