To keep warm, when we hear this request, we will feel a little confused


He had drunk the night before and ran in the morning with a mask on


But experts say that sudden stop after strenuous exercise can cause a lot of blood to accumulate in the brain and heart


Cold exercise can help us lower our physical signs and recover our body temperature, which can not only protect our training results, but also help us have a good figure


So it’s best to walk slowly for 10 minutes after strenuous exercise, adjust heart rate, relax muscles and let blood flow back slowly


In an amateur football activity, a man fell to the ground for about an hour


In addition, there are three recent tragedies of three junior high school children wearing masks to run and die suddenly in PE class


Running Jun has sorted out the “six wants and six don’t” before and after running


This can help the body’s blood return to a smooth state


So, don’t smoke after exercise! 5


Moreover, the temperature in Wuhan reached more than 30 degrees that morning


They think it can not only decontaminate but also eliminate fatigue


You can usually drink about 240 ml of water within 30 minutes of the end of the training, and then decide whether to continue drinking water according to your hunger and thirst




But drinking after exercise is more harmful than usual


Appropriate stretching we have to stretch before and after the exercise


Timely cold body, we will feel the whole body heat after exercise, let us feel uncomfortable, at this time we can make our body calm down through some cold body exercise


If you are dehydrated at the end of training, it will be difficult for your body to recover from training


As for how much you drink, it depends on your type of exercise and intensity


At this time, drinking iced drinks is very easy to cause heart, spleen and kidney damage, serious will cause sudden death


Because in exercise, the blood flow to the muscle increases, when the exercise stops, this situation will continue for a period of time


Replenish water


The right thing to do is to take a 15 minute break before taking a bath


A male runner suddenly fell down during the morning run


There’s nothing more comfortable than sitting down when you can’t stop exercising immediately


Coincidentally, on the afternoon of April 12, 2020, a sudden death occurred in a football field in Wuchang District


Many people like to take a bath after exercise


On the morning of May 4, 2020, a sports accident happened in Yueliang Bay of Wuchang river beach


After exercise, these four things must be done




Many people are greedy for cooling for a while and habitually use iced drinks to quench their thirst


On the one hand, it reduces the body’s ability to take in oxygen, and it is difficult to eliminate body fatigue


That’s why after every run, someone asks you not to sit down and walk


Running professors concentrate on serving runners, providing training, rehabilitation and equipment! Sports are good for physical and mental health, but some people fall on the road of sports, which is painful


It’s nothing if you don’t run once, just make it up when you feel comfortable, but an unhealthy run may lead you and your family into the abyss


After many rescue efforts, he still died


In severe cases, it can lead to vertigo, shock and even sudden death


Don’t drop your body temperature suddenly


Of course, there are not only things that can’t be done, but also things that must be done before and after sports


Smoking is harmful to your health




If you take a bath immediately at this time, the blood will not be enough to supply other important organs, such as the heart and brain


Or don’t drink immediately after exercise, let the body recover for 5 minutes and then drink slowly


Unfortunately, after 120 years of rescue, he died


As everyone knows, a large number of cold drinks into the body, it is easy to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, causing vasoconstriction, mucosal ischemia, thereby weakening gastrointestinal digestive function and bactericidal power, causing spasmodic pain, and even lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea


Stretching before exercise is equivalent to warm-up exercise, let us enter the state of exercise in advance, to avoid some discomfort in the process of exercise


After exercise, you sweat profusely




Because people’s body function will be in an excited state after strenuous exercise, drinking at this time will make the body absorb alcohol faster and enter the blood, which can cause fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases for a long time


Don’t smoke


Even drinking beer is not good, it will increase the uric acid in the blood, so that the joints are greatly stimulated, causing joint inflammation


On the other hand, when the human body inhales such foggy air, it will affect the gas exchange in human alveoli, resulting in chest tightness, asthma, dyspnea, dizziness and fatigue after exercise due to insufficient oxygen supply

. compression toe socks

The right way: exercise every 10 ~ 15 minutes to drink 150 ~ 200 ml of normal temperature water, a small number of times




If it is serious, it will induce other diseases, so you need to pay special attention to it


And after strenuous exercise, drinking cold drinks immediately is a great burden on the body


It’s true that our body will feel hot after exercise, but as our exercise stops, our body will gradually recover and our body temperature will drop rapidly


At this time, we must be prepared to keep warm, otherwise our body will be damaged.


The harm of smoking after exercise is multiplied


Isn’t the whole body hot after exercise? Why keep warm? Now let’s explain


The body cools down, but they have to suffer some torture later


Come and have a look! After exercise, these six things must not be done


Many sudden deaths are sometimes caused by a small inducement


It is reported that the runner was less than 50 years old


Because after strenuous exercise, people’s heart rate will accelerate, telangiectasia, resulting in low blood pressure, lack of blood supply to the brain


When entering the air-conditioned room, it will cause skin tightening and sweating, temperature regulation dysfunction, immune function decline, and lead to cold, diarrhea, asthma and other diseases


In fact, this approach is not scientific


Cold body is a kind of sports that can help the body recover its physical signs slowly, such as jogging, walking and so on




Therefore, after exercise, when your body is calm, you can drink some water appropriately


It is equivalent to cold exercise, which can make our body calm down, protect our training results, and make our body more relaxed and more energetic


You can’t drink ice drink


Don’t take a bath immediately




If the blood supply is insufficient, you will feel dizzy, nauseous and weak




After the no drinking campaign, everyone is willing to have two drinks with three or five people


After exercise, it’s a good time to replenish water, because sweat and breath will take away a lot of water




You often see many people go to the air-conditioned room after exercise, or pour a bucket of cold water on them to cool down their body


Exercise makes blood vessels dilate, body temperature rise, pores dilate and sweat increase on the surface of the human body


By KingWay