At the same time, the human body’s water consumption will be excessive, it is easy to play a reaction, but more adverse to health


So, when you lose weight by running on weekdays, the speed should be slower


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At the beginning of exercise, it consumes the water in the body, not the fat that makes the body fat


When people choose this method to lose weight, they must make a good plan, exercise according to the plan every day, and they must stick to it for a long time


What are the reasons for the poor weight loss effect? 1


The rehabilitation department of traditional Chinese medicine will serve you wholeheartedly


Daily how to run weight loss effect is good 1, to warm up     People who choose to lose weight by running must warm up before running


Running to lose weight is not a very simple thing


If you choose to run fast, it will only increase the burden on the heart and lungs, and it will not have the effect of weight loss at all


The edges and corners of the face are also quite clear, and the double chin has disappeared quietly


By jogging for almost half an hour, you can consume too much energy in your body, and slowly consume excess fat in your body


Or sit down and rub your thighs and legs with both hands, massage for five minutes, and then get up for a walk


It’s right to insist on jogging every day


For example, after running for a month, you will find that although there is no change in weight, the muscles are tighter and the waist and abdomen look smaller


The working time is from Monday to Friday (8-12 a.m; 2-6 p.m.) bus stops nearby: Donglou station, Nanlou subway station, aigaili station and xiawafang station


two     After exercise, the body consumes a lot of energy and water, so people are easy to feel hungry


It’s better to walk for a few minutes


  What is the reason for the poor weight loss effect of running?    Most of these reasons affect the weight loss running


It takes a long time to stick to it


You can take bus No


Metro Stations: xinanlou station and xiawafang station of Metro Line 5; Metro Line 1: Nanlou station.


If you don’t relax after running, it’s easy to make your legs thicker

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Be persistent     Running to lose weight doesn’t work immediately


In other words, before the white run, weight does not fall but rise


Warm up exercise is to exercise muscles and bones


Because in the process of running, the human body will sweat a lot




When people are hungry, if they don’t control their food intake, they will eat all the time


Lack of running time     Many people are running every day, the reason why the effect of weight loss is not obvious is related to the lack of running time


If you eat these foods until you are full, it will take a lot of time to consume the calories brought by the food, which is equivalent to all the calories consumed by the previous running exercise


This can relax the leg muscles and avoid lactic acid accumulation


Relax     After running, don’t sit down to rest or lie down


Too much exercise can damage the knee joint


20, 631, 641, 659, 665, 668, 685, 846, 867, 868, 963 and 659, and get off at Donglou station or Nanlou subway station


Generally speaking, jogging for an hour is almost enough


Want to have the effect of burning fat, you must continue to exercise for more than 30 minutes, the body will start to burn fat


Diet, not paying attention to 3 running speed, not suitable     If you want to lose weight by running, you should mainly jog


And warm-up exercise can also wake up the body function, so that the body in the process of exercise, burning more heat


Because of the large amount of food after exercise, the amount of calories consumed from food is much more than that consumed by exercise before


Even like to eat barbecue, fried high calorie food, these foods are not only rich in fat, but also very high in calories, eat a need to run 30 minutes to consume the calories brought by food


Running directly will cause muscle strain and sprain


So if you want to lose weight by running, you should have at least 5 days in a week and run continuously for more than 30 minutes every day


By KingWay