By the way, if you are overweight, it’s not recommended that you take running as the main weight loss exercise


After a period of exploration and learning, we really started the process of losing weight


You can run five kilometers a day


At the beginning of exercise, there was such a problem


If you don’t know how to protect yourself, it’s hard to stick to the rhythm of weight loss


So what should we do first? Running is a good way to lose weight


If you keep running five kilometers every day, you will lose weight naturally


Sufficient warm-up exercise gives the body enough preparation time, which can reduce the probability of injury in running to a certain extent


However, with the growth of our running time, the proportion of fat consumption is gradually increasing


Here’s to share some opinions about running posture: the correct posture for running should be to land on the sole of the foot


After running, you can drink a can of coke


Running was very tiring, but there was no progress, which made people collapse


In fact, this is very normal


This is also the reason why many people recommend aerobic exercise after strength training


It’s very inappropriate


Many people think so, but when we really start training, we will find that the problem is not so simple


Weight loss running is suitable for landing on the sole of the foot


First, don’t use too much force at the beginning


In addition, the arm vibration should not be too large, and try to keep your body stable It’s easy to strain and sprain if you don’t live


After all, running increases the heat consumption and reduces your calorie intake, so the calorie gap should be well achieved


When you are panting and sweating, fat may only account for a small part of the energy supply


Of course, we should pay attention not to over diet


When we start running, the body will burn fat all the time, but at this time the body only consumes a small proportion of fat, so many people run more than 10 or 20 minutes a day without any change


Then today’s running can be regarded as useless work


In our daily life, we not only need to avoid drinking drinks with high sugar content, but also have to limit our staple food intake


Fourth, to lose weight, you must control your diet


On the other hand, warm-up exercise can help the body consume part of glycogen in advance, which is of great benefit to fat burning


When we run for 30 to 40 minutes, the proportion of fat consumption has exceeded 70%, which is the best time to burn fat


Do not use heel landing, which will affect your brain


Second, there is not enough warm-up exercise


If it is to land on the tip of the foot, it is suitable for sprinting


Only after glycogen consumption for a period of time, the body fat will account for a larger proportion of energy supply


If you do some simple warm-up exercise before running, you can improve the efficiency of fat burning, and the benefits are not limited to this


Recently, many friends are discussing such a problem, how to lose weight quickly? Spring is coming, summer is not far away, and it’s the season of dew meat


Three meals must not be less


The third point is that there is not enough stretching after exercise


Master these four skills, adhere to the daily exercise, will naturally be able to harvest a better body, but still hope you can learn some other weight loss sports, can help you lose weight faster, also can pass the platform period faster..


Although glycogen can not be consumed, reducing the reserve of fast energy can improve the efficiency of fat burning


Then some people may ask, what is the relationship between stretching and weight loss? The reason is very simple, most people’s running posture is not standard, and running is training to support self weight, so running will inevitably cause some damage, once fatigue accumulated, the body can’t bear to eat, I once because of this, rest for half a month


Only after glycogen reserves, a fast energy source, have been consumed for a period of time, can fat consumption be relatively considerable


Running increases the heat consumption, but drinks with higher sugar content increase the intake of calories


It’s easy to understand, that is, every time you run, you shouldn’t run as fast as you come up


To put it simply, there is no leg pressing process after exercise


We can understand that at the beginning of excessive exertion, the body consumes more glycogen reserves


Now we must start to exercise and lose weight


It is understandable that there is no change in weight after running for one month, but why there is no weight loss after running for three months, and even the appetite has improved


By KingWay