At the same time, we should also pay attention to whether there are the following situations: muscle pain lasts for 3-4 days, nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension, dizziness, headache, abnormal heart rate or angina pectoris, feeling mental pressure misunderstanding No.3 ● how to run is good for health ● our health comes from scientific exercise


Physical fatigue after exercise is a normal phenomenon, but if the fatigue lasts for 2-3 days or more, it is likely to be excessive exercise


Misunderstanding No.2 ● the more runs, the better ● excessive exercise has serious consequences


As far as the effect of exercise is concerned, it is necessary to ensure the systematicness and consistency of training


Misunderstanding No.1 ● as long as you run, you can lose weight ● running should be combined with diet and heart rate


The effect of running weight loss depends not only on the amount of exercise, but also on the method of exercise


The first injury is the muscle, then the kidney


Aerobic running is the best way to improve health


It can be seen that if you want to improve the speed, you should either increase the stride frequency, or increase the stride length, or both


A 2009 study showed that shortening the stride by 10% can reduce the fatigue fracture of tibia by 6%


Misunderstanding No.5 ● if you want to run fast, you need to take big strides ● the running speed can be calculated by a simple formula, speed = stride frequency x stride length


Misunderstanding No.4 ● see the “sky” running ● it’s very common for mass runners to “see the sky” running


When you try to “make up for the amount of running”, it is more serious than the endurance of the body


Excessive exercise will also damage the heart, so that the heart muscle is suppressed, myocardial tension is reduced, there will be bradycardia and heart enlargement, heart sound weakened, arrhythmia phenomenon


Coach Sun Yingjie’s best running fat burning time is more than 50 minutes, with a pace of 7-8 minutes and a stride frequency of more than 200 steps / minute, in order to get the subcutaneous fat burning


If you shorten your stride, you’ll land more lightly and have less impact, which reduces the risk of injury


Related recommendations 01 ● Sun Yingjie visits CCTV: how to run scientifically? Beijing TV interview with Sun Yingjie: what is a harmless running method? How to choose winter outdoor equipment? Click to read.


In the period of systematic training, the level of exercise and the endurance of the body remain high


You can’t eat too much because of the increase of exercise, which will lead to weight gain


When the systematicness and continuity of training are destroyed, the maximum oxygen uptake and the economy of exercise will decline, resulting in that you can no longer bear the same amount of running and speed


They don’t run for several days during the rainy season, and they don’t do physical and strength training


Coach Sun Yingjie reminds everyone: the premise of increasing stride length is to enhance strength, especially the strength of hip, knee and ankle joints


Some people who want to take a big step in the advertising competition think that if they want to run fast, they will be affected


This kind of big and small training load can easily lead to some side effects such as poor basic running skills, oxidative stress reaction and sports injury


In the training of mass runners, coach Sun Yingjie has strict standards for the heart rate range, rhythm and time of aerobic training: the heart rate is between 120-150, the stride frequency is above 180, and the continuous exercise with stable rhythm and correct running posture is at least 30 minutes


Big strides not only reduce running efficiency, but also increase the risk of injury


They get excited as soon as the weather is good, run tirelessly, and even want to “make up” for the amount of running


Not all running is good for health, not to mention the greater the amount of exercise, the more intense, the more perspiration, the more fatigue after running, the more effective


This is what coach Sun Yingjie often says: “small stride, high stride frequency”


In short, aerobic metabolic exercise is a kind of exercise with “enough oxygen” to maintain normal metabolism, which is characterized by low to medium intensity, rhythm, uninterrupted and long duration

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By KingWay