But if the heart rate is too slow, only 30 or 40 times per minute, it belongs to bradycardia in arrhythmia, which can also cause fatal diseases


Being responsible for running is also responsible for your own health


Exercise can significantly improve the level of cardiopulmonary endurance and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease; 2


Many people who often exercise, especially long-distance runners, have a slow heartbeat


The heart rate must be within a certain range


The prospective cohort study on the impact of long-term sports training on heart health shows that there is no upper limit on the amount of exercise to improve cardiopulmonary function and reduce all-cause mortality through exercise


If it’s less than 50 beats, it’s not good


But for those who don’t run, they are full of prejudice


It is well known that running is good for physical and mental health and has many benefits, so it also attracts more and more people to run in the pit


Zhong Youmin, a doctor of medicine and cardiovascular expert from Peking University, also gave an answer to this question


If you divide it carefully, 55-75 beats per minute is a relatively healthy heart rate


Generally speaking, it is normal to cause mild myocardial hypertrophy, but the premise is to eliminate potential cardiovascular risk factors


For a long time, numerous epidemiological and biological studies have proved that: 1


There are two kinds of acute cardiac risk events: sudden death and myocardial infarction


Running itself does not harm the heart, does not harm people’s body, and does not threaten people’s lives


It is absolutely unnecessary for the majority of runners to stop eating because of sudden death# Running doesn’t hurt the heart


The method of exercise is to keep the heart rate near or below the peak value and gradually improve its work ability; This value is usually in the heart rate range of 130-150, and the somatosensory value is 5-6%


  In other words, the overall probability of sudden death of 100000 people in a whole year of various sports is 0.31 to 2.1 people


Remember, no matter where you train and compete, home is the only destination


A lot of tragedies happen because of rashness, irresponsibility for running and irresponsibility for life


From the current theory, aerobic exercise will lead to the enlargement of the heart cavity, secondly, there will be a slight degree of myocardial thickening, which has been recognized by the medical community


The study found that the average life expectancy of athletes is 3-6 years longer than that of ordinary people


Long life people’s heart rate is not too fast, heart contraction is the consumption of energy, heart rate is fast, metabolism is fast, consume more energy“ Scientifically speaking, the slower the heart rate, the healthier it is


Therefore, it is not that the more exercise, the greater the health risk, but precisely that the less exercise, the greater the health risk


The probability of sudden death in sports is also very low, far lower than that of the general population


If you often run (do endurance training), all year round, there will be slight cardiac hypertrophy, which is a kind of physiological hypertrophy


If you exercise step by step to build up your heart, the foundation that running has laid for you can have a lot of positive effects on your body in the 23 or 22 hours of your day that you don’t exercise


The occasional sudden death or heart accident in marathon or daily running is warning the majority of runners to exercise scientifically and appropriately


However, at present, this conclusion is only based on epidemiological investigation and animal experiments, and can not be divided into human groups for control experiments, so it has limitations


Therefore, running itself doesn’t hurt the heart, people’s body, and people’s lives


The more we run, the stronger our strength is, the stronger our heart will be and the bigger it will be, so as to better transport blood to the part of muscle being trained


Source: huipao, marathon assistant, authorized


The normal heart rate of people is 60-100 beats / min, and the heart rate of healthy people with long-term exercise may be more than 50 beats per minute


To increase the amount of exercise, we should do it step by step, not suddenly


So when it comes to heartbeat, too much is not enough, too fast or too slow is not a good thing


If it’s more than 80 beats, it’s not good


” Slow heartbeat to a certain extent, organ blood supply is not enough, people will appear dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms


First of all, too fast heart rate certainly has an impact on health


Therefore, if there is cardiac discomfort, it should be judged by a professional doctor# The heart rate is an important data of human vital signs


The most important change of aerobic exercise is not cardiac hypertrophy, but the enlargement of cardiac cavity


Exercise induced cardiac hypertrophy, more reflected in the more developed myocardium, myocardial contractility increased, cardiac reserve increased, which is to adapt to the physiological requirements of more durable and stable blood supply for endurance sports


Sports can lead to sudden death, but sports is not the main cause of sudden death

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So, is it good for the heart after persisting in running# The risk of running is much lower than that of non exercise group


However, for the vast majority of the public, the benefits of long-term and systematic exercise training are still significantly greater than the risks


Because of the irreplaceable value of sports, more and more people around the world are willing to take part in high-intensity or heavy exercise, such as marathon and high-intensity interval training


The negative correlation between the amount of exercise and health risk is clear and certain


This risk is most likely to occur in people who are not used to exercise, and the probability of such risk events in regular exercise group is lower than the former; If measured by absolute risk value, the probability of sudden death during exercise is 0.31-2.1 per 100000 people per year


The heart beats 2.5-3 billion times in a normal person’s life, so the slower the heart beats, the longer the life span


More exercise can bring more health benefits


The process of training heart and muscle is very similar


Therefore, the heart also needs exercise


On the contrary, it is good for heart health


As we know, elite marathon runners, as a result of aerobic accumulation all year round, also have lower heart rate than ordinary runners; Most of the daily training is also aerobic running, so, always monitoring your heart rate running, is a permanent healthy running down the right posture# Conclusion: running is good for heart health


When they see the news of sudden death due to running, they will say these alarmist words to the runners: “stop running! The news says that someone died suddenly again! “Regular high-intensity exercise will make the heart bigger and more prone to heart disease.” I believe most of the runners will scoff at these words, but it will also shake some people’s confidence in running, and even dare not run any more


Exercise, as a kind of stress, will increase the risk of sudden death and myocardial infarction for a short time


* in the picture, the blue part is the heart of ordinary people, and the black part is the heart of endurance athletes


By KingWay