Some people said that he was more powerful than Xiangpiao! PS: fragrant milk tea once made a deep impression on people with the slogan of “x circle around the earth”..


An elderly runner on the North horse


In the Beijing marathon a few days ago, there were many elderly runners with silver hair

. compression socks running

You keep climbing, all the time.” She also expressed the hope that her eldest grandson, who is almost 18 years old, can follow her in the competition in the near future


After watching this “hard core” old people, are you happy to stay at home and play mobile phones and games as soon as you have time? Move, or don’t say that your health will be inferior to these old people in decades


However, for 70 year old Bolivian grandmother MIRSA Munoz, this is a cycling competition that challenges the limits


” Liu Yuqi showed off his finish medal


The lowest air temperature in Lanzhou in winter is – 9 ℃, and the temperature in the water is about 1 ℃


Uncle is running


According to foreign media reports, in order to forget the pain of losing her son, a 70 year old woman in Bolivia resolutely picked up her long lost cycling sport and participated in the “Death Road” cycling race held on October 5, becoming the oldest participant in the history of the 60km cross-country race


Like him, many old people insist on running and even participate in marathons


Millsa Munoz, 70


” Liu Yuqi said“( There are happy and proud times in the game, and there are also frustrated times


In fact, she is also one of the founders of this competition


When introducing his exercise experience to others, he said: “originally (every day) I had to (run) at least 10 kilometers


Millsa Munoz, 70, is riding


43 years of persistence has significantly enhanced his physique


It is reported that the “Death Road” is one of the most dangerous roads in the world


He said that when he participated in the marathon, he focused on enjoying the process rather than pursuing the final result“ I feel that we are not old enough, that is, we exercise to ensure health and longevity


I didn’t finish the race until five hours


Zhou Hanying, an 80 year old man in Lanzhou, has loved winter swimming for more than 60 years


The old people go into the water from a safe place on the bank and flow downstream for about 300 meters, with a time of seven or eight minutes


Some people said that youth has nothing to do with age! Screenshot of netizen comments


My plan is to be 70.” Compared with running, the sports carried out by the grandmother below should be more “exciting”


Some old people climb mountains by bike, and some old people get into the water in winter


It has claimed thousands of lives over the years


I felt a little frustrated, but I persisted


Uncle looks hale and hearty


He began to like swimming when he was in junior high school


The road is full of steep cliffs, dense fog and falling rocks


According to the report, uncle takes runners of different ages to run together every morning


What is the concept of four circles around the earth? It is known that the circumference of the equator is about 40000 kilometers, and four circles are 160000 kilometers! Many netizens saw Uncle’s story and were shocked by his persistence and perseverance


After retirement, Liu Yuqi has participated in 25 marathons


It is the result of her enthusiasm for cycling many years ago


In fact, this man is not alone on the way of running


I’m afraid you can’t run, ride or swim them now【 [disclaimer]


Whenever he had leisure time, he would swim in a safe place on the Bank of the Yellow River, regardless of cold winter and hot summer


Liu Yuqi, a 62 year old contestant, finished the competition in 3 hours and 16 minutes that day, which is also his best result in recent two years


Recently, some media reported that an 85 year old man in Wucheng County, Dezhou, Shandong Province, insisted on running for 43 years, with a total mileage of nearly 4 times around the earth


There is no common senile disease in him


Hungry + meituan subsidy voucher ↓↓↓ get the voucher directly to the entry point ↓↓ source: the oldest old people in China Singapore sports world keep running year after year, and the total mileage can circle the earth nearly 4 times? After reading the stories of these “hard core” old people, you should put down your mobile phone..


Netizens who saw the news praised him for his greatness


When asked how old he would be, Liu Yuqi said, “it depends


It extends from the lowlands of Bolivia to one of the 3355 meter high peaks in the Andes mountains


Now I have run a total of distance and can circle the earth four times.” Uncle led everyone to run


Uncle Zhou is swimming in winter


For example, when I ran in Hangzhou last year, I strained my muscle


Every winter, the old people also insist on swimming in the water in winter


The old man said that winter swimming is an addictive sport, and he is in good health


They won applause and cheers at the track when they set out


The granny said after the game, “this is a vertical climb


By KingWay