Which four words? ——Systematic training


Many runners hope to use some magical training methods to improve their running ability rapidly


In other words, if you don’t insist on using the best method, the effect will be short-lived, and the training effect will fade with time


Source: for many mass runners who are busy with work and have limited training time, the idea of learning more advanced training methods to improve themselves faster and realize their freedom is more or less generated


The key lies in two points


Systematic training is the only way and fundamental guarantee to achieve Pb


For mass runners, the most important thing is to achieve these four words if they want to make progress


If you don’t insist, don’t talk about any method


But there has never been a panacea in the world


First, what are your weak links


Because the interruption of training will make the accumulated effect of training fade and return to the starting point


The essence of systematic training lies in solid training, and it is not easy or arbitrary to interrupt training, which is the biggest harm to systematic training


If these abilities need to be strengthened, then the second point is to apply different training means and methods at different stages of the marathon preparation cycle


For example, some runners believe that interval running can effectively improve VO2max, while some runners prefer to believe in the role of LSD


Unlike professional athletes, mass runners have their own jobs


The so-called systematic training refers to the purposeful adherence to training according to a certain training plan or arrangement, which rarely results in long-term interruption of training for various reasons


So, some runners insist on LSD training can achieve Pb, some runners insist on interval running can also make great progress, some runners strengthen strength can also achieve Pb, which shows that in a sense, the method is not so important, the important thing is whether you can insist on training, do not interrupt training



Some theories support the development of basic endurance first, and then strengthen special endurance (Daniels training method is such); some theories suggest that speed training should be strengthened first, such as using interval running to improve speed, and then strengthen basic endurance


Is it the lack of basic endurance or the bottleneck, the speed can not be improved? Is it muscle strength or cardiopulmonary endurance? We should give priority to the development of certain abilities in terms of what the short board is


In fact, from the perspective of Marathon preparation, different training methods have their own functions

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don’t interrupt training easily), and learning advanced training methods is not so important


Only through continuous and uninterrupted training can you gradually improve your endurance and finally ensure that you have the ability to achieve Pb


Objectively, busy work, overtime, social intercourse, business trip, weather and other reasons, subjective willpower is not strong enough, occasionally lazy thinking and so on, will make the originally planned training difficult to carry out


And discontinuous, intermittent training will make the effect of systematic training greatly reduced


Fundamentally speaking, although systematic training should pay attention to the combination of different training methods, the more important thing is that you should adhere to the training and not interrupt the training as much as possible


Systematic training is good enough (i.e


By KingWay