I don’t know how many times I’ve heard such complaints as running injury and knee injury It is reasonable to say that if running is bound to get hurt, the longer you run, the more serious you should be? But if you ask, you will know that it is because running makes your body better that people have persisted for such a long time and never suffered from any injury


Running in this way, the problem comes to the door


Losing weight and improving immunity are primary goals


Running, the smooth hip, can provide us with more labor-saving mechanism, so we need to train the strength of the hip I hope every runner who has read this article can jump out of the chain of disdain and pay attention to strength training


Don’t say that “running is so simple, just walk and run at will.” After all, no matter what, there is an iron rule in sports circles that will not change: people who have no awe of sports are the most vulnerable


When running, the core of stability can help us not do useless work, only use energy in the forward direction, so we need to train abdominal strength


The special strength training movements of runners are closely related to running


If you understand the reason why runners must practice special strength training, you will also understand that running and strength training are never antagonistic


Source: This is Gudong.


It turns out that special strength training for runners is different from traditional fitness

. calf sleeves running

The circle runners despise the bulky “big muscle bullies” and think that the training is more for the sake of good-looking, rather than really like sports


Why is running the same, but the impact is different? A forerunner who has been running without injury for 8 years, calmly revealed this secret to dongniu – a runner’s real maturity starts from paying attention to strength training


You don’t have a rest seven days a week, and you just run


A mature runner pursues a lighter and more harmless running experience or better performance, which cannot be separated from the protection and assistance of muscles


At this time, the knowledgeable runner reminded him: have you ever set a rest day for running? Have you ever done special strength training in the interval between running and rest? What? Strength training for running? 02 “disgust fitness circle” those training flashy “running circle and fitness circle, from a very early start, a little water and fire can not be allowed


Challenging himself is the meaning of sports


He thinks that his physical fitness is too poor, and he also thinks that he will run another five kilometers tomorrow


When running, strong single leg support can make us run steadily every step, so we should train single leg strength


There are so many fancy trainings, but they are not for others to see? Like running, it’s so good to simply take a picture of your own happy sports! Never thought, the original run after the white period, but also around the strength training this ridge


01 “I didn’t know so much at the beginning, but I just ran!” At the beginning, relying on his good health and young age, he was also the hot-blooded teenager who only looked at the amount of running and clocked in the circle of friends every day


First, the posture is not good-looking, then the muscles are sore, and then they are more and more sleepy, and they can’t raise their spirits


Dongniu often hears fitness people around her share their daily routine: today’s exercise of pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi, and tomorrow’s exercise of gluteus medius and legs are basically divided according to the muscle groups of the body


“Run 10km! Cool With a screenshot of the sports record, you will have a full sense of achievement


By KingWay