Especially in recent years, the marathon is too popular in China, attracting many people to join the ranks of running


You may not feel hungry when you rest and don’t run, so you also eat less


Whether professional or amateur runners, many people have to give up running because of injuries


But remember, you can’t drink too much


When you’ve been running long enough, you know how to eat them to keep you healthy and competitive


Therefore, the increment of running should never exceed 10% of last week, pay attention to step by step, in order to ensure good health


Running can strengthen the body, but it is not that the greater the amount of running, the better


But when you train more, you also eat more.


People who run all the year round must know how to control their diet


Strength training should be done frequently


The amount of running should not be too large


Otherwise, it will not only affect the normal work and life, but also cause damage


Xiao Bian has seen such an example


Therefore, don’t blindly pursue a large amount of running, running too much hurt the body


If the strength and stability of these parts are not enough, it may lead to excessive rotation of the joint, leading to “running knee” and other common injuries


For long-term runners, a balanced diet and nutrition is undoubtedly the most important part


When we run, we only have one leg on the ground at the same time, which puts a lot of pressure on our ankles, knees and hips


Core muscles provide the body’s stability, explosive power and muscle endurance, so that you can step out of every step more lightly when running


As the amount of exercise increases, the risk of injury increases, which is particularly typical in running


For running, the intensity standard of running is generally divided by heart rate


For many runners, running is for health, not only physical exercise, but also inner cultivation


It can not only judge whether the body is overtraining, but also judge whether the body is tired according to the heart rate


Only in this way can we understand how happy it is to be able to go out and run


Becca cogno, 32, was a member of the school track and field team in high school


But for runners, eating healthy doesn’t mean saying no to food


Heart rate to guide training, and one of the most important benefits is to prevent injury


Sleep and rest are good ways to recover


A lot of people are infatuated with pace and running volume, and never return to the pursuit of Pb


In order to improve their performance, many runners train very hard every week, intermittently on Tuesday or Wednesday, rhythmically on Thursday or Friday, and long distance on weekends

. running waist packs

However, running, people forget what they were running for


But sports can also bring physical fatigue, there will be some small damage and pain, so we need to give the body a certain amount of time to complete the “recovery”


Many runners have this belief in their heart: no pain, no gain; it needs to work hard enough to achieve the desired results


Usually, before the race day, they are already injured and can’t run


Strong muscle strength can help you improve your stability and prevent excessive rotation


So, how can running be called “healthy running”? You need to do the following six things


Proper running and rest will not reduce the level of exercise, work and rest, relaxation degree, in order to play out the best state of the body


You can still be “unscrupulous” about desserts, but you can still keep slim


Running according to the heart rate can also make you run well in the competition, and it’s not easy to get hurt


However, such training for a long time will always make the body in a state of fatigue


It’s suggested to run the next day, that is, take a break for one run, or take a break for two runs


But this idea often leads to overtraining


Even if you really want to run every day, it’s better to control your enthusiasm


Article / wicker source: Marathon assistant running is recognized as one of the healthiest sports


If your core is strong enough, you will be more able to withstand the day-to-day impact of your feet and the ground, and your risk of injury will be greatly reduced


Kaji yamadi, Professor of Toyama University and scientific committee member of the Japan track and field Federation, mentioned in the book “running key guidance”: if running is for the purpose of fitness, it is necessary to cooperate with rest, otherwise excessive fatigue will lead to physical problems


After graduation, she often won the top five women’s competitions


For example, 150 minutes of moderate intensity jogging every week, three times a week, with a pace of about 7 minutes, 50 minutes each time, about 7 kilometers, 21 kilometers per week, 84 kilometers per month, is enough


In fact, there is a training method, you don’t have to run very hard, it can also improve your performance, the most important thing is that you won’t get hurt


Therefore, in normal training, don’t pursue speed and intensity too much


In addition to reducing injuries, strength training also allows you to run naturally, easily and permanently


Yes, no injury is the highest level of running


For moderate intensity running, the heart rate is controlled at 60% – 70% of the maximum heart rate, while for high intensity running, it is 70% – 80%


One of the advantages of strength training is to reduce the incidence of injuries


If you insist on heart rate running for more than half a year, you will really realize the mystery of heart rate running


Different from other high-level athletes, after she came into contact with the heart rate running method, she usually trained to jog at a pace of 5 minutes, 10 seconds and 6 minutes, but when it comes to the race, such as the 5km race, she can still finish at an average pace of 4 points


When we get hurt, we begin to miss the days when we can be alive


If you want to be healthy for a long time, you still have to run healthily


For example, your normal morning pulse is 55 times, but if it goes up to 65 times in a few days, it is obvious that your body has problems and needs to rest and adjust


The results, pace, Pb and so on are floating clouds


Heart rate training is not very quick to see results


Running is a repeated and lasting sport, so if you want to keep good running posture for a long time, you need strong core strength support


This kind of training method is heart rate running method, also called low-intensity continuous training, that is, when running, the heart rate is not more than 155, or even 150


Adequate sleep to ensure recovery exercise can promote physical health is based on the theory of “excessive recovery”: the amount of exercise that exceeds the normal load of the body can bring stronger stimulation to the muscles and viscera, so the body will think that its components “power” is not enough, and will organize “resources” to enhance related functions, so the health level and exercise ability of the body will rise


Although he finally broke the Guinness world record, he was sent to the hospital because of serious physical injury


That’s why many professional runners say after retirement: jogging is the essence of running


You may have to ask, what is the amount of running required for health? According to the 2018 American physical activity guidelines, in order to get healthy, it is recommended that adults accumulate 150 to 300 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise or 75 to 150 minutes of high intensity aerobic exercise every week, and a combination of the two is also possible


The idea of heart rate running is to improve your cardiopulmonary capacity without overusing your skeletal and muscular systems


For example, when you want to eat chocolate, you don’t have to restrain yourself, because you know you will run regularly


Eat foods that are good for your health


Marathon assistant once reported that a British runner, in order to challenge the Guinness world record, ran 843 kilometers on the treadmill in seven days




From the data of many injured runners, some researchers found that a very important reason for injury is that the body strength is not strong enough


We know that the improvement of running ability is not an overnight thing


By KingWay