There is a principle of 20 times


For elite athletes, they also take half a day to one day off every week, and some take jogging as a rest


Although kipchogg is gifted, his achievements are not easy to achieve when he becomes the God of marathon


If you’re new to running and haven’t been there long, try running half a horse first


Monday: 21 kilometers in the morning, 70 minutes, medium intensity running; It takes 40 minutes to run 10km in the afternoon


No matter which one is, it needs comprehensive, perfect and scientific preparation


Even for beginners, completing the first week’s tasks is not a problem


From the first week is 10km, gradually developed to the 15th week of 32km, and then began to reduce in preparation for the whole horse race




This is a weekly training plan in the area with an altitude of 2740 meters


The training situation depends on the age


Having a goal and plan will make you more motivated to keep exercising and more likely to get unexpected results


Training too hard is easy to get hurt


Half marathon: intermediate full marathon: Elementary this is the most popular training program, the key part of which is the long run on Saturday


How to arrange the training and rest? Amateur runners should run at least three days a week, rest at least one day a week, and be on duty 4-6 times


How to determine the amount of running per month? Design the amount of running according to your goal


During the pre competition training, the amount of running should not be less than 20 times of the competition distance


We have given different schedules for junior and intermediate


Monday and Friday are rest days, Tuesdays to Thursdays are short distance running, Saturday is 30-60 minutes of cross training, as a prelude to Sunday long distance running


Everyone’s ability is not the same, we should gradually match and increase


If the above training plan is not satisfactory, you can see the daily training plan of the strongest marathon runner kipchogg


The goal of Junior is to finish the race safely, while the goal of intermediate is to give runners who have certain speed requirements and hope to have better results


Attendance three times a week is the bottom line, even if it is a healthy run to this number, otherwise it will not have the effect of exercise


But in fact, many runners have not reached this amount of training


You can start to plan a competition for yourself now


Half marathon: the primary half marathon program is a great start


The continuous rest time can’t exceed three days


Tuesday: track and field in the morning (1200 + 5 × 1km + 3 × 300m + 2 × Wednesday: 18 km (71 minutes) in the morning; 11 km in the afternoon, 44 minutes, 40 km in the morning, 2 hours and 26 minutes, 18 km in the morning, 71 minutes, Friday; Afternoon 10km 39 minutes easy run Saturday: morning fartlek run, 30 minutes ×( Sunday: 22 kilometers in the morning, 78 minutes

. calf sleeves running

Full marathon: training plan of intermediate kipchogg


For people who already have some running experience, it’s very meaningful and successful to take part in a marathon at the right time


For example, the amount of Marathon preparation (16-18 weeks) is no less than 840km, which is equivalent to a full marathon distance every week


How to increase the amount of running? The increase of the amount of running should follow a 10% principle, that is, the increase of the amount of running every week should not exceed 10% of the average value of the first four weeks


The half horse plan is 12 weeks and the whole horse plan is 18 weeks


No matter how much emphasis is put on improving the training level, when you reach a certain age, you must reduce the training content that is risky for you, and appropriately reduce the training intensity, which may include interval running, slope running, fartlek training method and other sports including “start stop” form


After a half horse test in week 8, you are more confident of success in the all horse race


It’s better to train a little less to make you feel strong and full of motivation


According to the research, the level of running will drop after three days


And it’s easy to get hurt


During training, you can take part in 5K race and 10K race to gain competition experience


Rest on Mondays and Fridays, easy running on Tuesdays and Thursdays, long-distance running three times a week, long-distance running on Saturdays, and cross training for 30-60 minutes on Sundays


By KingWay