reference  [ 1]   DanielR.Brown,FrancescaCappozzo,DakotaDeRoeck,MohammedGulrezZariwala,andSanjoyK.Deb.”MouthRinsingWithaPinkNon-caloric,Artificially-SweetenedSolutionImprovesSelf-PacedRunningPerformanceandFeelingsofPleasureinHabituallyActiveIndividuals.”FrontiersinNutrition(First published:May12 ,2021)DOI:10.3389/fnut.2021.678105[2]   SpenceC,   VelascoC,   KnoeferleK.Alargesamplestudyontheinfluenceofthemultisensoryenvironmentonthewinedrinkingexperience[J].Flavour,2014,3(8):8.[3]   HillRA,   BartonRA.Redenhanceshumanperformanceincontests[J].Nature.[4]Elliot,   AndrewJ.Colorandpsychologicalfu nctioning:areviewoftheoreticalandempiricalwork [J].FrontiersinPsychology,2015,6:368-.[5]   ShiJ,   ChaoZ,   Jiangf


For food, in general, people prefer yellow and white food, and purple, black food, people’s appetite will decline


In addition, the influence of color on people’s behavior varies in different situations


In the process of interpersonal communication, red will also affect our feelings


If you also observe the interesting things about color psychology, you can leave a message below to discuss them


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For example, if women wear red, men will think they are more sexy; When men wear red, women will be more favorable to them and feel that they have a higher social status


Participants in the study also said that the pink drink was sweeter


International Journal of psychology, 2015, 50 (1)


Color enriches our lives and deeply influences us


Note: some of the images are from


This is Abramovich talking about psychology


Among them, the sugar content of pink drink and transparent drink is the same, the only difference is that edible plant pigment is added to pink drink


There are many examples in life


It is often used to express “emphasis” in life, such as traffic lights, warning signs and so on

. running rucksack

I’m Abramovich! Recently, a British study showed that when running, pink drinks make people more happy and can also make people run faster and farther


What is happiness in children’s eyes? You know what? Listening to music can improve immunity


As for other colors, they also affect people’s behavior


In a study of wine, people found that in green light, people drink wine will feel more fresh


Similarly, it is common sense that drinking coffee can refresh us


In fact, not only pink can affect our psychological feelings, other colors can also affect our lives


On the field, it will affect the performance of athletes and weaken their performance


For example, if you have blue patterns on your clothes, you may feel very beautiful; But if a piece of meat is blue, it’s disgusting


Red gives people the feeling of enthusiasm, prestige, excitement, positive and so on


The experimental results are very interesting: under the same conditions, the subjects who drink pink drink feel more happy when they run, and their performance is also better than the other group


And in a survey of company logos, it was found that if blue was used on the logo, people would feel that the quality of their products was more reliable


Click blue to follow our guide   Reading under the same conditions, drinking pink drinks, subjects feel more happy running, faster running speed, longer distance


Hello, everyone


The reason for this is that seeing red will make a person feel evasive and withdrawn


In terms of learning, the research of Shanxi Normal University shows that when the title is red, students’ grades will decline


The average score is increased by 4.4%, and the running speed is faster and the distance is longer


In fact, sweet drinks with sugar can improve performance in sports, which has long been proved by research


When it comes to the influence of color on people, it is very common in life, but we may pay little attention to it


In this study, the researchers prepared pink drinks and transparent colorless drinks, and asked the subjects to gargle with them as they ran


Abu 0915.


In some cases, red can have unexpected effects: at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, some experts found that taekwondo athletes in red uniforms are more likely to win


Does redevelopment guidelines’ intellectual performance? Atestinchina [J]


Color psychology studies many colors, the most of which is red


For this discovery, researchers believe that pink can remind people of sweetness, and drinking pink drinks will make them feel more energy


By KingWay