After the marathon, the hidden secret


Writing / wicker editor / wicker production / macondor running research lab do you have the same experience? Every time you run in the second half of a marathon, you are often overtaken by older men


You try to keep up with their speed, but you find that you can’t do what you want, so you stop eating


Often at this time, always sigh, uncle is uncle, or the old man is powerful! In fact, this is because: you have not reached the best age to run a marathon, and you are not old enough


At the beginning of any city marathon, if you pay attention to the competitors around you, you will find that the majority of middle-aged and elderly people, at least 30 years old or above, are in the majority


It can be said that marathon is a middle-aged sports


So, how old is the best age to run a marathon? Research has pointed out that 28 may be the best age for human physical fitness


But the reality is that most of the top marathoners don’t reach their peak until they are 30 years old


In the field of professional sports or competitive sports, generally speaking, old age means to be eliminated, but on the contrary in the marathon, the older the age, the more advantage


The reason, in addition to the middle-aged and elderly people can endure more hardship, but also from the characteristics of Marathon sports


Marathon is not a bowl of “youth rice”


Mature experience can make players accurately control the “heat” in the competition, maintain a balanced psychological state, formulate and implement reasonable strategies; mature technology can make the cooperation between the athletes’ nerves, muscles, cardiovascular, respiratory system and other parts more coordinated and tacit, so as to reduce unnecessary energy consumption The positive effect brought by the improvement of running economy is enough to make up for the decline of physical fitness caused by the growth of age


Take a look at the top 10 men’s marathoners in the history of men’s marathon


Most of them can still reach the peak at the age of 30-35 and create their own best record


This is the world track and field website, the top 15 men’s marathon ranking: Xiao Bian sorted out the age when they ran their best results, as shown in the figure below


After reading the figure, we have to admire beckler’s persistence in the marathon: it can be seen that seven of the top 10 athletes were over 30 years old when they ran Pb, while most of the top 15 athletes under 30 years old stood out in the past two years The rising stars are also in the period of competitive prosperity, and are likely to refresh the all horse Pb in the future


In addition to men, top women’s marathoners also have such a phenomenon of “old age”: among the top 15 women’s marathoners in history, 10 are aged 27 or above


It can be seen that among the top 10 men’s and women’s marathoners in history, most of the men’s marathoners are 30 to 35 years old, while the women’s marathoners are densely distributed between 27 and 35 years old


According to the statistics of track and field magazine, among the top 50 male and female marathoners in the world in 2001, 17 (34%) are male and 16 (32%) are female, 23 (46%) are 26-30 years old, 19 (38%) are 21-25 years old, 10 (20%) are 13 (26%) are under 20 years old, 0 (0%) are under 20 years old and 2 (4%) are male and female


It can be seen from the above table that the proportion of male and female marathoners over 26 years old in the top 50 in the world is as high as 80% and 70% respectively ! You may say that the top 15 of the world marathon are basically African athletes


What about Asian and Chinese athletes? Let’s take a look at the top 10 Asian men in history, who are dominated by Bahraini and Japanese athletes


By contrast, they are younger, mostly 25-30 years old


There are only two over 30 years old, namely, Hassan Abbas of Bahraini, the current Asian marathon record holder, and Shoucheng Takaoka, the former Japanese national record holder


We can also see that many of the Japanese players on the list are the best in the long-distance race in Japan in the past two years


At present, they are also in full strength, and a new record can be expected in the future


Compared with the top 10 Asian women in history, the age of masters is slightly more than 27 years old, which is similar to that of women in the world


Chinese marathoners are much younger than world marathoners when they make achievements


However, when they are 30 years old, they seldom see the names of Chinese marathoners


In the top 10 Chinese men’s history, only Dong Guojian is over 30 years old, worthy of the title of “China Marathon evergreen tree”! Women are even younger


None of them are over 30 years old, only three of them are over 25 years old, most of them are under 25 years old, and three of them are only 18 years old


At the age of 27 or 28, it’s almost the time for foreign marathon runners to make achievements and break records, while most Chinese marathon runners retire during this period


There are few excellent marathon athletes over 30 years old


In the United States, however, there is another situation


For example, many top women athletes often return to training after they get married and have children


The more they fight, the braver they are


They still make amazing achievements in their 30s


Top 10 men’s and women’s history of American Marathon: in sports, if absolute strength, flexibility, maximum speed and other “young people’s advantages” will gradually decline with age, the experience and skills accumulated in training will rise with age, then the intersection of the two should be the best age for athletes


Marathon is a sport that needs to be accumulated over the years


Due to the long distance and long time of marathon, it is more a test of the endurance of physical fitness and the patience of athletes


For marathon runners, it takes time for them to increase their physical conditions, such as endurance and VO2max, to cultivate their will, and to accumulate their experience and skills


They also need years of systematic training to reach a certain degree of maturity


As a result, they are generally older when they achieve excellent results


African marathoners, such as kipchogg and Becker, retired from the field race at the age of 267 and began to compete in marathons


For the vast majority of African runners, their income will be greatly reduced if they retire from running and enter the society


Marathon running is their strong point


They can earn money in various competitions, which is also the main source of income


For Chinese athletes, with better national economic conditions and rich employment options, even if they retire, they can still find a job with relatively stable income, or win gold and silver in many marathon competitions and become bonus hunters


Different social environments create different life plans


This is a little superficial understanding of Xiaobian


Maybe there are other reasons


You are welcome to add


How old is the golden age for an amateur to run a marathon? For amateurs, many of them only usher in their own Pb season after the age of 35


If you maintain long-term endurance training, your aerobic ability can be maintained at a high level for a long time


Through a long period of research, foreign sports experts have found that for a runner, whether he is a professional athlete or an amateur runner, the age of 35 is a watershed, and he has a chance to reach the peak of his running career before the age of 35


In a survey of 300757 runners, scientists found that after 35 years of age, even with the same level of training, runners’ athletic level will drop by 10.5% to 14.8% every ten years


But don’t be too discouraged for runners who are over 35 years old, because it doesn’t mean you don’t have a chance to do well


For the world-class players, their potential has almost been exploited to the extreme, so it is inevitable to decline.


By KingWay