But if symptoms occur below the neck, or even in the chest – coughing, asthma, or dyspnea can be a predictor of a more serious infection, it’s a good reason to stay in bed


In addition, when drunk, people’s heart rate will be faster than usual, blood circulation will also accelerate, if you run again at this time, myocardial oxygen consumption will increase sharply, which undoubtedly increases the burden of heart organs

. running elastic headwear



The result: it’s easier to get hurt


At this time, any running activity will overload your body, and your body is busy fighting the virus – your most urgent task at present


If you have a fever, I don’t need to say more


When you cough or wheeze, if you only have a slight cold, such as a runny nose or an itchy throat, exercise may also promote your blood circulation and make you feel better


Don’t run at 6 a.m


Because exercise can raise your body temperature, which greatly hinders the body’s self-healing process




If you’re already feeling down and complaining for two weeks or more, it’s better to see a doctor first


Strong exercise can cause some tiny tears in the muscle tissue, which is a good thing, because self recovery can make you stronger


If you have been busy for several weeks, if you have been running for several weeks, you are extremely tired, which is different from the feeling of laziness or fatigue in one or two days: exercise may make you more exhausted


Studies have shown that even a sleepless night can affect your health: increasing stress and hunger


Having said so much, I hope the majority of runners have enough understanding of the physical conditions that are not suitable for running


You realize that you are also reluctant to admit that you are good at deceiving yourself and finding various reasons for yourself, such as bad mood, too cold weather, new shoes not yet arrived, too many people on the road, bad luck today, your cat is not happy and needs company, etc But today, Xiao Bian will do you a favor: these seven reasons for not running are justified! 01


In the long run, it will increase the risk of various diseases, including heart disease! If you really can’t go to bed early, you can try to arrange your exercise time in the afternoon or evening, such as walking as much as you can during the day and taking a walk at lunch




However, dragging stiff, aching muscles can damage your body


at this time


I know you’re used to making excuses not to run


It’s a warning that you need to stop immediately


If your muscle soreness is not relieved, it is a sign of delayed muscle soreness (DOMS)


If the pain is serious and not resolved, see a doctor immediately if necessary


The first thing you need is rest, not exercise


I was tired and didn’t have a good rest


Because there may be more serious medical problems to pay attention to, such as thyroid problems or chronic fatigue


If only one part of the body aches, such as the leg, then you can exercise your arm


Stiff muscles can make you lean to one side during exercise, or you can’t do all directions


Pay attention to “slight!”


But if you feel sore all over the body, let yourself rest for a day or two ~ 05 if you jog every time with knee or foot pain, persistent pain is a dangerous sign of some problems, you may gradually or already have muscle strain or excessive strain, such as plantar fasciitis, iliotibial band or stress fracture


Don’t push yourself by “pulling yourself up after only five hours of sleep.”


If you have symptoms of fever, such as chills or body pain, you should go to bed immediately instead of running on a treadmill


We should enjoy running instead of tormenting ourselves with running


But if you usually persuade yourself not to run for different reasons, you should be aware that you are deceiving yourself


At this time, we need to overcome our physical inertia


At this time, we should immediately stop exercise, start self-cultivation, take the initiative to exercise physiotherapy rehabilitation, until the movement of the site will not feel pain


I didn’t go to bed until after midnight last night


Don’t run after drunk


Running after drinking will further aggravate the burden of myocardial and do harm to the heart


Alcohol can inhibit myocardial contraction


You’d better have a light and rich breakfast rich in carbon water, which can also quickly catch up with the discomfort of hangover


Even for exercise, shortening sleep time does more harm than good


After all, even very slow running is also a kind of high-intensity exercise


Do not have to rely on running to solve the idea of alcohol, which is very dangerous! If you really want to relieve the discomfort after getting drunk, to disperse the spirit of alcohol and wake up, you can take a walk and drink more water after feeling sober


Source: Internet.


By KingWay