
For example, a person with a weight of 50 kg and a body fat rate of 30% represents a full 15 kg of fat in the body


Calculate the body fat rate, on this basis, we can basically compare our body shape in the big picture above


According to this conclusion, if we persist in running for one hour every day and increase our life expectancy by seven hours, can we not live forever? Don’t be happy too soon


Body fat rate: body fat rate refers to the proportion of body fat weight in the total body weight, also known as body fat percentage, which reflects the amount of body fat


What’s more, its harm to health is almost “zero”.


Li dezhe, Professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University, analyzed the data of various senior runners, runners and beginners, and got an encouraging result


In fact, walking, cycling and other aerobic activities can also prolong life, but these activities usually only reduce the risk of premature death by 12%, while running can reduce the risk by 40%, so running seems to be the exercise with the highest return on investment


Therefore, it is more appropriate to control the initial intensity of healthy running according to the number of morning pulse per minute multiplied by 1.4 to 1.8


Both men and women rank first in the world


According to the physical conditions of Chinese people, the World Health Organization has put forward the following BMI reference standards: BMI < 18.5, lean, low risk of related diseases, but increased risk of other diseases; BMI 18.5-23.9, normal, average risk of related diseases; BMI ≥ 24, overweight; BMI 24-26.9, overweight, increased risk of related diseases; BMI 27-29.9, obesity, related diseases BMI ≥ 30, severe obesity, serious increase in the risk of related diseases; BMI ≥ 40, very severe obesity, very serious increase in the risk of related diseases


According to the report of the World Health Organization in 2015, the average life expectancy of Chinese is 76.1 years old, ranking 71st


But if someone thinks running is boring and a waste of time, he may need to rethink it


The lowest point of the curve is the weight value with the lowest mortality, which will change with age


Slow running stimulates the heart more mildly


Running doesn’t make you immortal


Can a little exercise every day prolong life? Researchers want to know how much time it takes you to do aerobic exercise to get an extended life


Small stride in running, the purpose of small stride is to actively reduce the muscle strength in each step of running, and the purpose is to extend the running time as much as possible, with small stride but balanced action

. running waist packs

We all know that different running speeds stimulate different cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems


Just a pair of running shoes, you can run anytime, anywhere


The benefits of increasing life span are not unlimited


For example, some middle-aged and old people have bradycardia, with morning pulse only 50 or 60 times per minute, while some young people have morning pulse up to 70 or 80 times per minute


It mainly reflects systemic overweight and obesity, and reflects the risk of heart disease and hypertension due to overweight


The average life expectancy of Hong Kong is 83.74 years old, 80.91 years for men and 86.58 years for women


If you run about two hours a week (less than 20 minutes a day on average), you may lose less than six months of your life due to running in the next 40 years, but according to the experiment, another study shows that you may increase your life expectancy by 3.2 years due to running less than six months


The picture is from the short book app


At the same time, runners usually choose a healthier life, so other lifestyle choices, such as diet and sleep And these also play an important role in prolonging life


Body fat rate pictures show that life lies in sports, and running is the simplest way of exercise


According to the analysis results of the U-shaped death curve model of Beijing Satellite TV Yangshengtang, we can make a detailed distinction according to age: under 60, the standard is longer; the weight is kept in the normal range (that is, the BMI is between 18.5 and 23.9), and the mortality is low


>>From the perspective of sports medicine, scientific running needs to do as follows: 1


Studies have shown that running can help control weight, maintain blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer


Overweight after 60 years old leads to longer life: people with BMI between 24 and 29.9 have the lowest mortality, even 6% lower than those with BMI between 18.5 and 23.9


No matter how long you run, you can only extend your life by more than three years at most


For example: male 25 years old height 175cm weight 92kg calculate body fat rate: ① first calculate BMI value formula: BMI = weight (kg) / (height × height) (m) actual: BMI = 92 (kg) / (1.75 × 1.75) (m) = 30.04 (retain two decimal places) ② calculate body fat rate formula: 1.2 × BMI + 0.23 X age-5.4-10.8 × sex (male: 1, female: 0) actual: 1.2 × 30.04 + 0.23 × 25-5.4-10.8 × sex (male: 1) = 25.598, about 26, so the male’s body fat rate is 26%




The most important point is that the human body can “actively” consume all the blood sugar in the current blood, and also consume the excess heat accumulated in the human body


But the good news is that long-term running doesn’t seem to be counterproductive


Slow running speed


(welfare at the end of the article) photo source: which weight of the United Nations Department of economic and social affairs is the longest? Scientists have conducted a long-term survey of a large number of people and found that there is a U-shaped curve between weight and mortality


The data showed that the increase in life expectancy stabilized after running four hours a week


Not only did runners reduce their risk of premature death by about 40 percent, but they also spent more time on running than they did


This kind of “active” consumption is the best way to reduce blood lipids, blood sugar and relieve blood pressure


China, Japan, South Korea and other East Asian people will control BMI at about 22.6 ~ 27.4, with the lowest risk of death


This may not be good news for long-distance runners, because even if you do extra exercise, you won’t increase your life


Those who are higher or lower than this range will increase the risk of death from cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases or other diseases


Generally speaking, each person’s basic pulse number is different


Body fat rate: 1.2 × BMI + 0.23 × age-5.4-10.8 × gender (male 1, female 0)


To measure body fat and thin, an international common index: BMI index is equal to the square of weight (kg) divided by height (m), that is, BMI = kg / m2, which is a commonly used international standard to measure the degree of body fat and thin and whether it is healthy or not


Minus the time spent exercising, this is the net benefit of 2.7 years, or simply, every hour you can extend your life by 7 hours


For example, do you need to exercise more than an hour to extend your life? If the answer is correct, for most people, it is not worth the loss


The researchers also did not see a decline in health or life expectancy when they looked at runners who ran more than the average weekly time


The country (or region) with the longest life expectancy in the world is Hong Kong, China


Scientific research shows that running for one hour can prolong people’s life by nearly seven hours


By KingWay