
Stretching after running is to relax the muscles after exercise, avoid over tension, cause muscle and knee pain, affect the next exercise


Many runners think about how to run faster after a period of time


It’s this delicate balance that makes us healthier, more comfortable and faster after exercise


Therefore, according to their own situation, such as age, weight, heart rate and other factors, to develop their own training plan and amount of training, leaving the body enough recovery time


What should I do when I meet you? Stretching quadriceps femoris ● timely recuperation treatment, to reduce the amount of training in the recovery period, step by step, if the dosage is too large, it is easy to cause secondary injury.


  When we exercise, there will be slight muscle damage, which is called “minimally invasive injury”


2021 Labor Day Marathon-   If you don’t force yourself to fly, you don’t know how powerful you are! After many friends work, the amount of exercise is greatly reduced, the body is getting worse, overwork, fat or beer belly become the norm


Wrong running posture can cause plantar fasciitis, knee, calf, thigh, gluteus maximus and other parts of the pain, so we must choose the right running posture to avoid injury


Ignore their injury history, do not pay attention to recovery and rest, and high load of strenuous exercise

. running shin sleeves

The five most easily injured situations in running 1


Runners with defective feet should choose the right shoes


This is because your core strength is not up to speed


Main manifestations: pain in the lateral knee


The core is not just the “abdominal muscles,” but everything from the shoulders to the hips


It is recommended to roll the foam shaft to relieve the pain


Why do you get hurt? In the words of a circle running God: when you are not able to speed up or increase the running distance rashly, injuries will come to you naturally


In order to pursue results, for example, the whole horse runs into 330, 310 or 300, so the accumulated running amount day and night is less than 200 kilometers a month, and the more can reach 500-600 kilometers


First of all, let’s take a look at the wrong running postures to see if you have won the move? So the question is, what is the right running posture? Please see the following figure: 4


When the speed of body repair can’t keep up with the degree of injury, the balance between movement and recovery will be broken, and the injury will happen


Iliotibial tract friction syndrome pathology: it is caused by excessive friction between iliotibial tract and lateral epicondyle of femur, leading to inflammation of ligament or bursa and obstruction of iliotibial tract sliding


If you run too much, you don’t have enough time to recover, so it’s easy to get hurt


The second is to strengthen the quadriceps exercise, strengthen the muscles around the patella


In the first month of running, there were ankle pain, heel pain, leg swelling and pain, and then pain in the inside and outside of the knee   Originally wanted to run out of a healthy body, but brought endless pain


For example, the following variations: hip bridge action Essentials: lie flat on the ground, put your feet close to your hips, lift your hips up to the ceiling, and make sure your shoulders and knees are in a straight line


Side bridge basic action side bridge advanced action squat action Essentials: feet apart, slightly wider than the shoulder, feet toes slightly out, chest and abdomen, back straight; Squat so your thighs are parallel or lower to the ground


I bought running shoes and fast-drying clothes, and started to brush the circle in the nearby playground or park


Main points of plate support action: start with basic plate support, don’t lower the hip tower or arch up, once you can continue the action for 1-2 minutes, you need to start to increase the change to observe the effect; Lift an arm or a leg, or both in the opposite direction (left arm, right leg or right arm, left leg)


However, after running for a long time, not only did I not lose a few kilograms of meat, but there were all kinds of injuries


The core strength training can not only make you run more steadily and faster, but also reduce the incidence of injuries


Don’t put your knees above your toes


The purpose of warm-up before running is to activate the muscles of legs, back, shoulders, etc., so that the body can enter the movement state faster in the early stage of running, and avoid muscle strain, joint injury, cramps, etc


Generally speaking, it’s better to choose more than half or one size of running shoes, which will not squeeze your feet and cause blisters or black nails


It’s easy to learn


Radical runners


To put it simply: overuse leads to injury


The main causes of injury are weakness of muscles around patella and improper training behavior of runners


So rashly improve speed training, and then injured




Lift one leg when it’s easier


You may not wear the right shoes if you are injured in running


These shoes have almost no buffer, so the protection for novice runners is obviously not enough


Before the body has not adapted to the rhythm of running, blindly increase the amount of running, increase the speed of running


When we rest and recover, these “minimally invasive injuries” can heal automatically and become stronger


What should I do when I meet you? Iliotibial massage ● you can reduce pain and relieve pressure on the knee by applying ice




Patellar joint pain syndrome (running knee) pathology: it is mainly due to the patellar movement track is not good when the knee joint extension and flexion, resulting in strain, trauma and dislocation


Extended reading: illustrated 20 stretching movements after running, each runner should collect 3, running injury, your running posture may have problems


It’s a clich é, but it’s very important for beginners




So in order to prevent the injury, we must first make a good running plan to avoid improper training


There’s another change: the side bridge


The main causes of injury are insufficient warm-up and stretching before running; The running posture is not standard; Too much running results in heavy load; Hip abductor muscle group is not strong enough and there is no proper massage to relax after running


Main manifestations: pain below the knee




Beginners should easily hold for 30-60 seconds


Especially for the novice, they still buy the shoes according to the size they usually wear




If the body’s ability to repair is equal to the degree of injury, there will be no injury


Run before you know the basics of running


The three most vulnerable groups in running 1


The pain worsened when going downstairs or down the mountain


A pair of suitable running shoes is really important


When squatting to the lowest point, don’t relax the muscles, otherwise it will hurt the knee; Restore


When doing something similar to going up and down stairs or squatting, the pain will increase


  According to a survey, more than one-third of Chinese runners have suffered from knee injury, about one-fifth of them have suffered from foot or waist injury, about one-seventh of them have suffered from ankle injury or plantar fasciitis, and only 15.7% of them have almost no injury


But if you want to solve this problem thoroughly, strengthen the training of abductor gluteus( Refer to the hip bridge and side bridge in the core strength training mentioned earlier in this article.) 2


If you are injured in running, you run too much and don’t have enough rest


More advanced exercise can be repeated lifting exercise, and keep up for a longer time




It takes 10 minutes every day to practice the core strength of the runner


Patients with injury history


So I wanted to lose weight by running


You can stretch or roll the foam shaft on the iliac tibial bundle




Stretching after running not only relaxes the muscles, but also makes the lines of the muscles look better


Many people wear a pair of flat shoes or converse casual shoes when they start running


Running injuries, your speed is too fast, and your core strength is not enough


There are also some runners who don’t choose the right shoes when they buy them


Remember to have a rest, which is also a great learning in running


By KingWay