Learn heart rate knowledge in advance, then you won’t panic! follow 👆 Running is running


At this time, it is not enough to keep the training intensity in the third stage, and it needs to enter the lactic acid accumulation area to improve


When the heart rate is 160-180 beats / min, it can not only improve anaerobic metabolism, but also develop aerobic metabolism, which can effectively improve the function of cardiovascular system and respiratory system


Interval 4: the heart rate of lactic acid accumulation area is 80-90% of the maximum heart rate


Xiao Ming is sprinting Pb, if he wants to finish the race safely and smoothly, his heart rate must be controlled within 171


When the heart rate is 140-160 beats / min, it is almost a moderate exercise intensity run, which is the most significant ideal heart rate to improve cardiopulmonary function


When the heart rate is 150 beats / min, the cardiac stroke output is the largest, and the exercise effect is the best


When you exercise in the target heart rate range, you can get the maximum benefits of cardiovascular activities, and also ensure your life safety


Heart rate is a common parameter used to measure exercise intensity


The official account is welcomed by all accounts.


But if we approach this limit frequently or for a long time, it will be difficult for the body to adapt to this kind of pressure, which is a dangerous sign


Interval 1: the heart rate in the warm-up and relaxation zone should be 50-60% of the maximum heart rate


If the heart rate is lower than 50%, it will not warm up, or it will take a longer time; More than 60% of the intensity is not a warm-up


Generally, 60-85% of the maximum heart rate is an appropriate and effective range of exercise heart rate


1、 You must understand these heart rate concepts: 1


If Xiao Ming wants to lose fat, his heart rate should be 114-133


Whether you want to run faster, or you want to run more happily, or you want to run more healthily, heart rate is an index that runners must pay attention to


How to measure these two heart rates, you can see coach Xu Guofeng’s video tutorial


Interval 5: the heart rate in the extreme zone of the body reaches 90% or even 100% of the maximum heart rate


Running with heart rate above 180 beats / min can maximize the body’s working ability under the condition of insufficient oxygen supply, and mainly develop the anaerobic metabolism ability of adenosine triphosphate and creatine phosphate


Different heart rate ranges have different exercise intensity and different interval functions


When one hundred percent of their ability to play, exercise heart rate will be close to or even exceed the theoretical maximum heart rate


Everyone can choose the appropriate exercise heart rate range according to their actual situation


Take long-distance running training as an example, with the passage of time, the heart rate rises to this interval


But for most people, security is on the red light

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It is the most cost-effective exercise state


Exercise heart rate is closely related to exercise intensity, exercise nature, energy metabolism, oxygen consumption, lactic acid accumulation, body fatigue and recovery time


Paying attention to your heart rate during exercise can not only help you achieve your goals, but also help you avoid many potential dangers, especially when challenging difficult sports


It is the most important area for people who want to lose weight through exercise


More and more runners are paying attention to heart rate because it’s the beginning of scientific training


This article can be said to be the heart rate knowledge that runners must understand and practice


3、 When the heart rate is below 120 times / min, the body’s blood pressure, blood composition, urine protein and ECG indexes have no significant changes, so the exercise effect is not obvious and the value is not big


According to the different percentage of the maximum heart rate, heart rate can be divided into five ranges


Whether it is aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise, it needs an appropriate heart rate to achieve better exercise effect




If Xiaoming, whose maximum heart rate is 190, wants to relax and warm up, his heart rate should be 95-114


Timely understanding of their exercise heart rate can help us better grasp their physical condition during exercise, and timely adjust, which has a positive effect on avoiding serious sports injuries


Maximum heart rate


Interval 3: the heart rate of glycogen consumption area is 70-80% of the maximum heart rate


The knowledge of sports is limited to professional communication


Target heart rate: the effective and safe exercise heart rate when aerobic exercise improves the function of cardiovascular circulation system, also known as target heart rate


When the heart rate is maintained at 130 beats / min, the weight loss effect of running is the best


There is a relatively complex calculation formula for the target heart rate range: [(maximum heart rate resting heart rate) × 60% + resting heart rate] ~ [(maximum heart rate resting heart rate) × 80% + resting heart rate] assuming that Xiao Ming’s resting heart rate is 70 beats, his target heart rate range is: [(190-70) × 60%+70]~[(190-70) × 80% + 70], that is 142 ~ 166


Professional books are read


Heart rate / resting heart rate; 2


At this time, carbohydrate becomes the main energy supply material, and running becomes a good aerobic training, which improves your maximum oxygen intake and effectively exercises cardiopulmonary function


Therefore, in most cases, we should control the training heart rate below 90% of the maximum heart rate


Interval 2: the heart rate of fat burning area should be 60-70% of the maximum heart rate


2、 The five heart rate ranges let you know what your body is doing


Keeping heart rate of 140 beats / min for continuous running, repeated running and intermittent running can improve the maximum oxygen consumption and aerobic metabolism, but it takes 5-15 minutes to achieve the purpose of strengthening physique


At this time, the training intensity changed from aerobic to anaerobic, and the lactic acid accumulation increased


Today’s popular heart rate knowledge comes from coach Xu Guofeng’s lectures and books


In order to achieve this goal, Xiao Ming’s heart rate must be raised to 133-152


Many people say that the maximum heart rate algorithm is: 220 – actual age, this algorithm is unscientific! Exercise heart rate: it is the heart rate in the process of exercise


With the increase of athletes’ experience and physical fitness, the effect of the increase of training amount on sports ability is getting smaller and smaller


If Xiao Ming wants to break the bottleneck, his heart rate must break through 152, even 171


In this interval, the body mainly burns fat to provide energy for exercise, which can effectively reduce fat or control body fat rate


By KingWay