Open and close jump 4


But if you want to go a step further and become a top runner, strength training is not enough


Lunge jump 2


Explosive training can effectively train the ability of muscle cycle lengthening and shortening, which can effectively use the elastic potential energy stored in the process of soft tissue lengthening, so as to reduce the energy consumption of direct muscle contraction and improve the economy of running


The researchers believe that muscle explosiveness improves running economy


@ @ @ @ explosive strength training requires a high degree of nerve muscle coordination, so it should be carried out after a full warm-up to prevent muscle stretching and contraction speed from causing muscle strain


If you start to pay attention to strength training, Congratulations! You’ve progressed from a beginner to a middle to advanced runner


Strength training is of course very important for runners, but too much slow strength training can slow down the movement speed and cause muscle stiffness


Obviously, after explosive training, muscles learn to use elastic potential energy efficiently, reduce their own energy consumption and improve their speed


Take the squat jump as an example, after landing from the air and squatting to the lowest place, you should quickly jump again


@ @ @ @ explosive training does not emphasize frequency, but quality, so generally a group do 8 ~ 12 times, complete 2 groups, 1 ~ 2 times a week


The vast majority of sports need good explosive force, especially in the high jump, long jump, shot put, javelin and other “one hammer business” sports, the extraordinary explosive force is the decisive factor of performance


The so-called elasticity is the ability to rebound after stretching, just like the rubber band, the muscle also has resilience after stretching


If you take it for granted that long-distance running only needs endurance and does not need explosiveness, or that the muscle contraction speed of middle and long-distance running is not fast and does not need to train the rapid muscle contraction ability

. compression toe socks

2 explosive training can improve endurance


What is explosive power? The so-called explosive power refers to the ability to produce the maximum speed in the shortest time or complete the action at the fastest speed


After muscle fatigue, the contraction speed decreases, and the purpose of explosive training cannot be achieved


Strength training and explosive training must be effectively linked, in order to play a role in promoting running! Often do some explosive training for runners to run faster, more relaxed is very helpful! So remember to practice often ~ the above content comes from the introduction and publication of “no injury running method” by the people’s post and Telecommunications Publishing Houseā€œ


Then you are wrong! Because muscle is not only contractile, but also elastic


Step alternate jump training tips @ @ @ training explosive force to be fast to achieve the goal, so the runner needs to complete the action as fast as possible


In addition, the terminal sprint stage is also to take good explosive force as the premise


At the same pace, the lower the oxygen consumption, the better the economy of running, that is, the fastest speed with the least oxygen consumption


All right! By the way! Explosive training can not only improve explosive power! It also helps build endurance! What are you waiting for! 5 runners must do special explosive training! Let’s do it together! 1


If there is a pause, you can’t achieve the training effect


Explosive force reflects the coordination of nerves and muscles and the ability of coordination between muscles


Running economy refers to the steady state oxygen consumption per minute during running


The results show that after 9 weeks of training, the results of 5km running, running economy, distance of level 5 jump and 20m running are significantly improved, while the landing time is reduced


You need to do more explosive training


It is a physical quality of human body that combines strength quality with speed quality


Researchers evaluated the effects of 9 weeks explosive training on the neuroskeletal muscle system and performance of middle and long distance runners


@ @ @ @ explosive training needs to be carried out when the muscles are in the best state, that is, before strength training, explosive training should be given priority


Reverse Bow Jump 5


Lunge jump 3


By KingWay