In fact, whether you use your nose or mouth, it is linked to your speed, that is, exercise intensity


No breathing, it’s all in vain! Author / corduroy editor / corduroy product / Macondo running research laboratory have you ever run for a few kilometers, with enough strength and physical fitness, but you just have difficulty breathing and can’t breathe


During chest breathing, only the upper alveoli of the lung are working, but the middle and lower lobes, which account for four fifths of the whole lung, are “resting”



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Disorderly breathing will make the body tense, resulting in the inability to make the most effective use of vital capacity


Researchers call this phenomenon motion respiratory coupling


Others say it’s OK to use the nose or the mouth, both of which are correct


Try to focus on your exhalation, which will emit more carbon dioxide and help you breathe in deeper


Yes, many people can’t run for long, not because they don’t have enough cardiopulmonary endurance, but because they can’t keep up with their breathing


Some say that breathing through the nose is more hygienic, because the nasal cavity can filter most bacteria and foreign bodies


If you breathe deeply, you will find that the core is more stable and the heart rate is easier to control


Don’t let the breath just stay in your chest


When you first practice abdominal breathing, try to practice it several times a day, each time for about 5 minutes


Lie flat on the bed, yoga mat or other flat place with knees slightly bent


In some studies, researchers have found that during high-intensity exercise, the respiratory exchange rate of breathing with the mouth is higher, so breathing with the mouth becomes a better or natural choice when oxygen is insufficient


The higher the intensity, the higher the respiratory rate.


Keep your head in line with your body and don’t lean forward


Shortness of breath will directly affect muscle tension, affect the body’s oxygen supply capacity, and even cause dizziness and bifurcation


The breathing rate is determined by the intensity of our running


Research shows that animals (including humans) have a certain rhythm when breathing


Over time, these four fifths of the lobes can not get exercise, and the aging of the lobes will make our respiratory function worse and can not get enough oxygen


When you are sitting or standing, focus on your upper body, stand upright, relax your shoulders, and don’t bend down


Chest breathing or abdominal breathing? What are you doing now? Are you sitting or lying? Standing or sleeping on the sofa? Usually, your breathing style is greatly affected by your lifestyle


Our breathing is synchronized with our body and, more accurately, with our gait frequency


However, it should be noted that breathing training during running must be carried out at a moderate running intensity


You can put a pillow or rolled towel under it for support


Therefore, whether in running or in daily life, we should use abdominal breathing more


Each exhalation feels like squeezing from the abdominal cavity to the chest, squeezing out the gas


When you feel that you have mastered it when lying on your back, you can try standing or sitting


In faster and longer runs, such as lactate threshold running or competition, it is necessary to use both nose and mouth


In addition, when your breathing is very short, you will exhale a large amount of carbon dioxide


We can do a very simple experiment to prove this: sit down and let your breathing become shallow and fast, and you will find that your heartbeat will gradually tend to peak; When our breathing becomes long and deep, our heartbeat will be more stable


Here, we will not debate this issue


When you are at a very slow pace, you may only need to inhale through your nose to meet your body’s oxygen needs, which allows you to achieve a stable state with only your nose, so you don’t need to breathe through your mouth


Every time you inhale, feel the gas filling the whole chest and abdominal cavity


So running is the same


However, with the increase of speed, our body needs more oxygen


If you always bend your back, it will cause your breathing to become shallow


Compared with chest breathing, abdominal breathing makes our diaphragm move up and down, which is a deep breathing


In this case, you should try to inhale with your nose and exhale with your mouth


Then you can breathe in more air every time you breathe


Almost every runner will pay great attention to topics such as equipment, running posture, injuries and so on, but breathing is always ignored


Learning to breathe correctly during running can not only make you run easier, but also help you prevent injuries


In this way, more carbon dioxide accumulated at the bottom of the lung can be exhaled, so as to improve the degree of gas exchange and respiratory efficiency




If you want to change your breathing style, you must intervene and practice more in your daily life


This involves what we usually call three-step one call, two-step one call or several step one call


Inhale through your nose and push down and out with your diaphragm muscles


At this time, what you should consider is not where you should breathe, but you must breathe with your mouth before you can continue to insist


At this time, the pH of your blood will change, which will affect a series of vital signs: it will affect your muscle contraction, the function of muscle contraction will decline, and a large amount of calcium will be discharged; Cause gastrointestinal discomfort, many runners have experienced this situation; Let the body feel lack of oxygen and lack of energy supply; The blood is alkaline, which will affect your mood to a certain extent




At this time, we must start breathing with our mouth


If you breathe like this often, it’s no surprise that you run tired and slow


You should feel your abdomen expanding slowly, not your chest undulating up and down


Therefore, many beginners, because they are not able to breathe or run quickly, will lead to movement deformation, muscle spasm, bifurcation, and gastrointestinal discomfort


When we run, we breathe in a lot of oxygen and our body will produce more carbon dioxide


The amount of oxygen inhaled by our nose can no longer meet your needs


In order to better feel the expansion of chest and abdominal cavity, put one hand gently on your abdomen and the other hand on your chest


However, in fact, breathing contains a lot of knowledge


Breathing is a center of people’s whole vital signs


Exhale slowly and evenly with your mouth


The gas we breathe in only stays in our chest, which is chest breathing


Chest breathing is not conducive to our health, nor can it meet our oxygen needs during running


We must make use of the unused air in our lungs, slowly control our breathing, slow down and deep, so as to absorb more oxygen


The respiratory rate should be consistent with the gait frequency


How to do breathing exercises? Breathing is an unconscious behavior


Once you get used to abdominal breathing, that is, breathing with the diaphragm, you can practice more effectively when you run


When running, breathe easily and under little pressure


Breathe through your nose or through your mouth? Many studies have expressed different views on breathing with the nose or mouth


Four legged animals usually act in a 1:1 coupling ratio, that is, breathe once per step, while humans can use a variety of breathing patterns


In a tense state, the chest will be tight, so the breathing will be faster and shallower


Too short and rapid breathing will change your muscle tone, mood, pressure, oxygen, etc


Improper breathing will lead to out of breath, even abdominal pain or lung discomfort, cough, and even hypoxia or heart disease


At this intensity, slowly deepen your breathing




Abdominal breathing will squeeze the organs below due to the decline of the diaphragm, and the diaphragm will rise when exhaling


By KingWay