running rucksack

In the past two years, more and more real cases have proved that running can make you more excited, relaxed and happy


Share a very positive energy words: instead of falling into depression, it’s better to start moving, just like the interstellar crossing, try to go through the black hole


Good afternoon, dongniu comes to remind you to do sports again


However, this effect will only be reflected in the long-term exercise habits, and it is difficult to enjoy such dividends in the stage training of shock


  Active exercise is an effective way to improve depression and reduce the recurrence of depression


  Today’s interactive topic: do you think running can really make people happy? Welcome to share with us in the message area    Part of the material comes from the Internet, so it is necessary to delete it-


For patients with depression, it is absolutely impossible to rely on “running therapy”


   03   Improve the mood, adhere to the effect   Aerobic low and medium intensity exercise such as running can improve mood, and the body will release endorphins and norepinephrine that make people feel good in the process of such exercise


   02   Don’t take running as a task, build love   One of the ways to treat depression is to do what they like, which is very difficult for patients with depression


Running can provide a rare positive stimulation for patients


Running can make people distract, not easy to fall into worry and despair


  And if you’re involved in the black hole of depression, maybe the best way is to face it, follow the doctor’s advice, take medication, try running or exercise if your body allows


First of all, let out the conclusion: running can not only alleviate depression to a certain extent, but also prevent the occurrence of depression


According to the World Health Organization, at present, 20% of general practitioners recommend running as an alternative drug for adjuvant treatment in the treatment of depression


The social pressure of involution makes the depressive mood more and more popular


Smile can heal your heart and make you full of strength


  Scientifically speaking, when we run, neurotransmitters such as dopamine and endorphins secreted by the brain can make us happier and act as natural painkillers


  The real “running is good for treating depression” is more on the psychological level


Only after at least a few weeks of running training, when you no longer struggle with running, will you gradually begin to experience the “running pleasure”


They often lose interest in everything and have a negative and desperate mood for life


According to us statistics, 15% of suicidal behaviors have been diagnosed as clinical depression


Today is world smile day


It’s obviously hard to keep going


But Dong Niu wants to discuss a serious topic today, depression


In the face of negative emotions, what should we do?   On the social platform, many depressed runners share cases of depression relief through running


Moreover, the threshold is low and the location and equipment are not limited


The research results only prove that running is an effective way to treat mild depression, but it has not been fully utilized


In the process of exercise, the body will try its best to bring negative emotions out of the mire, and release chemicals to make people feel happy


The right thing to do is to develop a willingness to set aside a portion of your time for running and not set too many goals for running


  As a good exercise for the body, running can improve the function of cardiovascular, lung and endocrine system, as well as lose weight and delay aging


Does running really make people happier? Can running relieve my daily anxiety? Today, Dong Niu will take you to explore


Data from the World Mental Health Association show that depression is more common than AIDS, cancer and diabetes combined


  It’s hard for novices to feel the “excitement” of running because it’s usually hard for them to keep running for one or two hours


When you feel depressed, don’t take running as a task


    01 running can be used as an adjunctive therapy   The physiological effects of running on depression can not be compared with targeted drugs


By KingWay