The following diagram shows the relationship between the arm and hand muscles


Biceps brachii on the arm is mainly used to lift the arm (shoulderflexion), elbow flexion (elbow flexion) and forearm supination (turning the palm up)


Flexor carpi force the palm backward, alternating arm pain numbness, as a warning signal issued by the nervous system, often belongs to a fatigue response


Usually, the muscles that connect the neck and trunk at the proximal end, such as levator scapula, superior trapezius or scalenus, provide energy for the upper limb belt


If your arm is numb and sore, the evaluation of fascia is the most important, because your pain is caused by strain and over tension of fascia


Body numbness indicates that body fatigue has reached a “turning point”


☕☕☕ Today’s Xiaobian selected 5 movements to help you relieve arm and shoulder and neck pain: action 1: wrist extensor standing posture, one hand arm straight, palm down and back, the other hand assisted to stretch wrist extensor action 2: biceps brachii stretching standing posture, both hands arm extension, flipped thumb upward, continued extension action 3: five fingers exercise, hands extend, force to open five fingers, clench fist again, alternate, heavy Repeat 50 times action 4: dumbbell wrist flexor both hands hold dumbbell, wrist flexor force drive palm backward action 5: wrist extension wrist flexor both hands grasp the load, straight forward, wrist extensor force drive palm forward


Not only that, the gear (1-15) and time (1-60 minutes) can also be effectively controlled on the app, and there is a power prompt, which is very considerate


However, at the same time, the slowly stiffening muscles will also limit the neck movement and make the cervical vertebra more comfortable get stuck


As the latest product, Zhixiang can control fascia stickers through smart phone app


Subscapularis is responsible for humeral adduction, internal rotation and shoulder stability


You can see that the pain is in the yellow line, and the tendons of these muscles extend all the way to the fingers


Reduce tension, relieve spasm, strengthen the muscle exercise of antagonistic muscles, and promote the fascia to restore balance


If we continue to insist, the excitability of nerves and muscles will drop precipitously, and the body state will also be affected


Ipermove intelligent fascial patch has built-in tens low frequency pulse technology to help local circulation of fascia and relax tense muscles and fascia


For real person product evaluation, please click ↘ For more product details, please click below to purchase the product to get lifelong sports rehabilitation consultation service, add rehabilitation assistant, and answer questions one-on-one for you at any time


Therefore, they will need the help of these muscles during exercise


When the body repeatedly maintains the same type of posture for a period of time, if it continues to work when the muscle is tired, or does not match with other sports and stretching, it is easy to make the body tense Get up


No matter in training or competition, I believe many runners have experienced this kind of feeling – “numbness in the arm”, sometimes completely losing normal consciousness


Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate which fascia caused you and which muscle is damaged


Although the arm has a swing, it is basically a natural and mechanical swing with little force (except for the time of full sprint), and the fatigue of the arm muscle is also far less than that of the leg

. compression toe socks

In muscle relaxation mode, there are multiple site choices; in injury rehabilitation mode, there are multiple symptom choices; in pain control mode, there are site and pain level choices; in fascia release mode, there are symptom and verification choices


So, why do you feel numb first when your legs don’t respond? Today, let’s analyze the phenomenon of arm numbness during running


The figure below shows the connection between the finger muscles and the forearm muscles in more detail


The muscle of the arm in the picture below is always tense, and the arm is closely related to the muscle group of the hand, so it seems to be the muscle strain of the arm, but in fact it is the strain of the wrist and finger muscles


The function is more comprehensive, the choice is more abundant, and the operation is more humanized


Even if they are tired for a long time, they will be compensated by other places


The following picture is very clear


By KingWay