Here are the dry goods from the cook   Running is a very addictive sport


Cook fitness micro signal: food61 ▲ click the card and pay attention


  eight   oats    How to do it: heat the milk in a saucepan, add oats and cook until soft


four   Berry sandwich    five   Chicken breast salad   Method: heat chicken breast, mix orange juice, honey, salt and pepper in a small bowl


Pour the mixed liquid into a cup (about 200 ml) and sprinkle with cinnamon powder


Add diced cucumber, sprinkle seasoning and mix well


l   Prevent muscle cramps or injuries after running or iron rolling L   Increase your energy level L   Accelerate the repair of muscle fibers   Of course, this does not mean that you can eat the frozen products in the refrigerator or buy roadside stalls!   Here are the 11 best breakfast choices after morning running arranged by the cook~   one   Chocolate milk   How to do it: heat the milk in a small saucepan until it begins to steam


  However, if you do not properly supplement nutrition after fitness or running, the resulting hunger and fatigue will not properly recover your muscles, which may lead to muscle weakness or even damage


Serve with sweet potatoes and sprinkle with salt or pepper


  ten   Kiwi Sorbet    Method: prepare cabbage chopping + avocado diced + kiwi fruit chopping + kiwi fruit + a small amount of honey, put all raw materials into the mixer, and pour them into a glass bottle (about 250-350 ml) after pressing


Pour in soy milk, ginger powder and fennel powder


Add cocoa powder and stir well to melt


I believe many partners who regularly run in the morning feel the same


  seven   Almond Milk    How to do it: crush the almonds with a mortar and wooden pestle, and then add them to the milk cup


  six   Watermelon salad   Method: prepare a small amount of watermelon diced + cheese + mixed vegetables + lemon juice, mix all food ingredients and put them on a plate, sprinkle lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste


Science has proved that regular running can improve your heart health, enhance endurance, reduce cholesterol levels, and help maintain a low body fat rate


Pay attention not to be choked by almonds when drinking


Dish the meat and vegetables and drizzle with homemade sauce


  You need to eat a small amount after exercise


Drink ~ 2   Fresh fruit & yogurt: pour honey into yogurt and stir, add berries and enjoy


In addition to alleviating hunger, it can also help restore your strength


After pressing, pour into a glass (about 250-380 ml) and drink


Add honey and stir


  These are quick and easy to make sports meals that can be easily prepared at home to help you rejuvenate


Put the oatmeal paste into a bowl and sprinkle with berries, nuts, honey and cinnamon powder

. compression socks running

three   Boiled egg & sweet potato   Practice: cook the whole egg and cut it in half


To increase muscle, you need more intake than consumption, but to reduce fat is just the opposite! Today, I recommend a public official account for a professional nutritionist to teach you to eat a good figure


  eleven   Banana milkshake   Practice: peel the banana, cut it into thin slices and put it into the blender


  nine   Bean sprout salad    Practices: mung bean sprouts and spinach cooked, be careful not to overcook


Try these recipes for good health! Finally, the cook wished everyone a good figure~  —


The better the body, the more you can eat! In the fitness circle, there is a saying: “three minutes of practice, seven minutes of eating”


Enjoy a powerful “green drink” instantly


Delicacy can be paid by clicking on the card, the official account of the long legs female nutritionist, an original dry cargo every day, and how to eat the perfect figure


  Therefore, it is important to supplement energy appropriately through glucose (carbohydrate) and protein after exercise


Because when you finish exercise, the storage of glucose (muscle glycogen) in muscle will be exhausted, and muscle fibers will be worn to a certain extent


By KingWay