If you often run (do endurance training), all year round, there will be slight cardiac hypertrophy, which is a kind of physiological hypertrophy


Whether there is cardiovascular disease or not, as long as there is exercise ability, low and medium intensity exercise is beneficial


Lack of exercise has become the third biggest problem in the world besides smoking, smoking and obesity


Breathing if you can sing while running, it means that the intensity of exercise is relatively low at this time; Can speak, but can not sing, that is to medium intensity; If you don’t even want to talk when you run, it’s high intensity


A runner suddenly collapsed while running


Exercise ability is not equal to heart health


After 16 weeks of training, they finished the London Marathon


For people who often do strength training, such as weight lifting, their myocardial hypertrophy is very obvious, which should be differentiated from pathological myocardial hypertrophy


To tell you the truth, running itself will not hurt the heart, will not damage people’s body, and will not threaten people’s lives


So if you’re only running for health, even if you’re only running 10 kilometers a week, your blood vessels and heart will benefit a lot


Because it is very difficult for the human body to keep anaerobic state for a long time, short-term high heart rate running will not affect the heart


For all people, low and medium intensity exercise is good for their health


And the older you get, the more you benefit


A lot of tragedies happen because of rashness, irresponsibility for running and irresponsibility for life


Heart rate is the most accurate by heart rate calculation


Therefore, if there is cardiac discomfort, it should be judged by a professional doctor


But this kind of cardiac hypertrophy is essentially different from pathological cardiac hypertrophy


Exercise induced cardiac hypertrophy, more reflected in the more developed myocardium, myocardial contractility increased, cardiac reserve increased, which is to adapt to the physiological requirements of more durable and stable blood supply for endurance sports


So, what is low intensity exercise? From rough to accurate, there are mainly the following methods


In other words, four months of training, in exchange for “vascular age” 4 years younger


Zhong Youmin, a doctor of medicine and cardiovascular expert from Peking University, also gave an answer to this question


In addition, the research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology shows that many runners who are 75 years old actually do 7 hours of aerobic exercise every week, including running, swimming and cycling, and their cardiovascular health level is similar to that of healthy middle-aged men aged 45


In 1899, Swedish doctor Henschen put forward the concept of “athlete’s heart”


Running training for the first marathon can reduce aortic stiffness and increase vascular elasticity by 16% on average; Reduce the incidence of hypertension, with an average of 3-4mmhg; Reduce the probability of stroke, an average of 10%


These can reduce the probability of heart disease


Somatosensory somatosensory is the most basic and subjective feeling


Exercise ability is not equal to the occurrence of heart health accidents, not without reason


With the continuous progress of science, it is found that training will make athletes’ heart adaptive changes, such as myocardial cell volume increase, myocardial hypertrophy and so on


Later, other runners on the scene quickly launched rescue, and used the AED equipment and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but still failed to save this life


Author / corduroy editor / corduroy production / macondor running Research Laboratory   Running is good for health, which is known to all runners, and it is also an important reason for more and more people to run in the pit


Therefore, runners with high heart rate should first control their exercise volume and let their heart rate slowly fall down



. calf sleeves running

After 16 weeks of training, their weight, body fat rate and resting heart rate decreased, while their VO2max increased


The amount of sweating is not sweating and the intensity is low; Slight sweating, moderate intensity; Sweating is high intensity


Whether you are tired or not, and whether you recover well the next day can reflect your exercise intensity


  Being responsible for running is also responsible for your own life


  In these 16 weeks, these runners run three times a week, with little intensity and distance, and the most amount of weekly running is 48 kilometers


This tragedy has become a “Carnival Party” for some sunspots


After the training, these beginners will run their first marathon in life, the London Marathon




50% – 75% of the maximum heart rate belongs to low intensity; 75% – 85%, belonging to medium intensity; More than 85% is high intensity




The most important change of aerobic exercise is not cardiac hypertrophy, but the enlargement of cardiac cavity


Before the experiment, the researchers measured their blood pressure, aortic stiffness and vascular elasticity


But for those who don’t run, they always seem unconvinced


If the heart rate is high due to lack of physical fitness, the heart rate will naturally fall down through persistent exercise


At the age of 35, Fixx, who weighed 194 Jin, started running


Moreover, as long as the intensity of exercise is well controlled, it is relatively safe


In a study published last year in the Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers tested 138 new runners


Some runners think it’s very easy to run 20 km, 30 km or even the whole horse, so their heart will be OK


After 16 weeks of training, the first runner of the first horse can foresee that the “vascular age” is 4 years younger on average


  But if the heart rate is high and the total amount of exercise is not well controlled, the heart will be in a state of high load for a long time, which will have a bad effect on the heart


  Running can make your cardiovascular system younger


First of all, if the body condition is not good, or the external environment is not good (high temperature, tension, etc.), then the heart rate will be higher when running




There are two main reasons why some people tend to have high heart rate as soon as they run


Every time they see the news of sudden death due to running, they will drop such a sentence to the runner: “don’t run! The news says there’s another sudden death! ”   On the morning of May 4, a tragedy happened in Orson park


These benefits benefit more from the older (over 37) and slower runners


He pointed out that the biggest heart will win the game


The first runners had very healthy hearts, with an average age of 31


After that, they trained the first runners for 16 weeks


That’s a big mistake


When the pace is fast, the heart rate will naturally be high




I believe many runners have a deep understanding of this


  In addition, pace is also an important factor affecting heart rate


Generally speaking, it is normal to cause mild myocardial hypertrophy, but the premise is to eliminate potential cardiovascular risk factors




Ten years later, when the running book was published, Fixx had successfully lost 54 Jin.


But if you’ve been at a high heart rate and your heart rate doesn’t drop after long-term exercise, it means that there may be some potential problems with your heart


From the current theory, aerobic exercise will lead to the enlargement of the heart cavity, and secondly, there will be a slight degree of myocardial thickening, which has been recognized by the medical community




Can running cause cardiac hypertrophy? Can running cause cardiac hypertrophy? This has always been a problem that people pay more attention to


For example, James Fixx, born in 1932, is an avid marathon enthusiast, and his book “running encyclopedia” once sold well in the United States


Stop running with high heart rate for a long time and protect the heart better   Heart rate is a mirror of the state of the human body


By KingWay