Many people feel that time is tight, so they are eager to start exercise and ignore warm-up, and rush to finish without stretching


Mistake one: running without running shoes, playing basketball with basketball shoes, of course running with running shoes


You can go to a professional running store for help


Wearing the wrong shoes can not only make your feet uncomfortable, but also cause running injuries


Size is also very important (I mean running shoes, don’t think about it)


This extra space can effectively prevent swelling of toes, blisters and even nails caused by friction


Do full leg stretch, can remove many girls’ misunderstanding of “running will thicken legs”


If you want to improve and break through, want to have more significant fat reduction effect, you can consider the combination of climbing and flat running, or practice intermittent variable speed running


Mistake 3: don’t warm up before running and don’t stretch after running


You say it’s too complicated to understand? It doesn’t matter


People often complain: I run every day, why not be thin? Friends who say this may not know that many bad habits can affect the effect of running, and even make your efforts wasted

. compression toe socks

For example, canvas shoes, skateboard shoes and even leather shoes are not needed


Running shoes should be about half a size larger than normal shoes


Common warm-up options are: fast walking or jogging for 5 minutes, standing still, jumping in place, high leg raising, etc


Should we run on an empty stomach Can cheating meals help you lose weight? Should you drink water before or after running? Click on the image below


Well, there may be eight mistakes you make in running


If you don’t warm up, you’ll obviously feel stiff and uncomfortable, and it’s easy to fork out


Photo source: from the Internet, have you been only running on the flat road? Do you run the same distance and speed every day? The effect of constant speed jogging, which has a single way of exercise and does not change for a long time, is very general


For example, do a mountaineering run, a fast-paced run, or a long-distance run once or twice a week


Photo source: from the Internet, there are many guides to choose running shoes according to the professional “running posture analysis”


By KingWay