It’s not recommended to run as soon as you come


The muscle strength around the joint is stronger, which can make the muscle bear the impact force, so as to effectively reduce the joint load


If it is to consume more fat, weight loss runners can lengthen the running time, but it is absolutely ridiculous to say that running within 40 minutes is useless for weight loss

. running waist packs

Similarly, running three times a week is the running frequency of healthy people, and people who lose weight need to increase the exercise frequency to five times a week


When the slope reached 6 degrees, the muscle force began to increase significantly, and led to discomfort in the lower leg and tibia


How can you make running last and healthy? In order to reduce the joint burden caused by long-term running, at least two aspects should be solved


20 minutes is enough for a healthy run, but the amount of weight loss run needs to be doubled on this basis


If you want to last, you can’t lose the strength of fat Xiaobai, who has already crossed from walking to running


Intermittent running is different from continuous running


So to walk slowly on a gentle slope, it is recommended that the slope should not exceed 6 degrees


After a period of walking adaptation, if you want to increase the intensity of exercise, you can try the transition from walking to running


Fat Xiaobai should start from walking, or alternatively, walk and run three times a week for 30-60 minutes each time


Once started running, often because of the high impact of running and aggravate muscle and joint pain


5 from walking to running, gradually enhance the young fat Xiaobai who has no joint pain


The goal is too high, the beginning of failure, many novices aspire to run to lose weight, set the goal for weeks to months, how much meat to lose, to complete the goal of 5km, marathon and so on


It’s one of the most popular lies in the field of sports and fitness to lose weight scientifically and break the myth that only after running for 40 minutes can you start to consume fat


To sum up, fat Xiaobai’s running should focus on three points: reducing weight, avoiding injury and enjoying it


For fat Xiaobai who is determined to lose weight, the first exercise should be low impact exercise such as cycling, walking and swimming, which is a safe and good start


It also makes sense to prevent injury


Novice in the case of not knowing how to start running, blind running, it is easy to muscle or joint injury, which is forced to give up running


Therefore, in order to lose weight, you should run for at least 40 minutes


Research shows that intermittent running is better than continuous running in weight control and fat consumption


Studies have shown that when the fast walking speed is 6.3 km / h and the slope is 0, the impact force on the ground is the largest


Pang Xiaobai strengthens his strength before running to increase the ability of his joints to bear load and avoid injury


Considering the risk of fatigue and injury, one hour is the upper limit for most people who lose weight


The results show that reducing the step length by 15% can increase the energy consumption by 4.6% and reduce the impact force on the joint


At the same time, it is not recommended to run every day, but every other day-


In addition, it is recommended to run every other day so that muscles and tissues have more time to repair and rest


In fact, because of the heavy weight burden, continuous running is not a good method for fat Xiaobai


However, novice runners are faced with two major problems – “unsustainable” and “ineffective”


Second, in order to prevent injury, when fat Xiaobai can run for a long time, don’t rush to increase the amount of running or speed


The reason is that what you start to consume is sugar


Research shows that no matter at any speed, the oxygen and heat consumption of fat Xiaobai walking or running are greater than those of normal weight people, because they need to mobilize more muscles to move the body, which is a good thing for fat consumption


If fat Xiaobai can’t adapt to fast walking or has some joint pain, treadmill uphill walking or gentle hill climbing is also a good choice


Why can’t it last? Why run but no effect? Today, let Xiaobian use 9 key points to break through yourself, run longer and burn fat faster! Obese people are more likely to have lower back and lower limb joint problems than normal weight people


First, strengthen our strength


After consuming sugar for 40 minutes, you naturally start to consume fat


Of course, in order to prevent strain, once fat Xiaobai starts running, he should take a day off every time he runs, that is, running the next day is the most suitable


The advantage of intermittent running is that it can rest and run faster in the process of running, which helps to improve the level of oxygen uptake and burn fat


The longer the time, the better


For most people who need to lose weight, running is one of the most efficient exercises to reduce fat


Walking on a gentle slope at a slower speed can reduce the joint load


Starting from the low intensity of walking, it is not only easy to accept, but also can gradually improve physical fitness, laying the foundation for running


From the point of view of consuming enough fat, 40 minutes to 1 hour per time, 5 times per week is necessary for people to lose weight


But in fact, such a goal is not realistic


Because the faster the speed, the more conducive to the consumption of fat, but the faster the speed, the greater the load on the joint, the more vulnerable to injury


840 minutes per time, 4 times per week


Therefore, it is a good way to reduce the stride appropriately, that is, to take a quick walk


Of course, if they can keep running every day, the weight loss effect will be better


For chubby Xiaobai, the initial goal should be to prevent sports injury and establish a more active lifestyle, which will lay the foundation for long-term weight control


Research shows that 30-60 minutes of brisk and slow running three times a week for six months can reduce weight by 9%


By KingWay