What should be done by the gluteal muscles is done by the waist or legs


The tight Iliotibial bundle will also produce outward tension on the patella, leading to the abnormal movement track of the patella, resulting in the so-called Iliotibial bundle friction syndrome, causing lateral knee pain


If your buttocks shake from side to side and the stability is not enough, it means that your buttocks are not enough to support the stability of pelvic bones and the muscle strength is not enough


In recent years, most people are difficult to exercise their gluteal muscles because of sedentary, resulting in the gluteal muscles in an inactive state


Our knee is originally straight


First walk 20 steps to the right, make sure your feet are alternately raised when walking, then walk to the left, and repeat in turn


But running, many people began to hurt their knees


Keep your back straight, raise your legs as high as possible, lower them slowly and repeat in turn


Small test, then how to know if your hip function is normal? Let’s share two simple test methods: Method 1: when you run, you can put your hands on your hips


The gluteus medius is responsible for the abduction and external rotation of the thigh and femur


Our human bodies are amazing


  NO.5   Prone pull up  >> Practice method: lie prone, bend your hands, fold in front of your forehead, extend your elbows outward, add a fitness ball between your two legs, put it on your lower leg, keep your lower leg bent 90 degrees, then try your best to lift the ball straight up with your leg strength, slowly drop it, and repeat in turn


When your feet fall to the ground, you can feel whether your hips are hardened at the same time


If you encounter this situation, in addition to their own running posture error, there may be no strength buttocks! So the question is, what’s the relationship between running knee pain and buttocks? What does running knee ache have to do with buttock? According to incomplete statistics, 80% of runners have the problem of weak hip and abdominal muscles, which are the main force of our core strength


  NO.6   One leg squat   >> Practice method: stand in front of the fitness ball with your feet apart, hold your hands in front of your chest, put your left foot back on the fitness ball, support your body with your right leg, then squat slowly until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then stand slowly, then change your feet and repeat in turn-


In our running process, the gluteal muscles actually play a role in stabilizing the pelvis


Core strength has long been popular, but hip strength is still strange to many runners


  NO.4   One leg hard pull   >> Practice method: the left foot supports the ground, the knee is slightly bent, keep the back straight, the right foot slowly swings back, at the same time keep the back straight, the arms are straight, the ground is vertical, pull down, withdraw, change legs, repeat in turn


Method 2: invite a friend to take a running video for you, and carefully observe your running posture


Next, Dong Niu will share with you a few ways to exercise hip muscles

. running rucksack

In the process of running, if the force line of hip joint is not good, and the abduction and external rotation function of gluteus medius is limited, it is very easy to have a wrong running posture – excessive adduction and internal rotation of hip joint, which is characterized by internal buckle of knee joint and outward turn of leg


When the gluteus medius is relatively weak, the task of maintaining the stability of the knee joint can only fall on the iliotibial bundle, which leads to the excessive tension of iliotibial bundle


If every time you step and fall to the ground, your hip muscles are still in a soft state, it means that your hip doesn’t work, and you can’t play your role in running to resist the impact for your legs


Knee damage is also very common


  NO.3   Lateral walking practice   >> Practice method: put a resistance band 4-5cm above the knee, and keep the elastic band extended


Good afternoon, dongniu is here to remind you to exercise again! Running, as a sport suitable for all ages, is definitely the first choice for most people


Hip joint, as the core part of the leg swing during running, will help to complete the forward swing and backward push of the leg


If we run with an internal buckle, we can imagine the pressure on the cartilage ligament and meniscus


Even if the buttock muscle does not play a full role, it will use the strength of the leg to make up for this defect


Hip training if you test your hip muscle strength is not enough, don’t worry, you are not the only one


  NO.1   V-word pull up exercise   >> Practice method: lie prone on the stable sphere of the fitness ball, make the pelvis close to the middle of the ball, put your hands gently on the floor, straighten your legs, separate your feet, and put your legs in the “V” position


  NO.2   Single leg hip abduction   >> Practice method: place an elastic band around your thigh, 5cm higher than your knee, keep the resistance band open, and then squat, first keep still, then move the right leg backward at the right rear 45 degree angle, retract, and then move the left leg to the left rear, and always keep squatting, repeat in turn


Whether the function of your various parts is good or bad, you can automatically coordinate the movement of the body


By KingWay