Do a good job of protein, carbon, water and fat ratio? You may think that “food is heat”


We can’t accurately tell you the specific number of calories consumed every day


Fruits and vegetables are also sources of daily water


But if it’s more intensive training, it’s very important to supplement energy before the race


If you only want to lose weight or gain weight, it’s not wrong


For example, lean meat, coarse cereals, vegetables, skimmed dairy products, etc


Whether you should eat before running depends on the training content of that day


Timely supplement of diet during exercise: timely diet during exercise can make your training more effective and avoid eating and drinking after training


The key factor of replenishment is time


In addition, some people are naturally thin and weak, and it is not easy to grow meat if they eat too much


If you can eat more vegetables and fruits and less junk food, when you go shopping next time, don’t put high sugar and high-fat food into the shopping basket


If you can make 80% of your calories come from natural foods with high nutritional density, low caloric density and no processing, and fill the remaining 20% of your calories with what you think of as “junk food”, then there is no big problem with your diet


There are also some foods that are considered healthy, such as olive oil, whole fat dairy products and so on


As the saying goes, if you lose fat successfully, you can practice three points and eat seven points


Although there’s no standard daily water intake, it’s best to take half an ounce of water a day (50 kgg110 pounds, 55 ounces of water)


It’s easy to run out of energy on an empty stomach, and the running process will also become painful


Basically, you can eat 30 minutes before training, and supplement high protein and carbohydrate snacks 20 minutes after training to repair muscle tissue and store energy


Easy training within 1 hour, do not eat or drink will not have much impact, but do not forget to add enough water


For example, people who weigh 70 kg need about 3000 calories a day to gain muscle and gain weight


In this way, before the next training, the body can not only absorb the effect of the last training, but also have a good recovery speed


>>>>Don’t reject fat completely during muscle augmentation


If your weight is completely in the normal range, all you need is a healthy diet


In addition, the right amount of water can also control the feeling of muscle hunger, so as not to confuse the feeling of muscle hunger and thirst


Whether you gain or lose weight depends on your caloric surplus or deficit


>>>>Pay attention to the ratio


Only put high fiber vegetables, fruits and whole grains


The specific value fluctuates with the difference of body condition


>>>>Adequate protein if ordinary fitness people want to effectively increase muscle and control the growth of fat, they can choose foods with low or medium fat content in their daily diet, such as skinless chicken, lean beef, fish and other meat, low-fat milk and chicken protein


Stay away from junk food


The amount of calories we need to eat every day is calculated as follows: · people who gain muscle or have a faster metabolism: each pound of weight (1 kg is about 2.2 pounds) multiplied by 18-20


Choose the right food according to the exercise goal


As for the proportion of nutrition intake, we generally use the proportion of energy produced by carbohydrate, protein and fat to speak, rather than the proportion of mass (weight)


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Generally speaking, the food suitable for muscle enhancement is small in calories per unit volume, but it is rich in protein and carbohydrate, which can provide enough nutrition and satiety


Even if people lie in bed for a day, they also have to consume a lot of energy, which is used to maintain the basic life activities of the human body, which is what we call basic metabolism (the good news is that long-term and continuous running can strengthen your basic metabolism)


Each gram of carbohydrate, protein and fat can provide about 4, 4 and 9 calories


The energy ratio of the same mass of carbon water, protein and fat is 4:4:9


Remember, weight loss is not our ultimate goal, health is


This kind of people usually have a very high metabolic rate and often have insufficient calorie intake


We should avoid saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids


On the other hand, good protein powder can effectively help to increase muscle without increasing fat


It’s important to replenish water during training, not just during exercise


Recommended foods: peanuts, almonds, avocados, olive oil and other non animal fats


They contain antioxidants, which can also increase muscle recovery and immunity


Good fat, or unsaturated fatty acids, is the growth hormone that keeps the body’s testosterone level and promotes muscle growth, so your muscle growth effect will be more obvious


If you’re a little overweight, don’t be hesitant and take action to control your weight.


What I want to tell you here is that if you want to gain muscle more steadily (avoid increasing too much fat), you should not have too much calorie surplus, which is between 10-15% of your total consumption


Every time we talk about this topic, some friends say that they have been losing weight, but they can’t lose weight

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It is suggested that the intake of fat should be kept below 30% of the daily total calories; otherwise, any excess fat will reduce the growth rate of muscle


Not suitable for muscle food, they have high calorie density, poor satiety, such as drinks, bacon, a variety of high sugar snacks


Try running on an empty stomach occasionally


How to do sports and training has a lot of ready-made training method reference, and how to match their nutrition, so that they eat healthy and delicious during the fat reduction period, but it is not an easy thing, this is also the reason why many friends fail to reduce fat


At this point, we need to do a good job of carbohydrate, protein, fat ratio with eating


But for the sake of improving the proportion of body composition (muscle and fat), you are too naive


However, you don’t need to take in too much water


It’s very difficult for many people to squeeze out time for running, not to mention the time left for their stomach to digest food, which is especially easy to happen to people who run in the morning


If you want to increase muscle, then your total calorie intake is higher than your total calorie consumption, if you want to reduce it, then vice versa


The total energy consumed by the human body in a day must be greater than this basic metabolic value, because people still have to eat, work, walk, run However, only good control of calories, or not enough to achieve the desired effect: increase the muscle, reduce the fat


It is suggested that this kind of people eat more, or they can eat protein food with more fat, such as chicken leg, steak, whole egg, whole milk, duck, pork, etc


They can improve the quality of training, maintain heart health, lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar


It is recommended that the ratio of carbon to water, protein to fat should be 4:4:2


·People who lose fat or have a slow metabolism: if you multiply 10-12 per pound, you need about 1500 calories per day for people who are 70 kg


Here are seven simple, proven and effective dietary principles to help you eat your ideal body faster! Control your caloric intake according to your exercise goals


For example, people who weigh 70 kg need about 2200 calories a day


·People who maintain their current weight: 15 times a pound


The biggest problem is that they can’t control their diet


Body heat loss depends on water, in order to maintain joint lubrication, take away the body caused by inflammatory reaction of necrotic cells


By KingWay