He said: “marathon is life


If a thing is repeated enough times, it will produce muscle memory


He has kept the habit of writing training diary since he started running


In fact, after a period of time, you will find that you will become more free and relaxed, rather than a constraint


Kipchogg has excellent physiological conditions, top cardiopulmonary function, and extremely low lactate threshold


Through reading, he understands a lot of knowledge and forms his own ideas


Kipchogg trains and lives with dozens of young runners at camp kaptagat at 2400 meters


Running is not just an exercise, it is a process, a discovery, a process of self discovery


For more than ten years, he has persisted in training until now


Take 1 hour nap at noon, play games after dinner, and go to bed no later than 9 o’clock


Almost every day, it is just eating, sleeping and running at three o’clock


For runners, they are eager to have a happy running time at dawn every day


It’s not enough to play it well


It’s not only the work of legs, but also the test of heart and will


” With his pure love for running, kipchogg has gradually used his talent, diligent practice and a high degree of self-discipline to exchange one champion and world record, becoming the first person to run a marathon in two hours..


Because running requires getting up early, planning time for yourself, patience and perseverance, and reasonable control of your diet

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But kipchogg enjoyed it


He successfully gave up smoking and excess weight, and became a marathon runner


And self-discipline, not only the muscle produces memory, but our deeper brain solidifies this behavior


In the camp, kipchogg was called “philosopher” because he liked to think, especially summarize and reflect on running training


Whether it’s writing, or doing other things, a good body is essential


It seems that he was born for marathon


In the past decades, he has been exercising day by day


It gives me everything I have now


He is 1.67 meters tall, weighs 52 kg, and has no extra weight


Unexpectedly, this run lasted for more than 30 years


Kipchogg’s daily diet is also nearly harsh, low salt and low oil, very light, mainly milk tea, bread, fruit, sliced bread, rice, potatoes and beans


And kipchogg’s training is very strict every day


Some people attribute the success of others to their strong ability, good luck and good luck! However, most successful people have one characteristic, that is self-discipline


I love this life


When he misses a training task, he will feel insecure and can’t sleep well


Just like writing a training log, he always takes a pen and paper in his hand to write down his thoughts and gains in the process of reading


There is no extravagant enjoyment, no slack, and no care like the stars


So the winner is not what we imagine, what unique conditions and how good contacts, more is their own little by little to stick to


They live a regular life and are full of hope


He is always a low-key, gentle, extremely self disciplined and minimalist runner


At the camp, kipchogg and other campers get up before 5 a.m


I hope that every runner, pure running and self-discipline life, will bring health, enjoy the happiness of challenge, strive for his own happy life and enjoy the happiness The rewards of self-discipline..


They practice twice a day and the second time starts at 4 p.m


Real running makes us face ourselves


After Haruki Murakami decided to write a novel, sometimes he went into the study and closed for a year


So he began to try running, running 10 kilometers every day


Haruki Murakami’s success is no accident


In competitive sports, all great achievements are based on the hard training day after day, and so is kipchogg


Therefore, in our daily study and work, we must pay attention to the combination of work and rest, correctly grasp the distribution of work, sports and rest time, so that we can continue to maintain full energy, to deal with this changeable and difficult life


He will fill in the daily training content, body feedback, harvest, perception and summary of training in the training diary


Only at the weekend did he return to Eldoret’s home, 30 kilometers away, to be reunited with his wife and his three children


Instead, it is a very simple “boring life”


But as Patrick sang said, fate has dealt kipchogg a good hand


So, how to make your life self-discipline? That is to do a good job, and persistent adherence, such as running, it is the best way to exercise self-discipline


This is kipchogg’s daily life


every day and start running before the sun rises at 5:50


In addition, besides training, kipchogg also maintains the habit of reading regularly


In addition to these hard training, in this humble training camp, kipchogg lived a poor life like an ascetic, just to concentrate on training


Due to the lack of exercise, his body couldn’t bear it, and his energy was difficult to keep in a high state for a long time


Behind the greatness is the effort that ordinary people can’t bear


There is a small library in the training ground, where he usually reads books


Only in his small body can he burst out such endless strength


In addition to his talent for writing since childhood, he also benefits from his decades of highly disciplined living habits


He read a wide range of books, from Aristotle to autobiographies of Sports Legends to management books


In fact, it seems like harsh conditions and requirements


A person’s good habits hide his luck


By KingWay