According to the scene, the park security personnel decisively implemented cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other emergency measures for the tourist


Drinking some alkaline drinks rich in vitamins can make your body recover from fatigue


Many people have misunderstandings about night running


After the doctor arrived at the scene, he fully affirmed the timely rescue of the security personnel


After two hours of treatment and observation in the hospital, the tourist was in stable condition and was accompanied home by his family around 22:00


Running too late will affect the quality of sleep, but it’s counterproductive


After running, your muscles will produce lactic acid


The body has the following signals to stop exercising: first, we can make dynamic electrocardiogram to determine whether it is suitable for running; Second, according to personal status


Safe night running is the most important


After rescue and treatment, the male tourist’s condition was stable


Night running should also pay attention to the doctor’s advice


It is generally not recommended to go out for a run after 10 pm, which will affect sleep


According to the research of sports medicine experts, night running is best to start an hour after dinner, not more than 22 o’clock, and the time of each exercise is controlled in the range of 30 to 60 minutes


Rescue scene


Among them, running is a good choice


On May 5, a male tourist fainted in Tianhe Park


Before exercising, should you make sure whether you are suitable for running? Who is not suitable for running? Doctors said that older, usually suffering from cardiovascular disease, heart disease and other people are not suitable for running


It turns out that improper exercise can cause serious physical injury and even death


If you run down, you will have problems if you don’t have enough compensation


In addition, the best place for night running is not the riverside road full of green, but the park or the residential area full of green, which can effectively reduce the harm of automobile exhaust emissions to the respiratory system


In addition, it’s hot in summer


After about 20 minutes of chest compressions, the tourist kept breathing slightly until the ambulance arrived


Early morning is a period of high incidence of sympathetic excitement, so it is not suitable for exercise


Take a towel to dry the sweat in time


They immediately called 120 for help


–   Click cbdtimes above to pay attention to the largest white-collar circle in Guangzhou – as the weather gets warmer, more and more people begin to take outdoor exercise


If there are bad signs in the process of running, you should stop immediately


When should we exercise? It’s better not to go out for exercise during the day when the sun is strong


After receiving help from passers-by, Tianhe Park security personnel immediately carried a first-aid kit to the rescue


It’s more appropriate to take part in night running one hour after dinner and two and a half hours before sleep, because sports can make people excited


It’s easy to sweat, collapse, fatigue and even heatstroke


We should choose the amount of exercise according to the individual’s physical condition


At 19:40 on the same day, a male tourist fainted in the toilet when he ran to the north gate of Tianhe Park to wash his hands


It is suggested to go out in the evening as far as possible


Finally, I want to remind you that when you run, your body will sweat, which is easy to cause cold


Editor: Xia Jiawen, reporter of Nandu   Shao Feng   Some sources of information: Health times, people’s cbdtimes@126.comWorkHard ,PlayHard.。


This is a warning issued by your body


It is suggested that you take off your headphones and put on fluorescent sports clothes when running at night, so that you can be alert to the vehicle and let the driver see you at the same time


The park security personnel immediately took cardiopulmonary resuscitation to rescue them until the ambulance arrived at the scene


Information map of health times


For example, night running is not a simple “night running”


These signs include chest tightness, chest pain, palpitation, dizziness, blackness in front of your eyes and so on


After on-site treatment, the tourists were transferred to the hospital by ambulance for further examination and treatment


When they arrived, they found that the fallen tourists were suffering, unconscious, groaning and had dyspnea symptoms


If you feel chest tightness and shortness of breath when running, it means that the exercise is too difficult and you should reduce the amount of exercise; Third, if the recent physical condition is not good, chest pain, chest tightness and other discomfort, we should try to avoid strenuous exercise

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By KingWay