Don’t do high-intensity training for two days in a row


Training encounters a bottleneck or performance decline








When the body is overtraining, the running performance will be affected and the risk of injury will be greatly increased


When runners find that they are seriously emotional, sad, anxious and under great mental pressure, it may be the result of too much training


Emotional abnormality when the body is under too much pressure, it will be reflected through emotion


Make a reasonable and scientific diet plan to ensure adequate nutrition every day and provide nutritional guarantee for future training!.


If you don’t do this, your muscles will continue to decrease


If you still insist on training during illness, it will worsen your condition


Excessive training can affect hormone secretion and mental health, resulting in emotional abnormalities


However, if you don’t pay attention to the combination of work and rest and don’t make the body recover well, you are prone to overtraining


The following 7 signals mean that the runner has experienced overtraining and needs to be adjusted in time! 1


Frequent cold overtraining will lead to the decline of immune system function of runners, so they are more prone to colds, fever and other diseases


At this time, the best way is to rest


When the pressure on the body exceeds the tolerance range, the content of stress hormone cortisol will surge, which will have an adverse impact on the body


Second, high-intensity training cannot be carried out continuously

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The worse the training performance, it will also affect sleep, resulting in a vicious circle


The greater the training intensity of losing muscle mass, the more energy the body needs to replenish, and the rest time needs to be prolonged




Increased physical pain or recurrence of old injury running will increase the inflammation in the body


In order to prevent overtraining, runners need to pay attention to the following points: first, have a full rest


Poor sleep quality will affect the next day’s training


In a certain period of time, if runners find that their efforts have not decreased, but their performance has not improved at all, or even worse than before, their endurance has also regressed


In dog days, the temperature is the highest, wettest and muggy, and the runners’ hard training is worth affirming


Third, reasonable supply


It is likely that they have been over trained and their body has entered a very tired state


When making a training plan, runners must take rest days into account and arrange at least one day a week for complete rest




If you don’t have enough rest, the physical pain will increase or cause the recurrence of old injury


After completing a high-intensity training, you should rest or relax immediately


One of them is the decline of sleep quality


It is difficult to ensure that you can sleep 7-9 hours a day


Women’s menstrual disorder, increased additional pressure on the body and hormonal changes will lead to the disorder of women’s physiological cycle, and the great aunt may not arrive as scheduled




By KingWay