Humidity and air humidity also have a great influence on running state


If you run poorly, it will affect the quality of training and performance


The wind and rain would quickly take away the heat from the athletes, resulting in the poor performance of the black race


There are no clear regulations on wind speed in middle and long distance running, marathon and other events, but there are clear regulations on wind speed in 200m, 100m and other sprint events


If it’s over 20 degrees, the performance will drop significantly


When the running state is good, the body is more sensitive to the perception and cognitive ability of training at the same pace, and it will be relatively easy to run; when the running state is not good, it will have resistance psychology to running, and the body’s tolerance to fatigue will also be weakened, so it will be a little harder to run


Running motivation running motivation is to stimulate personal potential, to make every effort to train to achieve their goals


If the fatigue is not fully recovered after training, and the muscles, nerves, respiratory and other systems are still in a state of fatigue, then when training with the same intensity, you will feel very tired and hard, as well as running


In daily running training, he often works harder and more strictly


Therefore, warming up before running is not only to increase body temperature, reduce muscle viscosity and improve muscle elasticity, but also to activate the inertia of internal organs and nervous system, so as to find the state at the beginning of running.


If you run with fatigue without enough recovery, there will be obvious discomfort, which makes you feel very tired


In short, after stimulating the body, rest appropriately, the body will adapt to this intensity of stimulation, then the body’s ability in some aspects exceeds the previous level


Especially after long-term and high-intensity exercise, ensuring the quality of sleep will improve the quality of training


In fact, these are related to your running state


Therefore, running in a high temperature environment, in order to keep the body temperature within the normal range, most of the blood is transported to the skin surface to dissipate heat, which will inevitably lead to the decrease of blood flow in the muscle, the decline of the working ability of the muscle, and the increase of the accumulation of metabolites




In addition to physiological and pathological factors, human body temperature is also greatly affected by environmental temperature


They can not timely deliver oxygen to the muscles and take away a large number of carbon dioxide, lactic acid and other metabolites, resulting in hypoxia and accumulation of metabolites , it’s easy to produce “extreme” phenomenon, at the same time, it will feel more tired when running


1、 Running state running state is similar to mood, if the mood is not beautiful, the work efficiency of a day will be reduced; similarly, if the running state is not good, the running efficiency and training quality will be reduced


If you change to another sunny and low temperature day, maybe kawauchi Youhui won’t have a chance


In this environment, the body is relatively difficult to operate, and only the humidity is 50% – 65% is the most suitable for exercise and play


Some runners will miss running especially if they don’t run for a period of time




Human is a constant temperature animal, the normal temperature is maintained between 36.5-37.2 degrees, higher than 37.2 degrees means that in the morbid, will lead to metabolic and physiological dysfunction


At this time, the body’s catabolism rate is the lowest and the anabolism effect is better, which is conducive to the gradual recovery of energy and substances consumed during running


Therefore, the impact of running motivation on running state is also quite heavy


That is to say, the black race did not adapt to the cold weather accompanied by rain Kawauchi is especially suitable for running horses in cold environment


This process is called excessive recovery


2、 Environmental factors 1, temperature, environmental factors, the impact of temperature on running state is huge




After sleep quality exercise, sleep is an important and indispensable recovery test in order to quickly eliminate fatigue and recover physical strength


So after running training, the body gets enough rest and fatigue disappears


In the formal competition, the average downwind wind speed should not exceed 2m / s, otherwise the record created will not be recognized


If the motivation is not strong enough, I don’t want to run at all, just to complete the task, punch in and so on, then running will be a little painful


There are many factors affecting the running state, which can be divided into environmental factors, physical factors, preparation before running and so on


Do you think it’s too low? Yes, it’s so low


The most suitable temperature for a marathon is about 6-8 degrees




So in the night before running, lack of sleep time, poor quality, fatigue can not be eliminated, in the same pace running, will feel tired, and vice versa


In the 2018 Boston Marathon, the black race did not surpass the Japanese, Youhui kawauchi, because the temperature of the race was very low, only five or six degrees, and it was windy and rainy


4、 Warm up before running when running, most of the runners can’t find the state in the first 2-3km, only after 3-5km can they run out of the state, and it’s easier to run


Therefore, running in a high temperature environment will be more difficult at the same speed


The inertia of internal organs of human body is great


At the same time, I will also find that running at the same pace, sometimes it will feel a little easier, sometimes it will be a little harder


Of course, it’s good to run within 10-15 degrees when you run a marathon


So why is it easy to run at the same pace after systematic training? Here we need to use excessive recovery to explain that under the appropriate stimulation intensity, muscle glycogen will be consumed


Each of these factors will make you feel tired and relaxed at the same pace


The higher the temperature, the smaller the temperature difference between the body and the external environment, which is not conducive to heat conduction to reduce body temperature


3、 We all know that whether it is running training or other sports training, to improve is a process of training fatigue recovery retraining fatigue recovery


When the human body is in the sleep state, the excitability of cerebral cortex is reduced


If it’s over 15 degrees, it’s already quite hot


In addition, relevant studies have found that excessive recovery after exercise is based on adequate sleep


This is mainly because the warm-up before running is not enough, and the internal organs and nervous system are not fully activated and mobilized


The more motivated you are to run, the more involved you are and the more focused you are, the easier it will be to run


When the human body enters into intense exercise from a relatively quiet state, the muscles can quickly enter the working state


However, the internal organs such as respiration and circulation can not play the highest function level quickly, and the working efficiency is not high


Relevant studies have pointed out that the temperature is 40 degrees, the relative humidity is 30%, the temperature is 30-32 degrees, and the relative humidity is more than 80%


Environmental factors: temperature, wind speed, humidity, etc.; physical factors: fatigue status, sleep quality, running motivation, etc.; training status: whether the warm-up before running is sufficient, whether the respiratory and nervous systems are activated, etc


Then the next time you run at the same pace, the body’s dominant ability will be stronger and it will be easier to run


Because of strong motivation, they often feel in good condition


After appropriate recovery, the consumed muscle glycogen reserves in the body will exceed the original amount, and the exercise ability will be significantly improved


In fact, the temperature is not high on the coming Huangmei day in the south, but it’s very hard to run


The more intense the exercise, the greater the consumption, and the exercise ability will decline due to fatigue


It’s because the humidity is very high, which affects the heat dissipation


The impact of wind speed on running is obvious


Too high air humidity makes it difficult for human body to sweat and affects endurance performance; too low humidity makes people feel thirsty


It will be relatively easy to run with the wind, and it will be relatively difficult to run with the wind


click ☝ Every runner wants to run more easily and faster


By KingWay