Sedentary bone injury: neck shoulder and back pain


In fact, there is only one word to explain the harm of sitting for a long time: move






It’s best to be able to get up and walk


Eight ways to avoid the harm of sedentary elderly ligaments began to ossify, muscle ductility worse, bone degradation, the overall function is declining, “people must move to live.”


02, sedentary sad: heart function decline, sedentary will lead to slow blood circulation, will make the heart function decline, cause myocardial atrophy


Sedentary: dizziness and dizziness


06, sedentary lung injury: affect the cardiopulmonary blood supply, sedentary exercise is small, the lungs can not get effective exercise, will affect the cardiopulmonary blood supply


Vascular injury caused by sedentary: arteriosclerosis, long-term sedentary, reduced fat burning, increased cholesterol, may block the heart and blood vessels, increase cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases




“Ten people with nine hemorrhoids” can easily lead to hemorrhoids by keeping sitting for a long time


In addition, the blood circulation of abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity and lumbosacral region is not smooth, and the intestinal immune barrier function is decreased, which increases the risk of colon cancer


Even sitting, you can bend, lift your shoulders or take a deep breath to reduce muscle tension




Sedentary injury to the pancreas: when the diabetic cells are in idle muscle, the pancreas reacts slowly and easily produces more insulin, leading to diabetes




Adding a cushion on the back can reduce the pressure on the waist and not cross your legs


Without national health, there will be no well-off society in an all-round way! 2.15 treat all diseases from the liver! (too much benefit) 2.14 who said that old people should eat less meat? Doctors appeal: two kinds of meat should not be taboo, eat too little can not 2.13 hand a change, is the liver in distress! Often eat 4 kinds of food, press 2 points, nourishing liver and protecting liver, dispelling fire and relieving depression 2.12 Spring Festival everyone loves it, eat one = drink 5 spoonfuls of oil! Do you have a table? 2.11 is dumpling boiled in hot water or cold water? A lot of people make mistakes 2.10 cold from the foot, disease from the sole of the foot! A person who likes to sigh is easy to be targeted by nodules and tumors: 6 symptoms of self-examination, countermeasures for protecting liver and body? Is it self-control or illness? Yesterday’s question: what are the main aspects of the relationship between heart and liver? Answer: blood, spirit and emotion




In the population over 50 years old, the prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis is doubling in 10 years


Healthy China is everyone’s responsibility


Everyone should reduce their sedentary time, especially to avoid more than 90 minutes


Sitting on a hard chair with a back, raising one leg until the leg is sour, and then changing another leg, you can exercise the quadriceps femoris, which you seldom exercise


Today’s question: why do sedentary people hurt their lungs? Official account: two daily attendance daily at the Bloomberg hall public number, and the official account of the blogger hall, the first day of the day, and the product is being punched


In daily life, especially in sedentary or standing for a long time, when the lower limbs are sore and weak, we can use the method of tiptoe to keep fit


Click the small speaker above to listen to the lecture of Mr


It can also lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain, which can damage the brain


You can change it to a slightly stiff seat


Even if you walk at snail speed, you burn twice as many calories as if you’re sitting


The World Health Organization has long listed “sedentary” as one of the top ten leading causes of death and disease


Australian researchers found that people who sat watching TV for more than four hours a day had an 80% increased risk of death from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and a 46% increased risk of death from other causes compared with those who sat watching TV for less than two hours a day




Of course, more intense exercise is better


You can put the elbows on both sides


Old friend Hongyou, please share the note


Sedentary blood circulation slows down




08, sedentary stomach: loss of appetite sedentary easy to cause gastrointestinal peristalsis slow down, digestive gland secretion of digestive fluid reduction, loss of appetite and other symptoms, aggravating abdominal distension, constipation, dyspepsia and other digestive symptoms


Emphysema, infection and other common pulmonary diseases in the elderly are mostly related to the decrease of lung function


Neck shoulder and back in a tense fixed position for a long time will not only lead to poor local blood circulation, but also lead to neck shoulder and back stiffness, acid swelling pain, headache and cervical spondylosis




If the chair is too soft, it may press the prostate


It is manifested as body fatigue and mental fatigue, and dizziness and other symptoms




For the middle-aged and old people suffering from arteriosclerosis, sedentary blood circulation is slow, which can also induce myocardial infarction and cerebral thrombosis


Sedentary, calcification accumulation in the artery, cause arteriosclerosis, every day more than 1 hour, the risk of coronary atherosclerosis increased by 12%


Sedentary intestinal injury: the intestinal and gastric peristalsis of sedentary people with colon cancer is weakened, and the harmful components are easy to stay in the colon, stimulating the intestinal mucosa


Sitting for more than six hours a day may increase the risk of premature death, with women at a higher risk, according to a new 14 year study of 120000 people published by the American Cancer Society on pulmonary embolism


The incidence of arthritis in fitness runners is 3.5%, while the incidence of arthritis in sedentary people is 10.2%


The harm of sedentary is not only knee injury, but also head to foot injury


Sedentary: it is very close to the death of the movement, suffering from head to foot


Sedentary, calcification accumulation in the artery, cause arteriosclerosis, every day more than 1 hour, the risk of coronary atherosclerosis increased by 12%


Brain injury caused by sedentary: the blood is concentrated in the lower limbs when the sitting posture is kept for 1 hour, the circulation function is weakened, the blood supply to the brain is insufficient, the oxygen is deficient, the dizziness is easy, the mood is low, and the thinking vitality is reduced, which is even an important factor of Alzheimer’s disease


Knee osteoarthritis is the second highest disability disease in the world


Long term sedentary increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 112%




Is it surprising to see this data? Every day I sit and brush wechat, watch TV, eat, read newspapers and play cards At the end of the day, it seems that the body is very relaxed, but over time, the joints will be as rigid as rusty machine bearings


In China, knee osteoarthritis is one of the common diseases, the total prevalence rate is as high as 15.6%


Correct sitting posture: keep the right sitting posture, keep the back straight, and the shoulders naturally droop


The first day is 30 days, and daily attendance is a gift.


In order to avoid sitting too long, it is recommended to take a short rest, about 20-30 minutes each time


The prevalence rate of knee osteoarthritis increases with age






Walk frequently


Because the contraction and compression of the muscles at the back of both legs when standing on tiptoe will promote the blood return of the lower limbs of the exerciser, accelerate the blood circulation, and prevent varicose veins of the lower limbs


Academician Wang Longde talks about modern health problems guide the masses to learn health knowledge and change their lifestyle and behavior


New friend Hongyou, please close the note


Long term sedentary, reduced fat burning, increased cholesterol, may block the heart and blood vessels, and increase cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases


Healthy China starts from me


By KingWay