Improving temperament can directly reflect a person’s self-cultivation and talent


And running hormone will increase, after running, hormone secretion can also increase, so, running can eliminate people’s depression


Running is a simple and convenient sport


Wang Shibin, Zhang Xiaohui, the official account of WeChat public number, etc.: commissioning editor: Zou Fei Zhou, editor of the weekly Code: Zhang Dongpan Zhou Zhou.


Especially for a girl, if she has a pair of long legs, her external temperament will undoubtedly improve


But running can increase the blood flow of the heart, so as to increase the oxygen delivered by the heart to various organs, and improve the working quality of various organs


In recent years, running is gradually developing into a fashionable way of sports fitness, more and more people join the ranks of runners


Promoting fat burning running is a popular weight loss sport


Running boosts dopamine production and makes you feel better


03 anti aging running is beauty, through running, the human body will sweat, sweating can clean the toxins blocking pores, achieve the effect of beauty, effectively resist aging, let people keep frozen age face value


Running is a physical exercise, it can make our body thinner, more symmetrical and more beautiful


Aerobic exercise can make our skin more healthy and elastic, improve the vitality of skin cells, improve the regeneration and repair ability of skin cells, and make the skin tight, delicate and glossy


So it’s hard to start running


The former part of running mainly consumes sugar and water


Although running can hurt the knee, scientific and correct running can strengthen the knee joint


This is due to the long-term lack of exercise and poor cardiopulmonary function, resulting in poor sports performance


So, what are the benefits of running 30 minutes a day for a long time? 01 enhance cardiopulmonary function some novices who have just come into contact with running may have asthma after running for a few minutes


Of course, it can also be divided into internal temperament and external temperament


Correct and scientific running can strengthen knee joint, activate leg muscle group, reduce muscle loss, and make feet more flexible and vigorous


Running belongs to aerobic exercise, long-term running is sure to lose weight


Psychologists have shown that depression is caused by a lack of hormones in brain neurons


During running, more attention should be paid to the surrounding scenery, which can effectively improve mood, release pressure, reduce troubles and pressure in life, and promote physical and mental health


Running belongs to aerobic exercise


In the process of running, the fat and fat of the whole body will be gradually reduced


Only when the exercise reaches a certain fat burning heart rate, can it play the role of weight loss


You can run outdoors with a pair of running shoes


And persisting in running can not only slim your legs, improve your external temperament, but also let you emit sunshine, positive inner temperament of sports, make you look more energetic and gentle


If you keep on running, then your cardiopulmonary function will be enhanced, the situation that you can only run for a few minutes at the beginning will be improved, your physical fitness will be improved, and your sports performance ability will be stronger


Whether it is elephant legs, small belly, thick arms, etc., running can reduce the fat of these parts, because fat reduction is systemic


Of course, you can also run on an indoor treadmill


Warm up before running helps the joint cavity secrete synovial fluid, and stretch muscles after running to help recovery


Some people think that running can hurt the knee, which of course makes sense, but it’s not all right


Therefore, people who lose weight need to run for more than 30 minutes to achieve the effect of losing weight and fat


By KingWay