For example, if you run 40 kilometers a week, faster exercises (such as interval, pace) should not exceed 6 kilometers


From ankle to knee, massage the calf muscles for 10 seconds with massage oil


If it’s medial wear, it means your feet are pronated, so you need to strengthen the inside of the shoes


If you want to lose weight by running, people usually choose to run on an empty stomach to speed up fat burning, but this is wrong


A wise pace training method can greatly improve the performance of the runner


From knee to ankle, the calf gastrocnemius was compressed and vibrated three times


On the contrary, if it’s lateral wear, you should choose to strengthen the outer sole


It’s not always fun to run alone with strong people, and it’s not always a good thing to run with friends


Therefore, it is essential to warm up before running


The physical coach said that the final sprint needs sugar to provide new energy, and sugar has been used in previous muscle training, and the brain will remember the sugar the body needs




If you ignore the warm-up before running, then you may be accompanied by injuries and accidents


2 compression of knee joint the knee is the most impacted and compressed joint during running, so please pay attention to the activity of the knee when running


That’s a wrong idea


Three times for each line.


Massage before and after exercise is an excellent maintenance method


If you run for a long time, or run for a long distance, your feet, ankles, knees and other parts are prone to injury symptoms


The easiest way to do this is to look at the direction of the front of the knee joint


The most important point is that speed training should not exceed 10% – 15% of the total amount of training per week, and should first maintain a stable jog, full warm-up and then


Over time, the perennial injuries will make you miserable


From the hip to the knee, kneading manipulation was performed on the back thigh muscles along the inner, middle and outer lines


Although running is a whole body sport, it puts more pressure on the lower limbs


For example, a lot of pain at the outer edge of the knee is caused by the tightening of the lateral thigh (iliotibial band)


Because the iliotibial tract is not well stretched, it is in a state of contraction for a long time and causes pain by over stretching the lateral edge of the knee joint


“Even if the body forces itself to slow down to keep up with the pace of the beginner, it will always speed up unconsciously,” William coschaney explained


William koshani said that “the long-standing running shoes may make you feel uncomfortable and painful in the competition because they don’t fit, and finally, you may get hurt.”


Massaging muscles after running can effectively help you reduce muscle soreness, relieve muscle spasm, enhance venous return, promote lymphatic drainage, restore circulation and restore muscle flexibility


It forces the bones to do different exercises, but the muscles still can’t adapt to the intensity


The best way is to choose a person with equal strength to run together


William coschaney warned that it would be unnatural to increase the pace at first


It’s hard for a strong person to control his body to adapt to your running rhythm


Knee, toe are forward, and moving must not be straight or locked knee


The older you get, the longer it takes


Do you make 10 common mistakes in running? Ignore the importance of running shoes when you start sports, many people choose to put back their long-standing running shoes in order to save money, but this behavior may hurt you


Therefore, stretching after running must not be ignored


If you don’t stretch after running for a long time, the muscle elongation will be smaller

. running waist packs

Remember, when your body has any doubts, run less




If you’re used to running on your forefoot, as if running barefoot, you should choose “minimal” or very thin running shoes


A set of massage to help you avoid running injury! 1


You should slow down and walk slowly to recover your strength


From the knee to the ankle, the crus muscles were pressed along the lateral, middle and medial lines


No warm-up and stretching before running is an incomplete training


Therefore, it is very important to fully absorb energy before exercise


On the contrary, an unwise and too impatient method may cause fatigue, injury, and even significantly shorten the running life of the runner


Adjust the massage intensity to make the athletes feel comfortable


After several times of training, it is found that the body function can adapt to increasing the intensity of the stride, and then lengthen the stride




Therefore, running with people who are stronger than themselves will tire themselves unconsciously


Sudden acceleration may lead to dizziness or fatigue


If you want to lengthen your stride immediately, after a period of jogging, many people will be eager to speed up if they want a faster speed


Not only will it affect the size of the stride, it will also affect the running posture


To understand your pace, you can observe the wear of old running shoes


Therefore, running enthusiasts should pay attention to muscle maintenance in daily exercise, in order to prevent trouble


Therefore, if you are slightly overweight, you need to choose a thick sole to reduce the impact


In a race, when the body is running, the weight on the joints is about six times that of the body


The following professional lower body massage technology and process may wish to try


The training theory put forward by New Zealand’s running coach Arthur Lydiard has a profound influence on modern running training


On the contrary, if the iliotibial band is fully stretched, it can relieve and prevent knee pain


In order to avoid injury and maintain physical strength in the process of running, we should avoid some common mistakes and see if you have made them, French newspaper Figaro reported


North vision photography travel health North vision, wonderful life, autumn is a good solar term for running






From the knee to the buttocks, the back thigh muscles were stroked with massage oil for 10 seconds


So slowly and steadily increase your mileage every week


After a few minutes of running, you feel like you have wings and you want to sprint faster


In order to avoid sports injury, muscle training should be strengthened


Three times for each line


But there are also many runners in the process of running physical consumption and injury


From knee to ankle, knead the calf muscle three times


But other body organs (especially muscles, ligaments, and joints) may need more time




As long as anything can be successful as soon as possible, the better! But for running, that’s not the case at all


Push the athlete’s forefoot toward the head to gently stretch the calf muscle, keep it for 2 seconds and then return to the original state




Physical fitness coach pointed out that if you exercise on an empty stomach, it may lead to physical discomfort and abdominal distension


From knee to ankle, the calf gastrocnemius muscle was expanded and pressed three times


In the fast-paced society, “patience” seems to have become an ancient word


Running shoes should be selected according to their own situation




Although every time a runner challenges a new distance, his cardiopulmonary system is able to get into shape and adjust in about two months


This action needs to be repeated three times


By KingWay