So, the more muscles we have, the more room we have to buffer the sugar and fat in our food, so we’re less likely to get fat when we eat


If you run right, it’s good for you to lose weight


The increase of muscle mass can improve the basal metabolic rate, so that the heat consumption will increase, people are not so easy to get fat


What kind of running is the wrong way to lose weight? That’s a long, medium or high intensity run


So, running weight loss should pay attention to the following two points: first, but the running time should not be too long, it is recommended that the intensity of medium or above should not exceed half an hour each time


This kind of exercise will have more muscle protein decomposition to provide energy, which is a loss to the muscle


Another and more important benefit is that these two things can improve our ability to buffer food calories


We should eat more low-fat meat, egg white, low-fat dairy products, and even a small amount of protein powder to provide enough protein


It is suggested that the protein intake per kilogram of body weight should not be less than 1.2g


In this case, it is often difficult to replenish the consumed muscles, especially when the protein intake is insufficient


When we lose weight, our caloric intake has been reduced


Low intensity jogging can take a little longer, but it is not recommended to run for more than an hour at a time


What do you mean? In the simplest and most popular way, when people eat after exercise, the sugar and fat in the food will be given priority to our muscles


I’m afraid that the intensity is on the high side and the time is relatively long


Because to lose weight, high-fat things or do not eat, fat intake is after all a little less good


Both of them need to be supplemented as soon as possible after exercise


But in fact, the effect of the increase of muscle mass on obesity is far more complex than the increase of basal metabolic rate


Generally speaking, one gram of protein may be used as more than one gram of protein


On the contrary, eating after exercise is not easy to get fat


What is “adaptive heat production capacity”? Generally speaking, it is my ability to turn the excess heat in our body into heat energy consumption instead of fat storage


Although the muscles consumed in exercise can not be replenished after exercise, if you want to replenish them, you need to eat enough delicious food


In fact, running is not as simple as running


If you run wrong, it is not conducive to lose weight, and even makes it more and more difficult to lose weight


Therefore, it is suggested that carbohydrate and protein should be taken as the main diet after running


Only when there is surplus can it become fat, which is called the role of food heat buffer

. camel pack running

There are two main advantages, one is to reduce muscle loss, the other is to supplement muscle energy – muscle glycogen, so that the later exercise is easier to adhere to


As we all know, muscles are very useful for weight loss


Aerobic exercise is not afraid of low intensity, high intensity, but short time


So what should I eat after running? As I said just now, the main purpose is to supplement protein and carbohydrate in time


The more muscle people have, the more muscle glycogen and intramuscular fat they store in their muscles, and the less likely they are to gain weight after exercise


The combination of these plant proteins with meat, egg and milk proteins can greatly increase the biological value of protein, that is, the utilization rate


Love sports, can increase the heat consumption


To reduce muscle loss is to repair and supplement the consumed muscle protein in time, which requires rapid supplement of protein after exercise; to supplement muscle glycogen requires rapid supplement of sugar after exercise


What kind of supplement should I take? It comes from the food after exercise


Let me briefly talk about the importance of muscles for weight loss


Some studies believe that these hormones and cytokines are related to maintaining weight and preventing obesity


Third, it is also recommended to eat some grains and beans


Second, we should pay special attention to the supplement of protein when we are running to lose weight


In fact, there are many misunderstandings about exercise to lose weight


Because this way of running will consume a large proportion of muscle protein


Exercise is a powerful weapon to lose weight, but blind exercise, may not be conducive to weight loss, also not conducive to health, exercise to lose weight should pay great attention to scientific and reasonable


Don’t lose your muscles in running


Moreover, muscle cells actually have endocrine functions


Many people like to lose weight by running


However, the wrong way to lose weight may make the muscles lose less and less, one of which is the wrong way of aerobic exercise, such as running, may lose muscle


After exercise, the body will give priority to supplement these consumed sugars and fats


So even if we eat more after exercise, it’s not easy to become ugly fat on us


Finally, people with large muscle mass will also improve their ability of adaptive thermogenesis, so they are not easy to get fat


Because as long as we have a certain intensity of exercise and reach a certain time, we can generally consume a lot of sugar and fat stored in our muscles


So, what kind of running is the right way to lose weight? That’s what we’re going to talk about today


When we talk about endocrine, not only endocrine glands, but also some hormones and cytokines secreted by muscle cells


First of all, the increase of muscle mass can increase the storage of two things, one is muscle glycogen, the other is intramuscular fat


One of the advantages of these two things is that when we exercise, we are more athletic, so we are more willing to accept all kinds of sports


Running to lose weight, after running to eat, running to lose weight, if running for a long time, after running to pay attention to supplement


Specifically, such as potatoes, corn, fruit, egg white, milk yogurt, low-fat meat are good


Therefore, in general, people with large muscle mass are less likely to gain weight in many ways


But some people say that eating after exercise is not easy to get fat? unable


Source: lose weight like this does not rebound.


By KingWay