As the name suggests, a knee injury is a knee injury


When the load accumulates over a period of time and exceeds the tissue damage threshold, overuse damage will occur [4]


“Not necessarily” – this means that there is a certain possibility, and it is safe within the appropriate range


In addition, such as synovitis inside the joint, meniscus injury, and so on, are also common problems of knee injury, most of which are caused by excessive exercise or incorrect way of exercise


According to the survey, knee injury accounts for 55% of all sports injuries, including running, cycling, swimming, football, basketball and so on


After all, adults understand that too much is better than too much


Scientific exercise is always the only principle to promote health and keep away from pain


Our ability is limited, so we can’t use scientific experiments and sampling survey to demonstrate this topic


In the group of running enthusiasts, about 50% – 70% of running injuries are overuse injuries


In fact, it is not difficult to answer these two questions clearly, but it is also very difficult


So, what is a running knee? On the Internet, most articles interpret “running knee” as patellofemoral pain syndrome, which is mainly manifested as pain in the anterior part of the knee joint, which many runners will encounter

. running sling bag

But no matter what kind of exercise, there may be the risk of injury


A single one-time overload is not enough to cause irreversible deformation


Therefore, the occurrence of overuse injury is the result of repeated overload


It is generally considered that repeated movement of the patella joint leads to aseptic inflammation, and then activates the peripheral nerve of pain


Acute injuries occur suddenly, such as ligament tears in the knee; overuse injuries occur gradually, such as patellofemoral syndrome, iliotibial tract syndrome, etc


From a medical point of view, the health effect of exercise is undeniable, and the benefits of exercise are far greater than the problems caused by injury


In most cases, the tissue will repair itself, but if the overload continues beyond the tissue’s ability to repair itself, the clinical symptoms of overuse injury will appear, such as long-term repeated pain


The common knee injuries mainly include patellofemoral syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, patellar tendinitis, bursitis and so on [2]


In fact, it also shows that in other sports, there are some doubts about “riding does not hurt the knee”, “swimming does not hurt the knee”, “playing football does not hurt the knee”


In competitive sports, the common knee joint injuries include intra-articular fractures, ligament tears, meniscus and cartilage injuries [3]


For most runners, if they want to know whether running hurts the knee, they actually want to know whether running will cause wear and inflammation of the internal tissues of the knee, which basically belongs to the category of overuse injury


It’s not difficult, because as long as there are sufficient scientific theories and survey data, conclusions can be deduced; it’s difficult, because many people believe these statements, not because they don’t understand science, but because they rely on “intuition”, and the so-called “would rather believe what they have than believe what they don’t have”, which is the source of prejudice


He said: “the causes of knee injury in running are very complex


From this point of view, the knee injury caused by running is mostly the result of repeated overload of the knee joint


The principle is repeated movement, mostly caused by excessive movement


Whether ordinary people or athletes, they may encounter the problem of knee injury in sports


How to run in the end can “hurt the knee”? >>Overuse injury is the result of repeated overload


The root cause of sports injury is that the training load exceeds the adaptive ability of the organization, which leads to injury


This braking mechanism in running, will also be reflected in running knee straight to the ground, which is also an important reason for many people running knee pain


Next, let’s put aside our preconceptions and take a fresh look at the relationship between exercise and the knee


However, in the book “clinical guidelines for sports injury”, the author called iliotibial tract syndrome “runner’s knee”, because many long-distance runners have this problem, mainly manifested as pain in the lateral femoral condylar eminence during activity.


From the mechanism of injury, sports injury can be divided into acute injury and overuse injury


Incorrect running, beyond the knee tissue load, whether running on the road or running on the treadmill, may lead to knee injury


Take the popular “running knee” as an example


We just sort out the relevant professional knowledge and existing research results, so that we can have a more objective and in-depth understanding of this problem


What do we mean by “injured knee”? Before answering this question, we need to define the concept of “injured knee”


Because the structure of knee joint is very complex, the injury mechanism is also very complex


But it is not an absolute causal relationship


An important difference between overuse injury and acute injury is that the process of tissue injury begins before the symptoms appear


In addition, the cartilage on the patellofemoral joint surface is the most vulnerable part, and the specific mechanism is very complex, mainly due to mechanical factors


Especially when the exerciser’s weight is too heavy, the exercise time is too long, or the exercise intensity is too large, the patella, tibia and femur will bear too much pressure, which is easy to cause knee joint injury [2]


Acute knee injury is indeed very serious, there is no doubt about this, but acute injury can occur in any sport, and often occurs in the fierce sports competition


Therefore, it is not necessary to passively resist running or treadmill, but to learn to run correctly


The most common non-contact knee injury is that when the knee joint is almost straight, the foot stops suddenly, and then the knee is injured in the valgus position [4]


From the perspective of “running”, this is a topic in the field of sports injury, that is, the tissue injury when participating in sports or exercise


There are many causes for knee injury, and the key is “how to run”, rather than whether to run or the treadmill itself


And the low-intensity repeated injury force that leads to tissue micro trauma will cause overuse injury


Knee joint is the largest and most complex joint in human body, and it is also the most vulnerable joint in sports


Before throwing out the theory and data for demonstration, first write the conclusion in front: from the current academic research results, whether it is road running or treadmill, it will not necessarily lead to knee injury


Therefore, the issue of “knee injury caused by running” that we are going to discuss today is: will running lead to overuse injury of knee joint tissue


Back to the final two questions


So then again, running as long as the right amount, generally will not cause knee injury From the perspective of sports mechanics, during running, the thigh muscles contract repeatedly, leading to the repetitive flexion and extension of the knee joint


I consulted Dr


Does running hurt the knee? Does treadmill hurt knee? This is the ultimate two questions about injury in the running world


Put this conclusion another way, it is: the right running is good for the health of the knee, and the wrong running will damage the knee


Zhang Dawei in the rehabilitation medicine department of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital on this issue


It is not significant to discuss whether running can cause acute knee injury


In the field of medicine and sports, there are still many scholars devoted to the research of related topics


This term is well-known in running circles, but recently many articles have come forward to refute rumors and clarify that there is no “running knee” at all, which is intended to emphasize that knee pain is not caused by running


In addition, incorrect running posture will also make the knee joint in a position prone to injury


(friendly tips, this article is as long as 8000 words Oh) if you look at the above words carefully, there is actually a “mystery”


By KingWay