In this way, when exhaling, the foot always falls to the ground with pain once, and the diaphragm side bears more pressure, which is more prone to spasm


If your running intensity and ability do not match, too fast is the biggest cause of asthma


The principle of rhythmic breathing is that in the process of running, when the foot falls to the ground when it begins to exhale, it will produce the strongest impact, and the stability of the core is the worst at this time


Source: running Academy (ID: paobuxuyueyuan) why do I become a dog when I run a little longer? Why can’t I run fast and accelerate, but I’m out of breath? Why is it that as soon as the speed is fast, the slope is steep, or when you are nervous, you are out of breath? Why is the level of running good, sometimes slow running will be shortness of breath, medium speed running will also be very asthma? The gasps of these runs make people excited and frustrated, and also make people doubt themselves and lose confidence


We just need to straighten our upper body and lean forward naturally


Photovia Brandon flint runs in the way of high energy consumption


Through the training of rhythmic breathing in a planned and active way, this kind of breathing rhythm will become a habit and instinct, and it will gradually become automatic and complete


Too high stride frequency can also lead to excessive body load, early asthma, stride frequency is better


At this time, it is not enough to only rely on nose breathing, but use mouth to assist breathing


There are many opinions about jogging, such as four inhalations and four breaths, three inhalations and two breaths


If you have a problem with your breathing style, you can only breathe with your mouth


If you can’t find this kind of feeling, then you deliberately try to walk in the natural state first, and then walk faster and faster, and then run slowly


 Photovia ② Running posture problems, such as stride, bending, dragging (not quickly back) and other bad running posture will lead to low running efficiency


Our arms swing naturally with the range of leg movement, just as they swing naturally when walking


If you don’t have enough Kung Fu, go and practice more


In fact, it is essentially the same as rhythmic breathing, that is, it integrates breathing and movement, and reduces the cost Less human interference and tension, I have always been this way


(poke here to check the correct running posture) lack of aerobic ability


Although the condition of wheezing is various, and the reasons for each person are different, generally speaking, wheezing in running is mainly caused by three reasons


As a result, if they can’t run far, they gasp like cows, suffer setbacks, and even suspect that they are not suitable for running


Some advocate symmetrical breathing (equal exhalations and inhalations, also known as even number method), some advocate rhythmic breathing (long inhalations and short exhalations, based on diaphragmatic breathing, also known as odd number method), and some advocate natural breathing (from walking to running, from slow to fast, let breathing follow naturally, and do not deliberately control breathing)


Jog 3-4 times a week, more than 30 minutes each time, with the intensity of easy chat


Keeping the right running posture can make your running easier


It keeps you as relaxed as possible and calms down any stress in your body that might affect your state


At this time, if the foot hits the ground, the organs above the diaphragm will move downward


Only nose breathing, in the exercise intensity is small, nose breathing is no problem


Generally speaking, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth is a reasonable way of breathing


The basis of rhythmic breathing is diaphragmatic breathing, commonly known as abdominal breathing


For this reason, the solution is very simple, run a little slower, a little slower


Of course, runners with a certain foundation can join interval training and lactate threshold training to improve their maximum oxygen uptake and expand aerobic space, so they will not gasp under general intensity


How to run, can not gasp? 01


They run very fast when they come up


In this case, we must bear in mind that running is a movement that uses external forces


This method is also used by some excellent athletes


Different from the heart rate, breathing can be automatically completed by the human body (such as breathing when sleeping, breathing when walking, etc.) and can be actively adjusted under the intervention of will


Although it seems that it is not fast to run, it consumes a lot of energy, and of course it will gasp


In fact, as long as you run a little faster than walking, or even slowly at walking speed, even if you are a novice, you can run 3-5 kilometers in a row


But in terms of ability training and prevention of injuries and forks, rhythmic breathing is undoubtedly a very good method

. camel pack running

Try a few more times, and you will feel it


The method of rhythmic breathing is: jogging and middle speed running adopt the “number 5” breathing rhythm (3:2) of 3-step-1 breathing and 2-step-1 breathing; fast running adopts the “number 3” breathing rhythm (2:1) of 2-step-1 breathing-1 breathing-1 Step-1 breathing-1 Step-1 breathing (2:1:1) and intermittent running or high-intensity running adopts the breathing rhythm of 2-step-1 breathing-1 breathing-1 breathing-1 Step-1 breathing-1 breathing-1 breathing (2:1:1)


There are two ways of high energy consumption: ① too much movement, such as excessive leg raising and excessive arm swinging, will cause additional physical consumption, which will indirectly increase the intensity of exercise




We don’t need to step out of our legs


In addition, the balanced breathing method (even number) can be used when running at a slower speed, but it is not conducive to the exercise of breathing ability


This rise and fall makes the diaphragm in a high tension state, which is very easy to produce spasm and lead to bifurcation


Many beginners are most likely to make this mistake


Breathing rhythm, breathing rhythm, which is the focus of today, is also the focus of many people


It’s the easiest time to get hurt


Although there is enough air in and out, mouth breathing is easy to cause respiratory tract infection, suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases, and eventually cause asthma


At this time, the pace and arm swing are the most natural


Awareness of preview will lead your focus to calmness


On the rest day, you can run an LSD for 1-2.5 hours


One of the reasons for bifurcation is that when exhaling, the diaphragm rises


If we find out the reasons, we can find the right solution


Stride will produce braking effect, bending will lead to leg compensatory drag behind the body (in order to maintain balance), dragging the leg will lead to unable to quickly enter the next step, at the same time, the waist load increases, which will greatly consume physical strength, indirectly increase the intensity of exercise, leading to panting at a slow pace


In fact, it is through diaphragm, quadratus psoas, latissimus dorsi and other deep muscles to control breathing, which can achieve deeper and more powerful breathing effect


The abdomen bulges when you inhale and retracts when you exhale, as if you are breathing with your abdomen


But with the increase of exercise intensity, the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide that need to be inhaled is more and more large


In this way, you can ensure that when you exhale, your feet land evenly


Regular jogging and LSD can make you run longer at the same pace, and also make you run faster and faster unconsciously


Here mainly introduces the rhythm breathing method


It’s nothing to say


The essence of rhythmic breathing is calmness


Why is running out of breath? 01 the current running intensity and ability do not match, too fast speed, high energy consumption running mode or running posture is too big, aerobic capacity is insufficient 02 breathing mode needs to be adjusted, when the mouth breathing intensity is high, only nose breathing rhythm has problems 03 pathological factors flow asthma cardiogenic asthma in addition, there are some exogenous reasons, such as higher temperature and humidity Degree, will increase the burden of the body, will also lead to asthma


Many people’s bifurcation often occurs on one side, because even number breathing method is used


The problem is that you are anxious to run as fast as you can before you have aerobic ability


The natural breathing method, that is, the slow and fast breathing, does not control, follows the instinct


Of course, it won’t last long


The more natural the action, the less energy consumption


You can have a try.


By KingWay