But for many runners, running has a sense of ceremony and pursuit: I want to go to more charming cities in China besides living, and see different landscapes while running; I want to go to the world’s six grand slams, and feel the ancient and energetic running culture; I want to go to Yadian, and take part in a race from Athens town to ancient Greek stadium, and I also want to go to Viana to follow Follow kipchogg’s steps and feel the footprints of 2


Work hard to make money, and let yourself have more sideline business of financial investment (of course, don’t follow suit, buy fund or buy some Maotai stocks?)


If a single person who can’t get up in the workplace wants to run, he can only hope that his boss won’t stop work before work, so that he can squeeze the subway to the playground on time, give up dinner and go for a run first


Who would like to run with only one or two pieces of equipment? I’m afraid it’s not others who cause visual fatigue, but myself


If you are lazy and don’t start the washing machine, you will be blind the next day


If I have and only have one chance to give my best wishes to those who love running, I wish you all the freedom to run as soon as possible


What’s more, after five days at work, I would like to change several clothes


How can you get rich overnight? How can everything be so good? It’s Just Don Quixote’s unrequited love


As long as the strength is strong, it’s not difficult to get into 230 even if you wear domestic brands

. running rucksack

The most basic and 60 point configuration of running equipment is two pairs of running shoes, two pairs of shorts and a T-shirt


Well, don’t buy the expensive ones, just the right ones


Of course, once the events are open one after another, the scale of the events may be strictly limited


In the past, if you want to go out, you have to see if the balance is sufficient


In the past, domestic cross city competition, round-trip flight + 2 night hotel, also need about 3000RMB


Some people will envy him It seems that professional runners can always run whenever they want


It’s not so easy to really own it


After today’s run, I want to continue tomorrow


What’s more, it’s not the era when Nike and Adi are the only ones in the world


A COVID-19 makes the world change


I don’t know when the situation of 50000 + and 60000 + runners will be repeated


They refuse to raise their bar.) nowadays, there are still many places they want to go, but the dreams they want to realize are still only in their dreams


Wish our world can open that door as soon as possible, let more people realize more abundant running freedom..


There are only ten months left in a year


Many cities have to dial the number to buy a car


Everyone is a human asset at his disposal


Buy whenever you want


The more Chinese new year, the less I like to receive all kinds of wechat


I always feel that I haven’t done anything


Congratulations, you will be able to run faster than many people


DavidNabarro, COVID-19’s European envoy, WHO, said that in the future, people who do not have a new crown vaccination certificate may face some international travel restrictions


In fact, this year is about to pass 1 / 6! Time is so ruthless and terrible


(if you take Nike as a reference, you have to wear about 1000RMB equipment.) after all, if you run more, you have to change frequently


The so-called freedom of wealth, is to rely on passive cash flow income, can meet their daily living expenses


Or, have a heart that does not drift with the tide, choose oneself most trustful, most appropriate brand


But the freelancers will tell you that they are the ones who look free but are actually the least free


If you don’t buy a house or a car, it’s possible to buy whatever equipment you want first


For us, the time that we want to run and can run is not the water in the sponge


If you can’t dream of the six big dreams abroad, you should first look forward to the news that the marathon will be approved in China as soon as possible


But wrapped in the current of real society, it is not so easy to have the most disposable “freedom”


This means that even if you have money, time and pride, you have to pass the cruelest barrier of running Freedom: quota freedom


Money freedom in running, to put it more popularly, means “you can buy whatever you want


I know it can’t happen! In this world, if you don’t wish me all the best, I can do it


It’s also good to brush, and it’s also good to increase the index by giving gifts


In particular, the kind of words like “I wish you all the best in all things”


Travel becomes luxury, and going out is even more difficult


The park beside your home can really meet your running demands day after day, without any sense of boredom


Yes, I’m afraid you have to wait until retirement if you want to run freely, and your next generation doesn’t need you to devote yourself to taking care of children


If you want to improve your score and make you the one with the highest turnover rate among the runners, you have to wear lightweight, windbreaker and dazzling windbreaker; kipchogg’s same wireless headset and new sports watch (with time and display functions)


If you run, it’s really just for running


New running shoes are pushing your wallet, and all kinds of marketing are testing your patience


For runners, it is the most precious gift that they can be drawn in less than 10% of the events


Running running, a wechat from Party A to be modified came, originally wanted to reply “I went running”, hesitated again and again, changed to: OK, go back to the computer immediately to modify


Every spring, it’s time for all brands to put in a new leaf


At this point, maybe male runners have a little more freedom than female runners


Have you received the email and SMS pushed by the brand? At this time, perhaps the sports bloggers you admire most are those who have exposed all kinds of new equipment on microblog and social platform


Take spring as an example


I hope you and I can work hard and live hard for the early realization of running freedom in the new year


Why can they have equipment that they can have without paying? What brand chose him? In this society, it depends on strength rather than human feelings


Maybe it’s related to age or old age


After all, people’s interaction index is swish, and the data of transferring comments and praises look good


They are the people who have the most say in the option of “time freedom”


It’s just Maotai where the stock market goes up again and again


If a working mother wants to run, she can only get up at 5 a.m., go out for an hour, come back to make breakfast for her baby seamlessly, send her to school, and then change her equipment to the company as soon as possible


(of course, everyone’s economic strength is different, the selection criteria are different, and the possibility of money floating up and down is great


Mind you, let’s go! The 2021 lunar year has finally turned over


Well, there are also things like “overnight wealth”


Queuing is no longer news


If you really want to bless me, then I wish the new year, as soon as possible to realize the freedom of running


By KingWay